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1、in one favor有利于某人The vote went in my favor.表决的结果对我有利。go after追求,追赶Dont just go after quantity.不要单纯追求数量。consist with 与一致His actions do not consist with his words.他的言行不相符。hold back踌躇,退缩,阻止,隐瞒,保守(秘密等)No one can hold back the wheel of history.没有人能够阻挡历史的车轮。in principle理论上,大体上tell a white lie说一个善意的谎言set t

2、he stage for为某事铺平了道路see to it that 确保We must see to it that all people are equal before the law.我们必须坚持法律面前人人平等。get over克服,解决,(从疾病、失望等)中恢复,使明白He cant get over his shyness.interfere with 妨碍,干扰be meant for天生,天造地设He is not meant for a soldier and will always be unhappy in the army. 他天生不是当兵的料,在部队里他永远不会快乐

3、的。feel like doing sth.想要做某事set about doing sth.开始做某事make do with勉强对付Can you make do with these tools?你能将就用这些工具吗?but for倘没有,要不是But for music (=Were it not for music), life would be dull.如果没有音乐,人生会很无聊。be about to do sth.正要去做某事We were about to start when it rained.我们正要动身突然下雨了。add to增加,加到come about 发生in

4、 the wilderness 在野,不掌权in consequence of由于的缘故,因为In consequence of its rise in temperature the gas expands.由于温度升高,气体膨胀了。leave sb. alone别管,不理睬某人Leave that dog alone or hell bite you.不要去惹那条狗,不然它会咬你的。feel it in ones bones that 本能地感觉到I feel it in my bones that this is the right time to take action.我本能地感觉到

5、这是采取行动的好时机。have a hand in插手,参与George would like to have a hand in arranging the entertainment.乔治想参与招待会的安排工作。it hits me that我突然想到,恍然大悟It suddenly hit me that the shops would be closed.我突然想到那些商店可能关门了。keep sth.to oneself 保守秘密John knew the answer to the problem, but he kept it to himself.约翰知道这个问题的答案,但他没

6、有告诉别人。no doubt无疑的,很可能There is no doubt at all that we did the right thing.毫无疑问,我们做了正确的事情。in ones way挡了某人的路Turning the corner,we found a steep rock in our way.拐了一个弯,我看到一块陡峭的岩石挡住了去路。in advance在前头,事先,预先The cars in their shop sell well. You have to pay in advance if you want one.他们店里的车很畅销。要想买一辆,你得先付款。dr

7、ink in吸取,陶醉于Now young people drink in knowledge from books.现在年轻人从书中吸取知识。count in包括在内give sb. the axe解雇某人,断绝关系,拒绝His boss gave Tom the axe last week.上个星期,汤姆的老板解雇了汤姆。pick out选出,挑出,辨认出,分辨出pull off脱下,(成功)完成beneath notice不值得注意Such local events are beneath the notice of the largest newspapers.这类地方性事件在几家主要

8、报社眼里是不值得报道的。take sth. as it comes 顺其自然 To let go is not to adjust everything to my desires,but to take each day as it comes.放手,并不是苛求万物俱从我所欲,而是要自然、平常地对待每 一天。go through经历(痛苦、苦难等),详细检查She knew directly what it was that she was about to go through.她立刻知道,自己就要碰上的是什么事情。side with站在一边The daughters sided with

9、 their mothers.女儿都站在妈妈那-边。have on穿着,有约会,欺骗Dont take any notice of what he says,for he is just having you on.别理会他说的,因为他只是在欺骗你。attitude to/towards 态度, 看、去Whats your attitude to (towards) this idea?你对这种意见看法如何?fall into the trap of doing sth.掉入.的陷阱get in进入,收获,当选,插话She talks so much that you cant get a w

10、ord in.她讲话时滔滔不绝,你一句话也插不进去。die down逐渐消失,变弱These rumors will soon die down.这些谣言不久就会逐渐消失。burn a hole in ones pocket口袋里留不住钱pull through渡过难关He succeeded in pulling through the difficulty.他平安地渡过了难关。keep quiet about 对保密keep to遵守,信守,坚持You have to keep to your promise.你得遵守诺言。put the cart before the horse本末倒置

11、take advantage of 占的便宜,利用be ashamed of为感到害臊play ones ace打出王牌,使出绝招fall for迷恋上,上当,听信 beyond control 无法控制他无法克服羞怯。It took him a long time to get over his cold.很久以后他的感冒才好。in step with同步,合拍,协调My ideas are in step with yours.我的想法和你的一致。there is no point in doing做某事毫无意义be meat and drink to sb.让人开心的事物,是某人快乐的源

12、泉,精神寄托call white black颠倒黑白,指鹿为马in confidence私下地,秘密地Do not discuss what has been said in confidence with the other person.不要和别人私下里谈论我们说过的事情。lay down放卜,制订Lay down your arms, or we will fire!放下武器,否则我们要开枪了。root叩连根拔除,杜绝It is not easy to root a bad habit up.改掉坏习惯是不容易的。be at somebodys command听候某人吩咐,由某人支配bu

13、rn ones boats 破釜沉舟feel free to do 随意take pleasure in 以为乐She tried to be cheerful, to dismiss all care, to take pleasure in the daylight, the flowers, the baby.她试图快乐一些,把一切麻烦都不放在心上,从阳光、花儿和婴 孩身上觅取快乐。burn叩烧掉,烧毁,(使)发怒be charged with被指控犯有.罪行He was charged with murder.他被控犯谋杀罪。hang up the axe 洗手不干take ones

14、time不着急,不慌忙Now please take your time and enjoy yourselves.现在您可以慢慢吃,细细品尝了。in the mood for有的心情Are you in the mood for listening to music this evening?你今晚有心情听音乐吗?beat around the bush 旁敲侧击Dont beat around the bush, come straight to the point.请直截了当地说,不要转弯抹角。by no means 绝不This by no means the first time y

15、ou have been late.这绝不是你第一次迟到了。due to归因于,应付给的,预订Her success was in part due to luck.她的成功一部分是由于运气。cease fire 停火The two countries made a bargain to cease fire.两国做了停火的协议。speak for代表说话Facts speak for themselves.事实本身就是很好的说明。with ease不费力气地He passed the test with ease.他轻而易举地考及格了。in the air悬而未决,传播中The plan is still in the air.计划还没有定下来。break away from 摆脱What can we do to help them break away from the difficult situat



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