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1、 能指论文:索绪尔符号理论在英语词汇教与学中的应用【中文摘要】自从人类文明诞生的一刻起,关于符号本质的讨论就从来没有停息过。符号的内部构成到底是怎样的?这个问题吸引了许许多多伟大的哲学家、语言学家,然而他们的讨论最终似乎都没有形成一个完整的系统,直到语言学家索绪尔编写了语言学教程一书,这本书的出版最终将这些关于语言本质的讨论汇成了一门独立的学科。关于语言的本质,很多著名学者提出过他们的见解。其中,最为著名的要数索绪尔的二分法和皮尔斯的三分法。词汇学习在外语学习中起到了非常重要的作用。因此,许多关于词汇教学的研究和实验不断展开,试图寻找到更加有效、实用的方法来帮助语言学习者更好、更快地记忆单词。



4、,而不是单纯的概念,将更有益于建立持久、实用的联系。合适的语境会加强能指与所指间的联系。论文共分为五部分。第一章是引言,介绍了本研究选题的背景、以及意义。第二章回顾了索绪尔的符号理论,重点集中在索绪尔对语言本质的理解和对语言价值的论述,另外还包括了后人对索绪尔理论的讨论和发展。在第三章中,主要假设被提出。其他有关实验的信息,如实验,被试介绍,实验过程等也一一列举。第四章集中分析实验所得数据,并根据数据得出结论。第五章,总结全文。【英文摘要】The discussions about the nature of signs had never stopped since the day huma

5、n civilization was born. In spite of the attention from many great philosophers and linguists, the discussions had not found an accordant direction until the day Saussure finally guided the discussions to the way to an independent discipline.About the nature of sign, many great scholars put forward

6、their own understandings, among which the most famous ones are Saussures dyadic model and Pierces triadic model.It is very important for a foreign language learner to acquire enough vocabulary knowledge. Because of its importance, many studies had been carried out to find more efficient and workable

7、 methods to help students learn new words faster are carried out. The paper tries to find such a method by applying Saussures theory of sign and linguistic value theory into the practical English vocabulary teaching and learning.Saussure revolutionarily proposes that the linguistic sign should be a

8、two-sided entity in nature. And he uses signifier and signified as the linguistic terms for sound-image and concept respectively. He emphasizes that signifier and signified actually exist as the components of a sign, and in no case can either of them appear alone. The appearance of one should defini

9、tely call for the appearance of the other. Only the combination of both of them can be called a sign. A single sound-image is completely meaningless unless it carries a corresponding concept, vise versa. It is impossible to find a totally formless signified either.Another important theory put forwar

10、d by Saussure as a part of synchronic linguistics is Linguistic value. It is the last thing that can be missed if anyone wants to have an accurate account of Saussures theory of sign. Saussure believes that the value of a sign works when it has other simultaneous presence of the other signs. But con

11、cept, is just an abstract component of a sign whose task is to work together with its counterpart, sound-image, to differentiate the sign that carries them from the other ones.So, the paper assumes that one of the reasons that some of the students can not memorize English vocabulary efficiently is t

12、hat oversimplified English-Chinese vocabulary list and mechanical learning mode make student link merely English signifier (sound-image) and Chinese signified (sound-image), therefore makes the connection very vulnerable and unserviceable.Based on the Saussures sign model and language value theory a

13、nd the supports from cognitive science, the following hypotheses are put forward:Conscious or unconscious awareness of the existence of concept in the learners mind can make the establishment of the connection between English sound-image and Chinese concept more natural.At the first stage of learnin

14、g a word, if the students learn the value of a word, instead of the concept, it will make the connection more durable and workable.A proper context can strengthen the connection between sound-image and value (or a concept. The concept shows here because for some proper nouns, their value is almost e

15、qual to their concept in the nature).In a word, this paper tries to explore a possible access to an effective and easy way of acquiring English words according to Saussures sign theory and hopes just in case that the forthcoming results could be a positive support for Saussures theory.The paper cons

16、ists of five chapters. It begins with an introductive chapter including general theoretical background, aim and significance of the study. Chapter Two is an overall review of basic sign theory of Saussure with focus on the nature of sign and linguistic value theory. Besides, further discussions and development about Saussures theory are also included in this part. Chapter Three plays a vital role in the whole paper,



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