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1、 林肯的台阶故事英语版And I”m Barbara Klein. This week on our program, we take you to President Lincoln”s Cottage in Washington.我是Barbara Klein,这星期我们将带你去华盛顿林肯别墅。(MUSIC)VOICE ONE:Our story begins on the evening of Wednesday, September seventeenth, eighteen sixty-two.我们的故事从一个星期三的晚上开头,九月十七日,一八六二年。The Civil War be

2、tween the Union North and Confederate South is in its second year. The first major battle on Northern territory has just been fought that day a hundred kilometers from Washington. Union troops defeated a rebel invasion in the Battle of Antietam in the state of Maryland.南北战斗进入其次年,第一次在北方领土上的大战在距华盛顿一百公

3、里处打响了,在马里兰州北方联军击败了反叛者的入侵。In all, more than twenty thousand soldiers were killed or wounded. September seventeenth, eighteen sixty-two, becomes the single bloodiest day in American military history.总共有超过两万战士伤亡,一八六二年九月十七日成了美国-军事的最血腥之日。President Abraham Lincoln is fighting to keep the Southern states o

4、f the Confederacy from leaving the Union. But from his office in the White House, he must also attend to his other duties as president of the United States.林肯总统正在努力让南联盟不脱离国家,但在白宫的办公室里,作为美国总统,他还有其他事要做。VOICE TWO:Photo from around 1860In summertime, which can get very hot in Washington, President Linco

5、ln used a country house. It was about five kilometers from the White House. Each morning and evening, Lincoln rode between the two houses on horseback, unguarded.华盛顿的夏天很热,林肯住在离白宫五公里的乡村,每天早晚,林肯骑马在两处来回,没有护卫。Buildings would give way to farmland as he rode north out of the city. In about thirty minutes,

6、 he would arrive at the grounds of the Soldiers” Home.出城向北农田里有一条路,也许半小时,就可以到达士兵之家。Just inside the gate was a large house used by the president and his family. This house was on much higher ground than the White House, so the wind kept it cooler. It was also quiet - a place to think.在大门里是一栋大房子,林肯和家人住

7、在这里,这栋房子比白宫高出很多,所以更凉快,而且宁静,适合思索。VOICE ONE:A meeting, with President Lincoln third from leftOn this day we imagine Lincoln climbing the stairs to his study on the second floor. He places his tall black hat on his desk and opens a large window. He feels cooler already. He lights two lamps and sits dow

8、n at the desk.我们可以想象林肯怎样爬上他二楼的书房,他把高高的黑礼帽放在桌子上,点上两盏灯,然后坐在桌子旁。An important document that he has been writing, and rewriting, waits for him. He began working on it soon after he became president in eighteen sixty-one.一份他改了又改的重要文件在等着他,在他一八六一年刚成为总统时就开头这项工作了。Lincoln has been thinking long and hard to dev

9、elop his ideas and capture them in words. What he is writing sounds like it was written by a lawyer. He was, after all, a lawyer in Illinois before he became president. But this is different. It involves the war, the ownership of human beings and the future of the divided nation.林肯用很长时间努力把自己的想法变成文字,

10、他在写得东西听起来像是一个律师写得,究竟他在成为总统前是伊利诺伊州的一个律师。但这次不同,它包括战斗,私有制,和这个分开的国家的将来。He knows that some people will support it, some will reject it and some will say it changes nothing. It will free the slaves, but only in areas where Lincoln has no power.他知道有人会支持,有人会反对,有人会说那没有用,它将会解放奴隶,但奴隶在林肯权利达不到的地方。VOICE TWO:Slave

11、ry was legal in the Confederate States of America - the South. But it was also legal in several neighboring states that remained loyal to the Union.奴隶制在南联邦是合法的,同时在邻近的几个对北联盟忠诚的州也是合法的。Many Americans wanted Lincoln to free all the slaves. Lincoln opposed slavery. But he needed the continued loyalty of

12、those border states, like Maryland and Kentucky, or risk losing the Civil War.很多美国人盼望解放全部奴隶,林肯反对奴隶制,但他也需要邻近各州连续忠诚比方马里兰和肯塔基,否则将要冒输掉战斗的风险。VOICE ONE:Abraham LincolnThe sixteenth president looks again at what he has written. Lincoln feels that what he is doing will give the war effort new meaning. He fe

13、els that in time it will lead to the end of slavery in the United States.第十六任总统重新看了一遍他写的东西,林肯认为他所做的事会给予战斗新的意义,他感觉战斗会完毕美国的奴隶制度。On this day, September seventeenth, he has finished his second draft of the preliminary Emancipation Proclamation. Soon he will share it with his cabinet.九月十七日,他完成了解放宣言的其次稿,很

14、快他会给他的内阁看。(MUSIC)VOICE TWO:Abraham Lincoln issued the preliminary version five days later, on September twenty-second, eighteen sixty-two. It declared that slaves would be free anywhere that was still in rebellion on January first, eighteen sixty-three.林肯五天后发表了预案,一八六二年九月二十二日,公布了叛乱地区的全部奴隶将获得自由,在一八六三年

15、一月一日。The final version of the Emancipation Proclamation came on January first, declaring: “ . all persons held as slaves within any State or designated part of a State, the people whereof shall then be in rebellion against the United States, shall be then, thenceforward, and forever free . “解放宣言的最终版

16、在一月一日公布,全部各州或各州指定地区的全部奴隶,(这段不知怎么译)将永久获得自由。The document would become one of the most important in American history. The Emancipation Proclamation is in the National Archives in Washington, and it can be seen online at .这份文件将成为美国历的一份重要文件,解放宣言保存在华盛顿的美国档案馆,可以在线扫瞄。VOICE ONE:Lincoln was right that it would not be very



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