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1、2011-2012学年第二学期期中考试 英语2011-2012学年度第二学期 八年级英语期末测试卷 命题人:张题号A 卷合计B 卷合计总分总分人复核人得分(满分:150分)A卷(100分). 语音(每题1分,共5分)。从A、B、C、D四个选项中找出其划线部分读音不同于其它三个的选项。( )1. A.pupil B.music C.husband D.future( )2. A.term B.nervous C.singer D.work( )3. A.either B.both C.think D.thank( )4. A.smart B.art C.part D.quarter( )5. A

2、.ocean B.clock C.carry D.local. 词汇(每题1分,共10分)。A) 用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空。1. There _ (be) a school meeting next Monday.2. Dont forget _ (water) your flowers.3. This is the first time I _ (be) a babysitter.4. The students often use dictionaries _ (look) up the new words.5. We have great fun _ (play) in the ri

3、ver in summer.B) 根据句意及所给汉语意思写出所缺单词。6. This is a little plant. Lets _ (覆盖) it with some plastic and _ _ (照顾) it carefully.7. I looked at _ _ _ (各种各样的) bikes on sale, but none of them can make me pleased.8. Jim _ _ (花光) his money to buy the computer last year.9. Id like _ _ _ _ (交朋友) the basketball fa

4、n.10. Look, his basket _ _ _(充满的) chocolate eggs. 语法与情景会话(每题1分,共25分)。( )1. _ Mothers Day, we can give our mother some gifts. A. In B. On C. At D. For ( )2. _ will it take me to get to the post office? It is fifteen minutes on foot.A. How much B. How long C. How far D. How soon ( )3.Where is Dick ? H

5、e _ to the reading room.A. has been B. has gone C. went D. goes ( )4. Hes given a report in class, _ ?A. hasnt he B. isnt he C. doesnt he D. wasnt he ( )5. When the car stopped, the man_ the car and went into a house.A. got in B. got on C. got off D. got out ( )6. Hi, Lin Tao, I didnt see you at the

6、 party. Oh, I _ ready for the math exam. A. am getting B. was getting C. got D. have got ( )7. Many students _ “English club” to learn English.A. became B. were C. joined D. took part in( )8. My sister is seven years old, she is _ to go to school.A. too old B. enough old C. old enough D. so old( )9.

7、 I knew nothing about it_ my brother told me.A. if B. since C. until D. because( )10. We _ a science experiment next week.A. are going to do B. did C. shall do D. do( )11. youd better _ the suger too much.A. dont eat B. not eat C. not to eat D. not eating ( )12. The candle in the jar will stop _ wit

8、hout oxygen.A. to burn B. burns C. burning D. burn.( )13. _ people lost their lives in Sichuan earthquarke.A. Seventy hundreds B. Hundreds of C. Seventy hundred of D. Hundred of( )14. The boy on the playground_ be Jack. Because is in the library.A. mustnt B. neednt C. wont D. cant( )15. They have se

9、arched the_for 4 hours for the information.A. TV B. radio C. Internet D. screen( )16. My mother hopes _ someday.A. me go abroad B. me to go abroad C. I to go abroad D. to go abroad( )17. _ is the population of China? A. What B. How many C. How much D. Where ( )18. Windows are made_ wood. A. of B. fr

10、om C. in D. into( )19. -Do you think it necessary_ us _ each other? -Of course. A. with ,to understand B. with , understandingC. for ,to understand D. for ,to understanding ( ) 20. Tom _ the radio when I came in.A. listened to B. was listening to C. listened D. was listening( ) 21. Wheres Jenny, Li

11、Ming? Oh, its hard to say. But I saw her _ a basketball game just now.A. watched B. was watching C. to watch D. watching( ) 22. Li Ming was careless and he _ his bike.A. fell down B. set C. got off D. fell off( ) 23. Jim didnt watch TV _ he finished his homework.A. before B. after C. until D. when(

12、) 24. When he saw a new watch on the floor, he stopped _.A. picking it up B. to pick it up C. picking up it D. to pick up it( ) 25. The teacher told us the earth _ around the sun.A. moves B. moved C. move D. had moved. 词语运用(共5小题,每小题2分,共10分) A) 根据下面句子意思及所给的汉语提示,写出空缺处单词或短语的正确形式。1. Changjiang is one of the longest (河流) in the world.2. Some (外国人) are visiting China.3. Do you need a cap to (保护) you from the sun.4. I (收到信件) my mother yesterday.5. The city is ( 以-闻名) its beautiful lake.B)选择动词词组,并用其适当形式填空。1. Dont keep the boy _ (wait) for a long


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