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1、第一模块 What do you want, Daming?大明,你想要什么?Whats a hot dog? 什么是热狗?Is it really a dog? 真的是一只狗吗?Thats a hot dog. 那是热狗。It looks good! 看起来很好。Can I help you? 我能帮助你吗?I want a hot dog,please. 我想要一个热狗。And I want a hamburger. 我还想要一个汉堡。And to drink? 喝什么?I want a cola. 我想要可乐。A cola for me, too. 我也要可乐。Thats two ham

2、burgers, a hot dog and three colas.那是两个汉堡,一个热狗,三杯可乐。How much is it? 多少钱?Its thirteen dollars and twenty-five cents.13美元,25美分。Here you are. 给你。Enjoy your meal! 吃的愉快。What do you want to eat?你想吃什么?I want some chicken and rice,please.我想要一些鸡肉和米饭。第二模块Were going to have a picnic in the park.我们将去公园野餐。When a

3、re we going to eat,Mum?妈妈,我们什么时候去吃?At half past twelve.12点半。What time is it? 现在几点了?What are we going to do now?现在我们要做什么?Were going to walk around the lake.我们去湖边逛逛。But its going to rain soon.但是快要下雨了。 its a beautiful day。 多么好的天啊。These ducks are very noisy. 这些鸭子很吵。And theyre very hungry.他们很饿。Look! Its

4、raining now! 看!现在下雨了!Hurry! Lets go under that trees.快跑!让我们到那棵树底下去。Look! The ducks are eating our picnic.看!鸭子们在吃我们的野餐。Our picnic is wet. 我们的野餐是湿的。But the ducks like it. 但是鸭子们喜欢。When are you going to eat? 你们什么时候去吃?Were going to eat at half past twelve. 我们在12点半去吃。Its going to rain soon. 不久要下雨。When are

5、 we going to go to the park?我们什么时候去公园?Were going to go at eleven.我们在11点钟去。The weather tomorrow. 明天的天气。Its going to snow in Harbin.哈尔滨将要下雪。Its going to snow tomorrow.明天将要下雪。Where am I ? 我在哪?Youre in Harbin. 你在哈尔滨。 Thats right. 那是对的。What are you going to do today?你今天打算干什么?Im going to go the park to pl

6、ay.我打算去公园玩。And what are you going to do then?到时你打算去干什么?Im going to play football with my friend.我打算和我的朋友们一起踢足球。And what about this afternoon?今天下午呢?Im going to rest in the bedroom.我要在卧室里休息。And what are you going to do after dinner?你晚饭后干什么?Im going to play chess and Ill be the winner!我要下围棋,我会是胜利者!And

7、what are you going to do tonight?你今天晚上干什么?Go to bed and say goodnight. 上床睡觉,说晚安。Its going to rain on Thursday.星期四将要下雨。What are you going to do?你打算干什么?Im going to watch TV.我打算看电视。第三模块 How are you? 你好吗?I had a very funny day on Saturday.星期六我度过了愉快的一天。We had a picnic in the park. 我们在公园里进行了一次野餐。I am send

8、ing some photos. 我正在邮寄照片。I miss everyone in China. 我想念在中国的每个人。Please write soon. 请回信。Here are the photos. Look! 这是照片。 看!In this photo, it is raining and we are under a tree.在这幅照片里,正在下雨,我们在一棵树下。In this photo, the sun is shining. 在这幅照片里,太阳照耀着。The birds are singing in the trees.鸟儿在树上歌唱。We are looking a

9、t some ducks.我们正在看一些鸭子。They look hungry. 他们看起来很饿。And just look at this! 看这张!The ducks are eating our picnic!鸭子们正在吃我们的野餐。In this photo, the sun is shining.在这幅照片里,太阳照耀着。The birds are singing in the trees.鸟儿们在树上歌唱。The ducks are eating our picnic!鸭子们正在吃我们的野餐。In this photo, its raining.在这幅照片里,天气正在下雨。The

10、ducks are swimming in the water.鸭子们正在水里游泳。I am looking out of the window. 我正向窗外看去。I am on the train. 我在火车里。I am looking out of the window. 我正望着窗外。It is raining.下雨了。Pigs are sleeping under the tree. 一些猪在树底下睡觉。A man is wearing a big hat and a coat. 一位男士正戴着一个大帽子,穿着一件外套。They are jumping in the water. 他们

11、正在水里跳。The train is going up a hill. 火车将要上山了。Now we are going down the hill.现在,我们要下山了。It isnt raining. 不再下雨了。The sun is shining. 太阳照耀着。They are playing in a park.他们正在公园里玩。Now the train is coming to the station. 现在火车将要到车站了。I can see you!我能看见你了。The sun is shining on the sea,太阳在海面上照耀着。Shining,shining br

12、ight.照耀着,照耀着发出明媚的光。And this is strange, 但这很奇怪。Because it is the middle of the night.因为现在是午夜。The moon is shining sadly, 月亮伤心地发着光。Because it thinks the sun is wrong to be there in the sky after the day is done.因为它认为白天已经结束了,太阳待在天空上是错误的。“The sun is very bad,”it says,“太阳太坏了。”它说。“to come and spoil my fun.

13、”来搅了我的快乐。Talk about the photos.讨论一下这些照片。In this photo, were having a picnic.在这幅照片中,我们正在野餐。Youre in the park. 你们在公园里。Thats right. 没错。第四模块Wheres your mum? 你妈妈在哪?Shes at the supermarket. 她在超市。Shes buying things for your birthday.她正在为你的生日买东西。Am I going to have a birthday party?我要开生日玩会吗?Who can help me?

14、谁能帮助我呢?I cant carry everything.我不能搬东西。Sorry, I cant. 对不起,我不能。Im making Damings birthday card.我正在给大明做生日卡片。I can help you. 我可以帮助你。Thank you, Daming.谢谢你,大明。I can carry this bag. 我能搬动这只箱子。Be careful.小心点。Thats the cake. 那是蛋糕。Oh dear! The oranges are falling. 哦,天哪!橘子掉了。Simon! Come and help us.西蒙,过来帮助我们。The balloons are flying away!这些气球正在飞走!But look at the balloons.但是看这些气球。They say,”Happy birthday, Daming!”上面说:“生日快乐,大明!”Who can help me?谁能帮助我?Sorry, I cant.对不起,我不能。The balloons are flying away. 气球都飞走了。My newspaper is flying away.我的报纸飞走了。Who can help me?


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