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1、四川省绵阳市2016年中考英语试卷第一部分:英语知识运用(共两节,满分20分)第一节:单项填空(共20小题,每小题1分,满分20分)从(A、B、C、D)四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑1.Jason likes _ shape of the cakeIt is _ heart()Athe; a Ba; the Cthe; the Da; a2.It is a good habit of _ to read something before going to bed()AI Bme Cmy Dmine3.He was born in Germany,but he

2、has made China his _()Afamily Baddress Chouse Dhome4.What did you get for your birthday,Tony?An iPad4,_ my aunt()Ato Bfrom Cwith Dfor5.Do you want to be healthy?_Smiling can help you stay healthy()ASmile BSmiling CSmiles DSmiled6._is the boy with a pair of glasses?My brother,John()AHow BWho CWhere D

3、What7.My mother is ill in hospitalI have to _ my grandparents at home()Alook for Blook at Clook up Dlook after8.Anita,where is your brother?He _ out in the garden with a group of kids()Aplays Bplayed Cis playing Dhas played9.Dont you see the sign“No Parking!”on the right?Sorry,I _But now I know park

4、ing here is not right()Adont Bdidnt Chadnt Ddoesnt10.My father caught a big fish this morning,but I caught a _ oneI feel great!()Asmaller Bbiggest Cbigger Dbig11.Driving in the mountains can be very dangerousYou cant be _careful()Aso Bvery Cmuch Dtoo12._ can you finish your homework?In about an hour

5、()AHow long BHow soon CHow often DHow far13.Would you like some tea?_()AYes,please BThe same to youCMe,too DMy pleasure14.Could you tell me_?At nine oclock,in ten minutes()Ahow will he leave Bwhen he has leftCwhy he is leaving Dwhen he will leave15.Is Mr Brown driving here?Im not sureHe _ come by tr

6、ain()Amay Bshall Cneed Dmust16.Our classroom is so cleanIt _ every day()Ais cleaned Bwas cleaned Ccleans Dcleaned17.How do you like the concert given by EXO?Exciting,_ one piece of the music wasnt played quite well()Athough Bbecause Cso Dand18.I dont want to go shopping_,I havent got any money()AThe

7、n BHowever CBesides DInstead19.How kind you are!You always do what you can _ others()Ahelp Bhelping Chelps Dto help20.I prefer movies _ me something to think about()Awhich gives Bthat gives Cthat give Dwho give第二节:完型填空(共2小题,每小题10分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从短文后各题所给的(A、B、C、D)四个选项中选出能填入相应空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑21(10分

8、)(2016绵阳)Deb and Sara were sistersThey lived with their parents on a farm deep in the countrysideGrowing up in the countryside gave them so much (21)As children they were never bored because there was always (22)to do on the farmEvery day they would (23)up early and help their parents feed the cows

9、before schoolIn the evening,after they had finished their homework,they would work in the fields until the sun went downWeekends were their favorite time(24)they could have picnics in the country and,when the weather was really (25),go camping21Apity Btrouble Cfun Dpride22Anothing Beverything Csomet

10、hing Danything23Astand Bmake Cgrow Dwake24Abecause Bso Calthough Dbut25Awarm Bgood Ccold Dbad26(20分)(2016绵阳)Noah is only 13 years old,and hes a heroHe has helped his (26)out of a fireOn 10thMay,Noah was at home aloneSuddenly he heard someone (27)“Fire!Fire!”He ran (28)He saw a lot of smoke from next

11、 doorHe went in and saw his neighbor,the 79yearold MrsSmith,in the kitchenShe could not get out because she had hurt her (29)Anything could happen to her at that momentNoah (30)ran back to his flat and poured water over his jacketThen he (31)into MrsSmiths kitchen to save herThere was a lot of smoke

12、 and the fire was very hotBut he was not scaredHe (32)the fire with a blanket and helped MrsSmith outThe fire burnt Noahs neck,arms and faceAs a result,he was (33)for a monthMany people visited him and brought him flowers and presents“What a (34)young man!”they saidNoah was (35)that he helped MrsSmi

13、th“We should help each other,”he saidNoah also said,“Fire can be very dangerousIt is important to be careful with fire”26Aneighbor Bclassmate Cteacher Dfriend27Asaying Bsinging Cshouting Dmentioning28Aupstairs Bdownstairs Cinside Doutside29Ahand Bshoulder Cleg Dear30Acarefully Bquickly Cproudly Dslowly31Arushed Bjumped Cwalked



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