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1、M3U2 Grammar Exercises1._ surprised me most was the news _ our team won. A.That;that B.What;which C.What;that D.That;which2.This is the only book _ I want to read. A.which B.that C.what D.as3.The reason _ I am so late is _ the bus. A. that;I didnt catch B./;that I missed C.why;because I have missed

2、D./;because my not catching 4.The problem _ has been completely settled. A.which you thought B.that you thought C.about which you thought it D.that you thought about5.Is this the taperecorder you wish _? A.to have it repaired B.to repair it C.to have repaired D.repairing6.The electric toy _ last mon

3、th has gone out of order. A.I bought it for him B.which I bought to him C.I bought for him D.that I bought to him7.His head soon appeared out of one of the second storey windows,_ he could see nothing but tress. A.from which B.from where C.where D.from there8.Every minute _ full use of to study our

4、lessons will do our students good. A.which makes B.that is made C.that made D.what is made9.Will it be two months _ we can get another one? A.that B.when C.before D.in which10.After graduation we should go _ our Party needs us most. A.to the place which B.in which C.that D.where11.There is a popular

5、 belief among parents _ schools are no longer interested in handwriting. A.who B.whose C.that D.which12.He lent me a lot of money,_ I couldnt buy the TV set. A.with it B.for which C.without which D.by which13.Water power stations are built _ big water falls. A.which are B.which has C.where there hav

6、e D.where there are14.The direction _ a force acts can be changed. A.how B.which C.towards D./15.Was it yesterday _ you received the letter from her? A.when B.which C.on which D.that16.In the end she decided to sell the house _ windows were almost broken. A.which B.that C.of which D.whose17.That _ y

7、ou lent me wasnt _ I wanted. A.that;all B.which;all C.that;what D.which;that18.Each time _ they met,they would talk long hours together. A.during B.which C.where D./19.This is the third week _ for the rubbish. A.that they didnt come B.they arent coming C.they havent come D.when they havent come20.On

8、 the desk _ a Chinese brush _ he had made drawing. A.lay;with which B.lies;by which C.laid;in which D.lay;on which21.Well never forget the days _ we spent on the seashore. A.during which B.in which C.when D./22.The beautiful church _ we see there is very famous. A.the tower which B.of whose tower C.

9、the tower of which D.of which tower23.The 11th Asian Games,_China won 183 gold medals,was held in the autumn of 1990. A.which B.that C.at which D.at that24.The only thing_is wrong with this is_a friend of mine said to me the other day. A.which;what B.what;that C.that;what D.that;which25.Who is he ma

10、n _ is talking with John? A.which B.who C.what D.that26.The farmer uses wood to build a house _ to store grains. A.with which B.to where C.which D.in which27.I really dont know _ I had my pocket picked. A.where was it that B.it was where that C.where it was that D.was it where that28.He insisted tha

11、t he _ right in doing that. A.should be B.was C.would be D.is29.Have you heard from Mary recently? Yes,she said she was thinking _ she should do next. A.that B.of what C.what D.how30.Can you guess _? A.who that man is B.who is that man C.what is that man D.whom that man is31.Tom told his aunt that h

12、e _ what he was doing during the time when he was in the country. A.had just asked B.had just been asked C.was just asked D.just asked32.The reason_she gave for not being present was_the heavy snow prevented her coming. A./;because B.why;because C./;that D.why;whether33.Air is to us _ water is to fi

13、sh. A.what B.that C.which D.is that34.The free ticket will be sent to _ comes first. A.whoever B.whomever C.whosever D.no matter who35._ is still unknown when the president will make a public speech. A.It B.That C.He D.What36.I dont know _ is _ I was born. A.that;when B.that;what C.that;where D.what;where37.It is generally considered unwise to give a child _ he or she wants. A.however B.whatever C.whichever D.whenever38.Father made a promise_I passed the examination he would buy me a bicycle. A.that B.if C.whether D.that if39


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