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1、初二英语教学案例设计英语组 荆华Unit 6 - Topic 3一、教学目标语 言 知 识类别内 容要求词汇fine, warn, trouble掌握helmet, light-colored, crossing, Britain, left-hand理解语法由if引导的条件状语从句If people obey the traffic rules, there will be fewer accidents.If we ride at night we should use bike lights or wear light- colored clothes.If you ride your

2、bicycle on the street, you must be careful.功能用语1.谈论交通规则和交通安全。2.谈论方向、方位。语言技能听能听懂有关交通规则和交通安全的材料,从中获取信息来补充短文或对话。说1.能根据地图用英语来表达方向或方位。2.能简单地用英语表达交通规则和骑自行车的安全规则。读1.能正确读出本单元的生词、短语。2.能理解有关交通安全等方面的叙述,并从中获取需要的信息。3.具有阅读整篇短文、获取短文大意的能力。写1.能用英语简单写出有关交通等方面的句子、对话或短文。2.能用所学语言写成语句连贯、意思准确的短文。情感态度1.具有积极参与课堂上各种英语实践活动的兴趣

3、。2.学会遵守交通规则,树立安全意识。3.提高学生的交际能力、与他人合作的能力。学习策略1.善于创设情景,在情景中提高语言交际能力,突显语言交际功能。2.在日常学习中不断开阔自己的视野、扩大知识面。3.善于分组活动,在小组中积极与他人协作,取长补短,共同完成学习任务。4.善于归纳、总结所学语言知识。二、教学过程1. Review (复习)T: Weve learnt lots of advantages in riding bicycles in Section A. Lets review it.S1: It saves money and energy. It can avoid air

4、pollution.S2: T:But are there any disadvantages in riding bicycles? Please tell us. Who will have a try?S1: It may make you tired. It is slow.S2: Sometimes its not safe.T: Bike accidents happen all the time. So what shall we do?S1: We should obey the traffic rules.S2: We mustT: Good! If we dont obey

5、 the traffic rules, it will be dangerous. So its very important for us to obey the traffic rules.2. Lead in (导入新课)1) Show pictures and learn the new words. fine, warn, trouble,helmet, light-colored, crossing, Britain, left-hand2) Ask the students to remember the new words.3) Show the traffic signs a

6、nd ask the students to discuss in groups.4) Do Exercise 1b.T: Boys and girls. When we ride our bikes, we should obey the traffic rules. If we break the traffic rules, it will be dangerous and we will get a fine. So we should learn some traffic rules and signs. Now, look at 1b, fill in the blanks and

7、 draw traffic signs.5) Check the answer.3. Learn the grammar focus (语法讲解)语法: 条件状语从句(Adverbial clauses of condition)由if 引导的状语从句,叫做条件状语从句。条件状语从句可以在主句前,也可以在主句后,但从句在前时,要用逗号隔开。在条件状语从句中,如果主句是一般将来时或具有将来含义,从句常用一般现在时表将来。也就是我们所说的主将从现。4. Consolidation (巩固)1) Corrections(改错)If you will eat too much, you will ge

8、t fat.You get fat if you eat too much.If he does more exercise, he keeps fit.He will keep fit if he will do more exercise.If he doesnt come, we are not happy .We wont be happy if he wont come . 2) Do Exercise 2, 35. Presentation (呈现)1) Listen to 1a carefully and find the answers to the questions.Why

9、 did the bike accident happen?Whats Kangkangs suggestion?Does Michael agree with Kangkang?2) Find out the useful phrases and sentences in the dialog.3) Follow the tape and mark the stress and intonation with your pencil.4) Work in groups and read the dialog.6. Do exercises. (练习)1) 根据首字母,填出适当单词2) 用所给词的适当形式填空7. Summarize and show the emotion aims. (总结并展示情感目标)



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