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1、逃出公文包房间攻略目录第一篇: lightbulb escape walkthrough逃出白炽灯房间攻略第二篇:逃出整洁的宿舍攻略第三篇:逃出乡村酒吧攻略第四篇:公文包第五篇:未上锁的房间手机游戏原创第一章攻略更多相关范文正文第一篇: lightbulb escape walkthrough逃出白炽灯房间攻略 lightbulb escape walkthroughclick the lampshade - there is a lightbulb, but it is too hot to takenote the door has a space to enter a code clic

2、k the book on the table, and see it needs a keywhile zoomed in on it, get the spade symbol fromthe card turn rightget the first coin from the front right leg of the table zoom in on the portrait of shakespeareget the second coin from the bottom left corner of the frame (very bottom of the screen) wh

3、ile zoomed in, get the star from his collarzoom in on the table note the hint about mirror images of babieswhile zoomed in, get the moon from the nearest left table leg (very bottom of the screen) go right in the color bars scene, take the third coin from the bottom of the screen (not zoomed in) get

4、 the fourth coin from above the curl of the bottom right corner of the right picture get the first lightbulb from the bottom corner of the room - resting on the flooryou can click the picture on the right wall to change the colors of the barsdo so and get the hammer solution belowgo rightzoom on the

5、 plantget the clover from the middle of the plant - up right of the blank space in the center of the leaveswhile zoomed in, get the second lightbulb from the base of the rightmost bottom leaf zoom in on the panel on the wallplace the moon, star, clover, and spade in the holes and get the spoon and l

6、arge key zoom in on the potted plant againuse the spoon in the dirt on the left side of the pot for the scissorsturn around (go left or right 2 times)zoom in on shakespeare againuse the scissors in the upper left corner of the painting (hopefully a reproduction!) and get the third lightbulbzoom in o

7、n the wooden tablesee the slightly darker wood on the edge above theback right leg?use the hammer there for the small key go leftzoom on the book on the deskuse the large key and read the clueswhile in the book, get the fifth coin from the bottom of the left pagego leftuse the small key on the blue

8、doorenter the 4-digit codeget the sixth coin and the fourth lightbulbgo rightunscramble the coin letters to make a word (use an anagram solver such as http:/wordsmith.org/anagram/ if you need)get the tricky fifth lightbulb from the back ofthe in the new room, get the cloth from the bottom ofthe stai

9、rs back upuse the cloth to get the sixth lightbulb from thelampplace the lightbulbs in the holders on the leftthe stairs will become colorful. click the stairs and learn that if you click them in the right orders, the bulbs will light. light all the bulbs to escape!(seems to be trial and error)solut

10、ion to the colored barsthe you need to recreate the left colors in the right frame, but they are mirrors so you have to reverse the order (a hint was the reversed babies/storks from under the table). so make the right color on the left mirror the left color on the right one.solution to the 4 digit c

11、odethe book on the table will have 2 pages with people in them (they might be 2 pages with the same person, but that is okay). the hint under the wooden desk had baby plus baby. google the people to find out their birthdays and add the years. mine was for thomas alva edison - born in 1847 and mother

12、 teresa - born in 1910 = 1847+1910=3757第二篇:逃出整洁的宿舍攻略逃出整洁的宿舍权威攻略!1. 床上边两个赤色小盒子,左边一个内里拿到白色钥匙,右边内里一个赤色信封,打开信封内里有灰色的钥匙。2. 下面床上枕头下面拿到白色纸团。3.第一个红色小盒子正上方的抽屉里拿到电池,右边柜子里拿到手电筒。4. 用白色钥匙打开中心柜子拿到吹风机。5. 右边衣柜里边拿到黄色钥匙,打开衣柜中心的小柜子,拿到密码箱。6. 灰色钥匙打开雕塑下边的柜子,看到一只大雁图案,那是密码箱右下角的提示,即把密码箱右下角图案改成大雁。(一样平常四个图案都是大雁,所以就不用改了)7. 雕塑额

13、头上赤色小球摘下来,放到额头中心位置,这是雕塑手中钢叉会被你拿到,再把钢叉放到脚下第四个小孔里面,这时你会看到雕塑左手心出现太阳图案(如果没有,你就在玻璃上的图案点一下,回来就看到了),那是密码箱右上方提示。8. 在雕塑阁下拿到一瓶水,把水倒在白色纸团上,用白色纸团擦拭上空有图案的瓶子,再用吹风机吹干(吹风机里要装电池),你会看到一个玄色的五角星,那是密码箱左上方的提示。9. 在门右边的地上的柜子里拿到一张彩纸,把彩纸套在手电筒上,用手电筒照墙上的有个倒v 的图案,得到末了一个提示。10. 打开密码箱,拿到钥匙,打开房门就出去啦!恭喜成功通关!第三篇:逃出乡村酒吧攻略逃出乡村酒吧攻略本人独家攻略,嘻嘻1、 进入 caf 屋,点点餐铃2、 出现服务员,点她,拿到餐单3、 点餐单,拿到杯子4、 在旁边拿到药和名片5、 把药打开放到杯子里,给caf 屋中男子6、 男子倒下后取到掉在地下的包包和脖间钥匙7、 用钥匙打开包包,取到钱和卡8、 来到 bar 屋,从海报看到“ z”,这是手机锁屏密码9、 点开 bar 屋密码锁,用卡片刷机,再输入“ 1965” (从名片得知)10、 在吧台拿到密码锁,并把钱交到 waiter 手上,拿到 bank 卡11、 点画面右手边,来到另一间房间,点左手边买酒机,放入 bank 卡,选最便宜的酒12、



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