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1、金融推荐信范文传真:(010)62648687传真:(010)6264868732 号和盛嘉业大厦 11 层 & 12A 层地址:北京市中关村大街 (010)68946699电话:(010)62648687传真:威久国际教育尊敬的领导:您好!首先感谢您在百忙之中阅览我的推荐信。今向贵单位推荐我系金融专业的毕业生 XX同学。XX同学从入校到现在,一直恪守“奋力攻坚志在必夺,坚定信心知难而进”这句格言在学校努力学习。同时在老师的指点下,在知识的熏陶中,在实践的砥砺上,成为了一名品学兼优的大学生。他热爱自己的专业,通过对专业知识的系统学习, 已经具备了扎实的理论功底和较强的实际业务操作能力。无论是手

2、工记帐还是应用财务软件,都可以熟练操作。在校期间主要学习的课程有:金融市场学、货币银行、基础会计、财务会计、企业管理、工商管理、保险学、国际贸易、国际金融、西方经济学、证券投资、商业银行经营学、中央银行学、投资经济学等。在四年的大学生涯中,让他学到了许多,不但牢牢掌握专业知识,还参加了学校、社会等各项活动,它不仅赋予了他强健的体魄和吃苦耐劳、不畏艰难的品格,也使他养成了严于律己,稳重而不乏激情的生活作风。 除了专业知识的学习以外, 课余时间他还努力学习基础会计、中级财务会计、 管理会计以及成本会计等一些应用性较强的知识,同时还学习和了解了经济法、 管理学、税法等一些相关性知识,通过金融专业知识

3、和财务知识的结合可以对企业财务状况的分析提出管理上的一些建议,他还熟悉数据库、金蝶和用友财务软件、熟悉计算机操作。实践是检验人才的最好途径,该生始终相信“一份耕耘,一份收获”勤奋踏实, 积极进取是他最大的优点,民主的家庭培养了他乐观、自信的性格; 十几年辗转求学的经历造就了其良好的环境适应能力,协作精神以及坚韧不服输的性格。在业余时间,该生积极参加各种社会实践活动, 在多家单位和公司实习和兼职, 体验了社会生活的艰辛,使其具备了高度的工作责任和吃苦耐劳的精神, 并很好的锻炼了交际与临场应变能力。 有很强的忍耐力、意志力和吃苦耐劳的品质,对工作认真负责,积极进取,个性乐观执着,敢于面对困难与挑战

4、。Dear Admission Officer:I write in my capacity as a tutor in the College of Finance, Shanghai Institute of Foreign Trade, to offer my remendationfor XXX. XXXattended my classesFinancialMathematics andBusiness Statistics in xx and xx respectively. The textbooks for these two courses were in English.X

5、XX was a very active student. In the Financial Mathematics class, she always participated keenly in session interaction. Students taking this course need plenty ofpracticeto get familiarwith the advanced concepts thatI teach,and so I often ask them to demonstrate solutions on theblackboardto set out

6、 theirprogress.XXX not only excelledatthis,but also was adept at guidingother less capable studentsto plete these demonstrations.After class, she would discuss a range of advanced financial mathematics questions with me -for example, how to make better use of capital when the currency growth is only

7、gradual. She expressed a lively range of opinions and municated with me fluently to express her viewpoint.XXX was equally active in my Business Statistics class. She would preview every lesson and would often share her understanding about the various topics with other students.After class, XXXcarrie

8、d out market research in the self-study center of the school, focusing on investigation into thevarious lifestyle choices of students. This required a lot of statistics knowledge, and from time to time XXX would e to meto seek guidance inthe more plex areas ofstatisticsthatshedid not fully understan

9、d.Based on her superior learning attitude, XXX was one ofthe best students in both these classes. When her classmatesasked her about academic matters,she would answer clearlyandprecisely. Once, for example, several of her fellow studentswere strugglingwith variousstatisticsconcepts justtwo weeksbefo

10、re a key examination. XXXhelpedthem to review their lessons, and pointed out theexercisesshe thoughtwould help them best forthe examination.She also asked me for suggestions to guide her advice. In theend, they allgot good marks due to her help.Tosum up, XXXwasa conscientiousand activestudentat alltimes.I believeshewould also excel in your graduate program, and I remend her aordingly.If you need any further information, please feel free to contact me.Sincerely yours,XXXInstructorSino-Canada Cooperation ProjectCollege of Finance*(学校名称)Add: *Tel: 86-21-*模板 , 内容仅供参考



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