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1、2013-2014 Review M6Unit 4 Part 1【诵读积累】(江苏卷)实现有效的沟通,建立良好的人际关系,不仅要善于言表,更要学会倾听。请你根据下表中所提供的信息,写一篇题为“Being a Good Listener”的英文演讲稿。 为何倾听表示尊重,增进理解,建立良好的人际关系谁来倾听家长倾听孩子理解孩子,消除代沟,老师倾听学生了解学生,满足需求,同学相互倾听增进友谊,互帮互学,怎样倾听(请考生联系自己拟定内容,列举两至三点。)注意:1、对所给要点,逐一陈述,适当发挥,不要简单翻译。 2、词数150左右。开头和结尾已经写好,不计入总词数。 3、演讲稿中不得提及考生所在学校及

2、本人姓名。 Good afternoon, everyone! The topic of my speech today is “Being a Good Listener”. Only by listening to others sincerely can we show respect and promote understanding, both of which are the key to building a mutual relationship.As we know, quarrels seem not to be got rid of between parents and

3、 their children. So parents should listen to the teenagers to understand them and narrow the generation gap. When it comes to teachers, they should listen to their students more often. After all, every student needs guidance in both study and practical life. There is no doubt that teachers can meet

4、their needs in time if they know exactly whats on the students mind. Students should listen more to each other. Not only can it develop the friendship but also they can learn from each other.Personally, during listening, its impolite to interrupt the other as you like. Instead, you can ask him in ap

5、propriate time to show you are interested. Whats more, keep smiling to him or her if possible.Thank you for your patient listening! 【习作评析】II. .基础知识回顾:. 单词盘点核心速记1. _(n. ) 大使 2. _ (n. ) 受害者 3._ (vt. ) 购得;获得;得到 4. _ (adj. ) 去拿来,取来;售得5. _ (n. ) 出口,输出;出口产品,输出产品 6. _ (adj/n. ) 可供替代的;可供选择的事物7. _ (adj. ) 遥远

6、的;偏远的8. _(n. ) 慈善机构;慈善;仁爱,宽厚9. _ (adj. ) 原始的10. _ (vt. ) (尤指经过努力)获得;赢得11._ (adj. ) 麻烦的;棘手的,讨厌的12. _ (n. ) 承诺,保证;投入,奉献;不得不做的事13. _(n. ) 混乱,杂乱 14. _(n. ) 同事 15. _(n ) 空着的;(职位)空缺的16. _(n. ) 住所;藏身之处17. _(n. ) 全体员工18. _(n. ) 障碍,隔阂;屏障,障碍物19. _(n. ) 口译工作者,口译译员联想串记构词记忆(根据提示写出相应的词汇及其派生词)1 n& v缺乏 for缺少 adj.缺乏

7、的be _in缺少2 adj.志愿的;自愿的,主动的 n 志愿者 to do自愿做3 n手段,方法 用这种方法4 n住所;藏身之处;v.保护;躲避shelter sb. .保护某人免于5think 回想think 仔细考虑think oneself独立思考6 n描写(文字),形容,说明 v描写7 adj.政治的;政府的 n政治_ n政客8 vi.& vt.扩展,发展(业务);扩大,增强 n扩展9 紧急的,紧迫的 v催促 n紧急10 n饥饿;挨饿;饿死 v挨饿 adj.挨饿的11. _ adj. 贫穷,贫困 _n.贫穷,贫困 12. _ v协助 _n协助 _ n协助者 _ 13. _ vt拥有,

8、占有,获得 _ n拥有;拥有物;个人财产;14. _ vt 犯罪,做错事; _ n犯罪,做错事;承诺,许诺;投入,奉献15.词义辨析:fetch_ carry_ take_ bring_ 16. 一词多义: Not all men are equal in ability._ Two plus two equals four. _ No one equals him in strength._ In spelling she had no equal._ 17 / / adj.值得的;有价值的. 短语互译1. 但愿 ;要是。就好了 2. _ 在。的保护之下 3. _ 混乱 4. _ 担当此角色

9、 5. _ 在网站上查找它 6. _ 逃向 7. _ 创建一个临时诊所 8. _ refer to 9. _ only if 10._ break down 11. _ make a difference,12. _ solve political conflicts 13. _ language barrier 14. _ promote respect for human rights 15. _ acquire materials . 句型透视1.George is going to talk about the geography of his country, but Id rath

10、er/wish he _ (更多地聚焦于文化) more on its culture.2I am pleased to have this chance today to talk to you about the United Nations,or the UN,as _ ( 这个名称更常用)。3Instead of sand blowing everywhere,there is mud and water ,everywhere_(使出行变得异常困难)。4.It is_ (在联合国的庇护之下) those poor Africa countries can get rid of the

11、ir poverty.5. l am very happy to _( 被选为联合国的) a Goodwill Ambassador for them Part 2. 单词拼写1. Please make sure that all the machines are o_ correctly.2. We need to organize a campaign to increase peoples a_ of how important a healthy diet really is.3. On Teachers Day, the Mayor came to our school and h_ some teachers with special awards.4. In Africa, shelter and a_ to food and clean water are big problems.5. This article r_ to a terrible story widely spread in the area.6. He



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