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1、小学英语期末“模拟测试”一、 阅读理解(10分)Hello, I am Chen Jie . I am a student in Class 5,Guangming Primary (小学) School. There are forty-five students in my class. Our class is on the first floor. Look! Miss Wang is coming. She is our English teacher. Its 9:00 oclock now. Its time for English class. Miss Wang is a b

2、eautiful teacher. We like her very much. She wears a colourful dress today. Its very pretty. My mother has such a (这样一件) dress, too. Its very expensive. Its 100 yuan. 请你来判断,对的写“T”,错的写“F”1. 9 oclock is for English class. ( )2. There are 55 students in my class. ( )3. Mrs Wang is our Chinese teacher.

3、( )4. We like our English teacher. ( )5. The dress is not cheap. ( )二、按要求写词。(10分)1. let us (缩写形式)_ 2. theyre (完全形式)_2. no (同义词)_ 4. U (同音词)_5. those (单数)_ 6. fish (复数)_7. boy (对应词)_ 8. I (宾格)_9.short (反义词)_ 10. four (同音词)_11. eye (同音词)_ 三、单项选择。(10分)( ) 1. The library is _ the third floor. A. at B.on

4、 C. in( ) 2. Its 10 p.m. Its time to _. A. go to bed B. get up C. watch TV( ) 3. Its _ turn now. A. my B. mine C. me( ) 4. _ you have a library. A. Do you B. Is C. Are( ) 5. What are these? -_ A. Yes, they are. B. Is C. Are( ) 6. Thank you for _ me with my classes. A. to help B. help C. helping( ) 7

5、. This T-shirt is 1000 yuan. -Thats too _. I cant afford (承担) it. A. expensive B. cheap C. pretty( ) 8. Tomorrow is Sunday. Lets go _. -OK! A. fish B. to fish C. fishing( ) 9. Can you play football with us now? -Sorry, _. I must (必须) finish (完成) my homework first. A. I can B. I cant C. you cant四、根据汉

6、语提示,完成短文(10分) Its _(天气晴朗的). I wear my _ (T恤衫) and a pair of sneakers. We go to a farm. Whats this? Oh! Its a _ (梨) tree. There I can see many _ (鸭子). Are these _ (马) ? Yes, Oh! Its a beautiful farm. Ill take photos.五、根据所给的情景选择正确的语句。(10分)( ) 1. 早上在学校碰见Miss Li, 应该说:_ A. How are you? B. How do you do?

7、C. Good morning, teacher.( ) 2. 当你想知道对方会不会骑马时,应该说:_ A. Can you ride a bike? B. Can you ride a horse? C. Can you ride a car?( ) 3. 当同学夸你的裙子漂亮时,应该说:_ A. Thank you. B. Oh, no, no. C. Dont say that.( ) 4. 当你向对方请求帮助时,应该说:_ A. Excuse me. B. Thanks a lot. C. Can you help me?( ) 5. 当你想问伦敦的天气怎么样,应该说:_A. What

8、s the weather like in London?B. Whats the weather like of London?C. Whats the weather like on London?六、情景交际。(10分)( ) 1. 如果你在公园里玩,碰见一个外国人,你怎么才能和他把话说到一起?你说: A. What a beautiful day! B. How are you? C. Nice to meet you!( ) 2. 别人称赞你的上衣漂亮,你应该说: A. Thank you! B. Thats OK! C. No, my coat is not beautiful.(

9、 ) 3. 如果你想问对方来自哪里,你应该说: A. Where do you live? B. Where are you from? C. Whats your name?( ) 4. 向别人表达“我感冒了”时,应说: A. Im cold. B. I have a cold. C. Im cool.( ) 5. 当你想问别人纽约现在的时间,应说: A. Whats the time in New York? B. When time is it in New York.C. What time is at New York?七、翻译下列句子。(10分) 1. I like the whi

10、te sweater and the green skirt. _. 2. How many students are there in your family? _. 3. I want to buy a pair of boots. _. 4. The rabbits like carrots. _ 5. I have to close the window. _.八、从下列选项中选择恰当的语句。(10分) A. I have a new toy car. B. Good afternoon. C. How are you? D. What colour are they? E. How

11、much is it.( ) 1. 当你想知道同学新买的鞋子的颜色时,你说:_( ) 2. 当你买了一件新玩具车,你告诉同学们说:_( ) 3. 当你想知道同学的新衬衣多少钱时,你说:_( ) 4. 下午上学的路上,你遇见了老师,你说:_( ) 5. 你碰见了好几天没见面的朋友,你说:_九、从II栏中找出与I栏句子相对应的答语。(20分) I II ( ) 1. How are you? A. Im Lucy. ( ) 2. Lets go to the park. B. Its a book in it. ( ) 3. Whats your name? C. Fine, thank you. ( ) 4. Good night. D. Yes, she is. ( ) 5. Look


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