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1、 九年级(上)期中英语试卷 题号IIIIIIIVVVIVIIVIIIIXX总分得分一、单词拼写/单词释义(本大题共4小题,共12.0分)1. 你们觉得Spud是个天生的篮球选手吗?_2. 令我惊讶的是,一开始,因为他的身高他是被拒绝的_3. 他无法想象他的生命没有篮球_4. Spud的故事总是使我想起梦想与成功_二、单选题(本大题共15小题,共15.0分)5. Whenhewas_universitystudent,hedreamedofbecoming_NBAplayer()A. an;aB. a;anC. an;anD. the;an6. -Haveyouevernoticedyourso

2、n_muchharderbefore?-YesHeseldomgoesoutatweekends()A. toworkB. workedC. workD. works7. -Ourmonitor,LinTao,keepsallhisthingsingoodorder-ThatstrueHesso_,andweshouldlearnfromhim()A. creativeB. generousC. modestD. organized8. MycomputerisbrokenIwanttohaveit_assoonaspossible()A. repairedB. repairingC. tor

3、epairD. repairs9. -Whichcolourdoyou_,redorpurple?()-RedIthinkitlookslovely_meA. prefer;onB. prefer;inC. wouldrather;inD. wouldrather;on10. Ithink_notdifficult_readingEnglishloudlyeverymorning()A. that,keepB. its,keepC. that,tokeepD. it,tokeep11. DuringtheWorldCup,somepeople_atnighttowatchthegames()A

4、. wakeupB. getupC. stayupD. makeup12. -Howdoyoulikethesetwocoats?-TheydontfitmeTheyare_toobig_toosmall()A. notonly;butalsoB. both;andC. neither;norD. either;or13. Colourscanmakeus_orsad()A. tofeelhappilyB. feelhappilyC. feelhappyD. tofeelhappy14. FatherwaswatchingTVinthelivingroom_motherwascookingin

5、thekitchen()A. whileB. afterC. untilD. assoonas15. -Hehardlyspentanytimeonhissubjects,_?-_,sohedoesbadlyinhislessons()A. didnthe;YesB. didhe;YesC. didnthe;NoD. didhe;No16. Weneverdoubt_youwillhavea_future()A. that,successfulB. if,successfulC. that,successD. whether,success17. TomhasdifficultyChinese

6、soheasksmehelp()A. tounderstand;withB. understanding;ofC. tounderstand;forD. understanding;for18. -TherewillbeaconcertintheCityTheatrethiseveningButIdontknow_-Its20 minutesbyunderground()A. howlongittakesB. howtogetthereC. howfaritisD. howcanIgetthere19. -IamafraidIhavetogiveupmydreamsofbeingasinger

7、-_Nodreamistoobigandnodreameristoosmall()A. DontloseheartB. YourewelcomeC. YoumustbejokingD. Youcantafford三、完形填空(本大题共10小题,共10.0分)The umbrella is a very common objectIt keeps the(20)and the sun off the peopleMost umbrellas can be folded up折叠so it is (21)to carry them However,the umbrella has not alwa

8、ys been as(22)as it is nowIn the past,it was a symbol of importanceSome African countries still use umbrellas in this(23)Someone carries an umbrella and walks behind the king or important person Umbrellas are very oldPeople in different parts of the world began to(24)umbrellas at different timesThe

9、Chinese had them more than 3,000years agoFrom there,umbrellas(25)to India and EgyptIn Greece and Rome,(26)wouldnt use themThey believed umbrellas were only for women England was(27)the first country in Europe where common people used umbrellas against rainThe weather there is very(28)and umbrellas a

10、re very useful Everybody uses umbrellas todayThe next time you(29)one,thinking that for centuries only great men and women used them,youll feel you are important people,too20. A. rainB. couldC. airD. water21. A. lovelyB. cheapC. hardD. easy22. A. lightB. heavyC. commonD. special23. A. wayB. sizeC. r

11、easonD. place24. A. discoverB. useC. examineD. discuss25. A. walkedB. travelledC. rodeD. flew26. A. childrenB. parentsC. menD. women27. A. probablyB. alreadyC. suddenlyD. immediately28. A. sunnyB. rainyC. snowyD. windy29. A. sellB. returnC. borrowD. carry四、阅读理解(本大题共12小题,共24.0分)AWater SafetySwimming,

12、 diving and sailing are all great fun, and many people are in and on the water in the summer months But be careful- the water can hold many dangers tooSwimming Dos and DontsSailing Dos and DontsDo stay away from boats Motors are dangerousDo keep looking around so you know where you areDo swim with o

13、ther peopleDont jump or dive into unknown water There could be rocks under the surfaceDont swim in the darkDo put on a life-jacketDo put things away carefullyDo watch out for other boats and swimmersDont have too many people in the boat It could sink!Dont act in a silly way in a boat30. You shouldnt _ in a boatA. put things away carefullyB. be aloneC. watch outD. jump up and down31. Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the passage? _ A. SwimmingB. ClimbingC. DivingD. Sailing


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