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1、 河南科技大学课 程 设 计 说 明 书课程名称 电气控制技术 题 目 交通信号灯PLC控制系统的设计 学 院 车辆与动力工程学院 班 级 农电092 学生姓名 王晨光 指导教师 高春艳 日 期 2012年6月28 摘 要 交通信号灯的出现,使交通得以有效管制,对于疏导交通流量、提高道路通行能力,减少交通事故有明显效果。为了实现交通道路的管理,力求交通管理先进性、科学化。用可编程控制器实现交通灯管制的控制系统,以及该系统软、硬件设计方法,实验证明该系统实现简单、经济,能够有效地疏导交通,提高交通路口的通行能力。分析了现代城市交通控制与管理问题的现状,结合交通的实际情况阐述了交通灯控制系统的工作



4、出了PLC在交通灯系统中的实际应用。关键词: 交通灯;PLC;程序;设计Stoplight PLC control system designAbstract The emergence of traffic lights, so traffic can be effectively controlled, for ease traffic flow, increase road capacity and reduce traffic accidents have remarkable results. In order to achieve traffic management, advan

5、ced traffic management sought and scientific. Programmable controller with control of traffic light control system and the system software and hardware design, proved that the system simple, economic, effective in easing traffic congestion, improve traffic junction capacity. Analysis of the modern u

6、rban traffic control and management status, combined with the traffic situation described the traffic light control system working principle of a simple and practical urban traffic light control system PLC design. Programmable Logic Controllers position in industrial automation is extremely importan

7、t, widely used in various industries. With the development of technology, programmable controller features more sophisticated and smaller, low cost, high reliability, in the modern industry in a more prominent role. PLC programmable logic controller is a microprocessor-based, integrated computer tec

8、hnology, automatic control technology and communication technology from a new type of industrial control devices. It has a simple structure, convenient programming, and higher reliability, has been widely used in industrial processes and control of the location. According to statistics, the programm

9、able controller is the most widely used industrial automation equipment in a device. Experts believe, PLC will become the primary means of industrial controls an important infrastructure and one of, PLC, robotics, CAD / CAM will be the three pillars of industrial production. As the PLC with the use

10、of environmental adaptability features, while its internal timer resources are very rich, the current widespread use of progressive precise control of lights, in particular the control of multi-fork can be easily achieved. Therefore, the PLC is now increasingly used in traffic lights system. Meanwhi

11、le, PLC itself with communications networking, will be the same signal on the road to form a unified LAN, scheduling management, vehicle traffic can reduce the waiting time to realize the scientific management. As the PLC with the use of environmental adaptability features, while its internal timer

12、resources are very rich, the current widespread use of progressive signal for precise control, particularly control over the fork can be easily achieved. Therefore, the PLC is now increasingly used in traffic lights system. While some also introduces touch-screen simulation of vehicle traffic crossi

13、ng lights flash and the very image of the PLC to show the traffic light system in practical application.Key words:Traffic lights;Program; design 目 录摘 要IAbstractII1 绪 论11.1 概述11.2 可编程控制器的简介21.2.1 PLC的应用21.2.2PLC的特点31.2.3 PLC的结构和工作方式41.2.4 PLC编程语言51.3 设计的主要内容62 PLC控制系统设计概要72.1 设计的基本原则和内容72.2 设计的步骤和实现过

14、程83 交通信号灯控制系统的硬件设计93.1 交通信号灯的控制要求及对象103.2 交通信号灯的控制时序103.3 PLC硬件控制电路的设计123.3.1 PLC的选型123.3.2 I/O配置表133.3.3 PLC控制电路接线图134 交通信号灯控制系统的程序设计134.1 STEP7编程软件的概述144.2 交通信号灯程序设计过程144.2.1 PLC的状态转移144.2.2 交通信号灯程序设计步骤144.3 交通信号灯的PLC程序15课程总结26参考文献1 1 绪 论1.1 概述 据一项对美国主要城市交通状况的调查显示:1982年至2000年,美国城市在上下班高峰期间的交通堵塞状况不断




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