仁爱英语七年级下册 (2)

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1、仁爱英语七年级下册Unit 8 Topic 2 The summer holidays are coming! Section A执教者:和平县下车镇下车中学 廖菊英2013年6月20日一、教学内容分析这一Section谈论暑假计划,要求学生掌握并能熟练运用表达意愿和计划的表达法。用want、plan、wish、hope、would like to进行交际表达二、教学目标:1. 引导学生掌握本Section词汇和短语:together, interest, Germany, India, places of interest2. 能正确使用表达意愿和计划的表达法“want/plan/wish/

2、hope/would/like to”进行交际3. 能听懂国家名和有关计划的对话并能够与他人谈论自己的计划4. 能积极与同学合作参与课堂活动,大胆实践三、教学重点和难点:1. Learn some new words and phrases:Travel, country, hope, together, interest, each, India, get together, places of interest2. Talk about future plans and intentions:I want to go to England.I plan to go to Australia

3、.I wish to travel around the country and take pictures.I hope to get together with them.Id like to visit some places of interest in China.3. Talk about travel plans:I wish to travel around the country and take pictures.I want to go back to Cuba.Each of us has a good plan for the holidays.四、教学方法:任务型教

4、学法、情景交融法五、教具准备:录音机、小黑板、世界地图、电脑六、教学过程:Step 1:Lead-in(Greeting)& New Words Learning1. GreetingT: Hello, boys and girls. What day is it, today?S: ItsT: And Whats the date today?S: ItsT: Oh, its July 25th. The summer holiday is coming soon. Do you want to travel?(展示世界地图,教师并扮演导游的角色引出话题。)Now, I am a tour

5、guide. Where do you plan to go? I want to go to Germany. What about you? India? Canada?(把划线单词和句子在引出时边板书在黑板上)Why?S1: I plan to visitT: I hope that we can go there together this summer holiday.(把划线单词和句子在引出时边板书在黑板上)(教师可利用世界地图的挂图,学生说出国家名称,轮流呈现,让学生跟读,加深印象。)2.(完成课文2部分)T: look at the map on Page 86, read a

6、fter the tape. Please match the country with the right letter.3.(完成课文3部分)T: Ok, now, we know where we want to go for a holiday? What about Zhou Weilun, Wang Junfeng, Tony and Zhang Ming? Listen to the dialog and check()the correct answers.(1) Where does Zhou Weilun want go for a holiday?( )Cuba.( )I

7、ndia.( )England.(2)Where does Wang Junfeng plan to go?( )Japan.( )The United States.( )Thailand.(3)Where would Tony like to go?( )Australia.( )Canada.( )Germany.(4)Where does zhang Ming hope to go?( )Germany.( )Cuba.( )England.Step 2:Presentation1.(听1a录音,找出他们计划旅游的目的地。通过听力培养获取信息、处理信息的能力。)T: There are

8、 many places of interest in China and in the world. So, summer holiday is a good time for traveling. There are four students are talking about their holiday plans, Listen to 1a, find out where they want to travel.(听一次,填表格)KangkangJaneMariaMichael(England)(China)(Cuba)(Australia)2. Listen again. Comp

9、lete the table(听第二遍,完成第二个表格问题)KangkangJaneMariaMichaelShe would like to travel to (some places of interest).She misses her (parents). She (wants to) celebrate her birthday with her old friends.It is cool. He (wishes to) travels around the country and take pictures.3. Check the answer.(学生大声跟读录音,进行人机对

10、话。)T: Now, listen again, please read after the tape, then make a dialog with the tape.4. Match the pictures with the children.(完成课文1b部分)5. Check the answer.Step 3:Practice1. Group work.(小组活动。表演1a对话。)T: After finishing it, practice the conversation in 1a with your partner with the help of the words i

11、n the form.2.(巩固并复习重点句型。在教学PPT上展示人物与地点的图片,根据重点句型进行匹配操练。)T: In 1a, there are five important sentences as follows:I want to go to England.I plan to go to Australia. I wish to travel around the country and take pictures.I want to go back o Cuba. I hope to get together with them.I would like to visit some places of interest in China.Step 4:Summary and Homework1. Learn the new works and sentences by heart.2. Finish some exercises in Section A.3. Preview Section B.


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