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1、英语教学设计课题四年级下册 Unit 6 Holidays(The monster) 批 注教学时数第三课时备课教师胡村镇北阳联校 王蓉丽 本课时重点1. Pupils learn to use:This is our house. bathroom, bedroom, living room, kitchen.having a bath.washing the dishes.Whos knocking.Have a nice holiday.2. Learn the story.3.了解一些西方文化,在角色扮演中发挥学生的主动性和创造性,激发学习英语的热情。4.在情景教学法中理解故事,在角色

2、扮演中发挥语言交际功能。教学环节 教师引导学生行为学习过程(结果)评价点I.热身激趣Sing a song: The animalssummer party.Sing the song.歌曲激趣II.导入故事出示故事中涉及到的动物图片说说这些动物的名称并猜一猜图片中动物的活动。Look and say.通过观察图片为故事的展开做铺垫III.理解阅读故事1.Draw a picture of a house, blue sky, sunny day.2.T: It is a big house.画出:bathroom, bedroom, living room, kitchenT: What d

3、o you see in the bathroom/bedroom/living room/kitchen?学生尝试念出单词。听说读写视都得到了刺激调动。III.理解阅读故事3.教学句子:.is having a bath.is watching TV.is/are playing table tennis. .is washing the dishes. T: Look, what a nice day! Lets have a nice holiday! Learn to say: Have a nice holiday!5.T(knock the board): Who is knock

4、ing the door? What happened?6. Open the books .Listen the story, and try to understand the story.学生四人小组互相讨论,想象并设计情景,学生可以任意扩展,发挥。1.看图理解并认读句子。2.恰当地运用语言材料,在创设的情境中进行交流,语言流畅。3.正确运用句型表达思想,语言内容尽量丰富,有一定的想象力。IV. 展示活动1.Answer the questions:(1)What do the hamster and mouse do?(2)When do the hamster and the mou

5、se come back?(3)What do they see?(4)What can you see in the bathroom?(5)What can you see in the bedroom?(6)What can you see in the living room?(7)What can you see in the kitchen?(8)What can we do? (扩展回答)(9)Who is knocking the door?Is it a crocodile?学生小组讨论并回答问题。每一列学生回答一个问题,其他小组读句子。1.同座位互相读故事,互相帮助理解故事

6、,找出不会、不懂的句子。2.Read the story fellow the tape.3.分角色朗读故事。4.小组展示故事。1.根据板书听懂故事,理解故事内容。2带着问题猜测、掌握故事主要内容,并找出问题的答案。3.了解故事的高潮和结局。V.总结评价组织学生表演故事:Act the story.小组先表演,老师转班,挑选最佳小组扮演。再让表演最佳者,分角色再次展示。1.表演故事,体会故事发展变化的过程。2.流利的进行表达故事语言。.检测及练习设计一看图猜动物 _ _ _ _二、根据故事选词填空lion, snake, fox, hippo, holiday, help, stop, hav

7、ing a bath, idea, playing table tennis, mouth, washing the dishes, watching TV, jumpThe mouse and the hamster go out for their _ . Then the _, _, _ and the _ come to their house. The rabbit cant _ them. A week later, the mouse and the hamster come back. What do they see? Oh, The hippo is _ in the bathroom. The lion is _ in the bedroom. The fox and the snake are _ in the living room. Only the rabbit is _ in the kithen. The mouse has got an _. Then the big animals hear a “Knocking”, they look at the door and see a big crocodiles _. They says “_!” and they _ from the window quickly.


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