年人教版英语高一必修二Unit 3 Computers期末知识梳理含测试及答案

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1、2020年精编人教版英语资料人教新课标版高一必修二Unit 3 Computers期末知识梳理一、训练导入I.考纲单词写出下列考纲词汇的词性和汉义(如果不止一个词性学生自行增补词性及相应汉义) 1.operator2.revolution 3.solve 4.reality 5.personal 6.total work 8.explore9.anyhow 10.goal 11.happiness 12.download 13.signal 14.appearance 15.characterII.核心短语1from then_从那时起2_a way 在某种程度上3_the help of 在

2、的帮助下4_a result 结果5deal_处理;安排;对付6watch_看守;监视;7have.in_有共同之处8whats_而且9get_集合;聚集10make_补足;整理;拟补11work_作为而工作12_size 按面积计算13_high quality 质量好14_ones interest in培养对的,兴趣15give_捐献,泄漏16pick_挑出,认出17.pay attention_注意18go_时光流逝;19consist_由组成20_ones own 属于某人自己的二、知识精讲I.重点词汇 1. sum n. 金额; 款项; 总数; 总和典例1). He was fin

3、ed the sum of 200. 他被处以200英镑罚金。2). The sum of 5 and 3 is 8. 5加3的和是8。重点用法in sum简言之; 总而言之sum sb/sth up形成对某人某事物的看法 2. advantage n.优点;优势;有利条件典例 1). He has the advantage of a steady job. 他有工作稳定的有利条件。2). They took full advantage of the hotels facilities. 他们充分利用旅馆的设备。重点用法take advantage of 对加以利用;欺骗to sb.s a

4、dvantage 对某人有利have /get/win an advantage over (of)胜过;优于3. goal n. 球门;进球得的分;目标典例 1). He headed the ball into an open goal. 他乘虚把球顶入球门2). We won by three goals to one 以三比一获胜。3). Youd better set a goal before you start. 开始前最好设定一个目标。重点用法score/kick a goal 得踢进一球得一分keep goal守球门life goal/ ones goal in life生活

5、目标achieve / realize ones goal实现目标4. signal n. 信号, 手势, 声音, 暗号 v. 发信号; 用信号传达; 用信号与通讯典例 1). A red light is usually a signal for/of danger. 红灯通常是危险的信号。2). He signaled (to) the waiter to bring the menu. 他示意要服务员把菜单拿来。 重点用法signal to sb/sth for sth 用信号传达(某信息); 用信号与(某人)通讯signal with用发信号5. arise vi.(arose, ar

6、isen)出现; 发生典例 1). A new difficulty has arisen.出现了新的困难。2). Accidents arise from carelessness.疏忽大意往往会引起事故的发生。重点用法arise from /out of由引起;由产生II.重点词组 1. in common 共同的;共有的;共用的典例I have nothing in common with Jane. 我和简毫无共同之处。短语归纳have nothing in common 无共同之处 have little in common 几乎无共同之处have something in comm

7、on 有一些共同之处 have a lot in common 有许多共同之处2. in a/one way 在某种程度上, 从某种意义上说典例 1). In a way, his English has improved. 从某种程度上来说, 他的英语有进步。2). Shes been through a bad patch recently. 她最近经历了一段困难时期。短语归纳in the way 造成阻碍 on the/ones way (to) 在(去)的路上by the way 顺便提一下 in no way 决不all the way 自始自终;完全地in this way 用这种

8、方法与in a way同义的词组有in one way 和in some ways。3. watch over 看守; 监视; 照看典例 1). Could you watch (over) my clothes while I have a swim? 我游泳时你看着我的衣物行吗?2). He felt that God was watching over him. 他感觉到上帝保佑着他. 短语归纳watch out (for) 当心; 注意watch for sb./sth. 观察等待keep a watch on 监视 under the close watch 在严密的监视下4. ma

9、ke up化妆;化装;捏造,虚构(故事,诗等)典例1). She spent an hour making (herself) up before the party. 她在聚会前化妆用了一个小时。2). Stop making things up! 不要胡编了!短语归纳make up for补偿be made up of = consist of由组成make for有利于,有助于;走向;冲向make it及时赶到,办成功make it up和解;讲和make known使知晓;传达make out理解;懂得;辨认出III.重点句型 1. By the1940s工had grown as l

10、arge as a room, and I wondered if I would grow any larger!到20世纪40年代,我已经长到一个大房间那么大,我不知道我会不会继续长大。解释 1). as large as“有大”,后面常加数词例如:This playground is as large as 500squaremeters这个操场有500平方米那么大。2). I wondered if“我不知道(奇怪)是否”,是一个常见句式,常用于口语,表示一种委婉或客气的语气。例如:I wondered if you would mind giving me a hand.2. How

11、ever,this reality also worried my designers可是这个现实也困扰着我的设计者们。 解释 however adv尽管;尽管如此,可是;仍然。表示转折;可放在句首、句中或句尾,但用逗号隔开。例如:I meant to go abroad last year. However, I changed my mind later.我本打算去年出国,但是后来改变了主意。三:语法突破:现在完成时的被动语态的结构和用法概念表示在过去某个时候发生的被动动作一直延续到现在,且该动作的结果对现在造成影响,此时用现在完成时的被动语态。They havent been told

12、the exciting news yet, have they? 他们还没有被告诉这个令人激动地消息,对吗? 现在完成时被动语态的构成现在完成时被动语态的肯定式。由“have has been 及物动词的过去分词”构成。Her motorbike has been stolen.她的摩托车被盗了。He has been sent to work in the factory.他已经被派去在那个工厂工作。All the offices have been linked by computer.所有的售票处由计算机联网工作。现在完成时被动语态的否定式。由“have has notbeen 及物动

13、词的过去分词”构成。The task has not been finished yet.任务尚未完成。She has not been told about the matter.没有人告诉她这件事。They have not been heard from.没有收到他们的来信。现在完成时被动语态的一般疑问式。由“Have Has 主语been及物动词的过去分词”构成。Has her work been finished?她的工作完成了吗?Yes,it has是的,完成了。Have the cars been repaired?这些汽车修好了吗?No,they havent不,还没有。现在完

14、成时被动语态的特殊疑问式。由“疑问词havehas主语been及物动词的过去分词”构成。例如:How long has her work been finished?她的工作完成有多久了?Who has been helped by the new computer?谁已经得到了这台新计算机的帮助?How many new words have been learned by the students?这些学生已经学会了多少单词?What has been bought by Tom?汤姆已经买了什么东西?Who have been helped by the new computer?谁已经得到这种新计算机的帮助?Where has the car been


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