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1、辽宁省大连市一三中学2018-2019学年高二英语下学期期中试题(无答案)第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题,每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。AKnowing what to do at checkout and properly preparing for it can turn a potentially heated situation into a quick thank you and goodbye. Below we made a list of five things you should rem

2、ember at hotel checkout.Dont be late to checkHotels may add an extremely high price for being just a half hour late. If you know you wont make the cutoff time, it never hurts to call ahead and try to negotiate away a potential charge.Dont forget to double check the room and safeMake sure you dont le

3、ave things behind. If you have an early flight or checkout time, pack up as much as you can the night before so that last-minute rush isnt too annoying. Also, be sure to take out anything in the room safe.Dont forget to tip the housekeepersIts always polite to leave some money for the people keeping

4、 your room clean.Dont ignore the detailed billYou may be in a rush, but give the detailed bill a careful look to see if the hotel charge is different from the rate you initially booked.Dont get angryShouting at the assistant manager standing behind the front desk probably wont help when dealing with

5、 an unexpected item on the bill. Think about how difficult it can be to deal with annoyed customers. Keep calm and things may be solved(解决) better and sooner.21. The hotel will charge you more money if you .A. check before cutoff timeB. do not call the hotel aheadC. are late in checking outD. negoti

6、ate with the clerks22. Which of the following does the author suggest doing?A. Leaving something behind.B. Being sure to keep the room clean.C. Tipping the housekeepers to show respect.D. Doing the pack-up as early as possible.23. What is the purpose of the last paragraph of the passage?A. To sugges

7、t a way to solve problems properly.B. To provide more information about the hotel.C. To show the uneasiness of assistant managers.D. To protect customers from unnecessary dangers.24. In which section of the magazine can you probably find such a passage ?A. Fitness.B. Nature. C. Lifestyle.D. TravelBE

8、milia Dobek traces her interest in space and the universe back to third grade when she and her father watched a blood moon-a total lunar eclipse (月蚀)-on the roof of their house.Now a seventh-grader at East Prairie Elementary School, Dobek recently won the national Discovery Education Lockheed-Martin

9、 Beyond Challenge by designing a space station for travelling to Mars.She says that night watching the lunar eclipse started a strong desire in her that has yet to run out of fuel. So when her teacher Andrea Smeeton received information about the national challenge, Smeeton said she immediately had

10、one student in mind.“I knew she would love the challenge and that she would go way beyond in her search,” Smeeton said. “She immediately started researching bone density (密度) of astronauts and how to have food on Mars.”“My design will ensure the safety of the astronauts but also make sure their comf

11、ort is out of this world,” Dobek says.Dobeks design calls for building the MSS or Mars Storage Station to put the supplies in. It also includes the SGF or Self-Crowing Farm, and she details how it would work with the elements on Mars.Then there is physical and leisure activity for the astronauts und

12、er Dobeks design. A simulation (模拟装置) allows astronauts to choose their exercise machine and virtual (虚拟的) reality environment. Rooms have circular ceilings so astronauts will be able to watch downloaded shows and even see places on Earth, such as their homes.“I want to tell other kids to follow the

13、ir passions.” Dobek said. “Whatever they want to do, they should push for it and always try their best.”25. Dobek first became interested in apace when .A. she was still a seventh-graderB. she studied at a junior high schoolC. she lived on the top of their houseD. she watched an eclipse of the moon2

14、6. Smeeton recommended that Dobek take the challenge because .A. she was sure that Dobek would have outstanding performanceB. she had no other students interested in MarsC. Dobek knew how to research bone density of astronautsD. she knew Dobek liked challenges in life 27. What does Dobek focus on wh

15、en designing the space station?A. The environment on Mars.B. The safety of the supplies.C. The activities for astronauts.D. The comfort of the astronauts.CIt is generally acknowledged that young people from poorer socio-economic backgrounds tend to do less well in the education system. In an attempt

16、 to help the children of poor families, a nationwide program called “Headstart” was started in the US in 1965. A lot of money was poured into it. It took children into pre-school institutions at the age of three and was supposed to help them succeed in school. But the results have been disappointing , because the program b


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