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1、(北师大版)五年级英语上册期末检测题及答案按住ctrl键 点击查看更多小学五年级资源听力部分26%一、 把听到单词的标号填入提前括号内(6%) ( )1. A. star B. space C. sport ( )2. A. were B. was C. wear( )3. A. paint B. put C. planet( )4. A. fast B. face C. fat( )5. A. sit B. sick C. sister( )6. A. happy B. had C. have二、 听单词标号(8%) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )三、 听录音

2、,将正确句子的标号填到题前括号内。 (12%)( )1、A: They were in space. B: They were in a spaceship. ( ) 2、A: Peter came third. B: Peter was third. ( ) 3、A: I had a dream last night. B: You had a dream last night. ( )4、 A: Mocky visit Ann and Ken every day. B: Mocky visited Ann and Ken yesterday. ( ) 5、A: Whats Mocky ea

3、ting? B: What does Mocky eat? ( ) 6、A: I clean my room every day. B.I didnt clean my room yesterday. 笔试部分 74%一、英汉互译 (10%)cough vacation fast_ _breathe afraid decide_ _窗户 高的_ 做,制作 空气_ 二、读句子,在正确的单词下画“”(10%)1. Lulu_ (was, were )at Kens house yesterday.2. Mocky _ (was, is) eating an apple.3. Ann (has, h

4、ad) some milk for breakfast.4. They _ (are, were) in the park last Monday.5. John ran in the _ (first, one) race.6. Where (were, are) you last night?7. Mocky _ (do, did) a high jump last Sunday.8. Tom _ (went, goes) to school yesterday.9. Last Sunday we_ (visit, visited) a friend. 10. Ann _(clean, c

5、leaned)the window yesterday.三、连词造句(10%)1. kitchen, in, she, was, the 2. do , you, did yesterday, what 3. a, rabbit, that, is 4. dream, last night, I, a, had 5. jump, I, high, can 四、 圈出划线部分发音不同的单词。(14%)1. read cheap head please2. nice site nine sit3. late look little it4. run rain red learn 5. sit su

6、nny is see6. bike kite him like7. bean cheap please sweater五、完成下面的故事(10%)Last Monday, Ken and Ann went to a restaurant. They (sit)_at a table. Ken was very hungry. He looked at the menu. Ken (want)_a hot dog and orange juice. Ken(eat)_his hot dog quickly. It was very hot. He(can)_not breathe. He cou

7、ghed and coughed. Ann (pat)_him on the back and give him some orange juice. Soon he was better.六、根据方框中的提示,看图写句子。(8%)do her homework listen to the music play football eat a hamburger1 What did he do? .2. What did Mocky do? .3. What did she do? .4. What did she do? .七、阅读理解(12%)Ann had a dream last nig

8、ht. She was an astronaut. Ken was in her dream. He was an astronaut, to. They were in the spaceship. Then they in space. There were many stars and planets. Mars was very cold. There was no water. There was no air. There were no trees. but there were martians. They were afraid but the martians were f

9、riendly. Soon they were friends. They had fun on mars. She had a good dream. 判断正误 “”或x1. Ken had a dream last night.( )2. Ann had a dream last night.( )3. There were many stars and planets in the space.( )4. Mars was very hot. ( )5. The martians were friendly. ( )6. Ann had a bad dream. ( )答案听力部分26%

10、一、 把听到单词的标号填入提前括号内(6%) (B )1. A. star B. space C. sport (A )2. A. were B. was C. wear(C )3. A. paint B. put C. planet(A )4. A. fast B. face C. fat(B )5. A. sit B. sick C. sister(C )6. A. happy B. had C. have二、 听单词标号(8%) ( 1 ) ( 4 ) ( 2 ) (3 ) ( 8 ) ( 5 ) ( 7 ) ( 6 )三、 听录音,将正确句子的标号填到题前括号内。 (12%)(B )1

11、、A: They were in space. B: They were in a spaceship. ( B ) 2、A: Peter came third. B: Peter was third. ( A) 3、A: I had a dream last night. B: You had a dream last night. ( B )4、 A: Mocky visit Ann and Ken every day. B: Mocky visited Ann and Ken yesterday. ( A ) 5、A: Whats Mocky eating? B: What does Mocky eat? ( B ) 6、A: I clean my room every day. B.I didnt clean my room yesterday. 按住ctrl键 点击查看更多小学五年级资源笔试部分 74%一、英汉互译 (10%)cough 咳嗽 vacation 假期 fast_ 快速_breathe 呼吸 afraid 害怕 decide_ 决定_窗户 window 高的_high_ 做,制作 make 空气_air_ 二、读句子,在正确的单词下画“”(10%)1. Lulu_ was


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