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1、2 English Literature in the Renaissance Period. Essay questions.1. Comment on the theme of Thomas Mores Utopia.2. Comment on Christopher Marlowes contribution to English literature.3. What is your opinion about the moral expressed in Christopher Marlowes The Tragical History of Doctor Faustus?4. Wha

2、t is the theme of The Merchant of Venice?5. What gives Shakespeare the unwavering reputation for greatness in age after age?. Define the following terms.1. Renaissance 2. Elizabethan period 3. Drama 4. Jacobean age 5. Sonnet 6. Essay 7soliloquy7. Soliloquy 8. Eclogue9. Hymn 10. Spenserian stanza 11.

3、 Miracle play 12. Interlude 13. Euphuism 14. Revenge tragedy 15. Comedy 16. Dirge17. Farce 18. Tragedy19. Tragicomedy 20. History play21. Caroline age. Fill in the blanks.1. The second period of English renaissance is also called the _period or the age of _.2. Soon after the _ was introduced by the

4、earl of surrey in his translation lf Virgils The Aeneid, and it became the standard meter for Elizabethan and later poetic drama.3. Shakespeares plays have been traditionally divided into four categories according to dramatic type: histories, _, tragedies and _.4. William Caxton is important to the

5、development of English literature in that he introduced _ into England.5. Thomas Wyatt is usually regarded as the first great English sonneteer. It is he who first used a _ for the conclusion of Sonnet practice followed by Shakespeare.6. Edmund Spenser is often referred as “the poets _”because of hi

6、s considerable influence on later poets.7. There are two kinds of allegory: those that use _, as in John Bunyans The Pilgrims Progress, and those that use a special kind of _, as in Dantes Divine Comedy.8. Edmund Spensers best-known Poem The Shepherds Calendar consists of 12 _poem or eclogues, one f

7、or each month of the year.9. Edmund Spensers Amoretti is a series of 88 _ in which he links each quatrain to the next by a continuing rhyme: abab bcbc cdcd ee. This form is usually called _.10. Generally speaking, the development of early English drama experiences three periods: religious period, mo

8、ral period and _ periods.11. _ is considered the first great English dramatist and the most important Elizabethan playwright before Shakespeare.12. Shakespeare a 154 sonnets fall into two series: one series are addressed to W.H, a young man, and the other addressed to _.13. The writings of Francis b

9、acon mainly fall into three categories: _, purely literary and professional.14. The major, or central, character of the plot is called the _; his opponent, the character against whom he struggles or contends, is called the _.15. A Shakespearean sonnet is composed of three four-line quatrains and a c

10、oncluding two-line _. Choose the best answer.1. In the English renaissance period, scholars began to emphasize the capacities of the human mind and the achievements of human culture. The most significant intellectual movement was _.A. reformationB. geographical explorationsC. humanismD. the Italian

11、revival2. _is regarded as the earliest popular tragedy of bold and revenge.A. The Tragical History of Doctor Faustus by Christopher MarloweB. The Spanish Tragedy by Thomas KydC. Alexander and Campaspe by John LylyD. King Lear by William Shakespeare3. Which of the following plays does not belong to S

12、hakespeares great tragedies?A. OthelloB. MacbethC. Romeo and JulietD. Hamlet4. Which of the following plays does not belong to Shakespeares comedies?A. Henry B. The Merchant of VeniceC. A Midsummer Nights DreamD. The Winters Tale5. An important Variety of ode in the 16th century was _, a poem in pra

13、ise of marriage, conventionally following the course of the wedding day. A. hymnB. epithalamionC.odeD. ballad6. Sir Philip Sidneys arcadia was a long _ written in an elaborately artful prose.A. pastoral eclogueB. pastoral lyricC. pastoral romanceD. pastoral drama7. Sir Philip Sidney is known for the

14、 following three works except _ A. ArcadiaB. Astrophel and StellaC. The Shepherds CalendarD. Apology for Poetry8. The following playwrights belong to the “university wits”, Shakespeares predecessors, except _.A. John LylyB. Ben JonsonC. Thomas KydD. Christopher Marlowe9. Which is not the works of Christopher Marlowe?A. LycidasB. Tamburlaine the GreatC. The Jew of MaltaD. The tragic history of doctor Faustus10. Which of the following poetic forms is the principal fo


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