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1、UNIT 1 FESTIVALS AND CELEBRATIONS一一、阅读词汇、阅读词汇在词块中明义在词块中明义1a local carnival every year当地每年的当地每年的狂欢节狂欢节2set off firecrackers 放放鞭炮鞭炮3the lunar calendar 阴阴历历4the eve of the Spring Festival 除夕除夕夜夜5a firework display 烟火烟火展览展览6inner beauty 内在的内在的美美7in this region 在这个在这个区域区域8with grace and dignity 文雅文雅而有尊严而

2、有尊严9clap to the music 和着音乐和着音乐拍手拍手10a piece of horrible news一条一条令人震惊的令人震惊的消息消息二、表达词汇二、表达词汇在语境中活用在语境中活用(一一)在括号内写出蓝体词汇在语境中的汉语意思在括号内写出蓝体词汇在语境中的汉语意思1The opening ceremony was quite impressive.(n.)2Festivals have a wide range of origins.(n.)3He is a leading figure in the music industry.(n.)4Farmers are bu

3、sy during the harvest.(n.)5Farmers are harvesting the crops.(n.)6He gathered his strength and made the last attempt.(vt.)7I am grateful to my mother.(adj.)8The city features various bridges.(vt.)典礼典礼一系列一系列人物人物收获季节收获季节庄稼庄稼聚集聚集感激的感激的以以为特色为特色9It is typical of her to help the poor kids.(adj.)10I have fa

4、ith in him,no matter what happens.(n.)11The old house is full of atmosphere.(n.)12Whichever day you come,we will be pleased to see you.(adj.)13We represented our school to express our heated gratitude.(vt.)14Do you fancy going out this evening?(vt.)15There is little time left.Please be brief.(adj.)1

5、6Such is our teacher,respected and loved by everyone.(vt.)典型的典型的信任信任气氛气氛高兴的高兴的代表代表想要想要简洁的简洁的尊敬尊敬(二二)写出蓝体词汇的语境之义及拓展形式写出蓝体词汇的语境之义及拓展形式1Congratulations on your success.(n.)拓展拓展:vt.向向(某人某人)道贺;道贺;(因某事因某事)为自己感到自豪为自己感到自豪2The origin of the word is not clear.(n.)拓展拓展:adj.原始的;最初的原始的;最初的 adv.起初起初3To his great

6、joy,he has passed all the exams.(n.)拓展拓展:adj.高兴的;快乐的高兴的;快乐的4He decorated his room with many balloons.(vt.)拓展拓展:n装饰;装饰品装饰;装饰品5Customs play a significant role in festivals.(adj.)拓展拓展:n重要性;意义重要性;意义祝贺祝贺congratulate起源起源originaloriginally高兴;喜悦高兴;喜悦joyful装饰装饰decoration有重大意义的有重大意义的significance6The commercia

7、l heart of the city is packed with people day and night.(adj.)拓拓展展:vt.使使商商业业化化;利利用用牟牟利利_ n商业化商业化7This article reflected public opinion.(vt._)拓展拓展:n反映;反射;表达反映;反射;表达8She tried to turn every meal into a special occasion.(n.)拓展拓展:adj.偶然的偶然的 adv.偶然地;不时地偶然地;不时地9He is absolutely right.(adv.)拓展拓展:adj.绝对的;完全

8、的绝对的;完全的10I have a strong belief that I will do well in the exam.(n.)拓展拓展:v相信;信任相信;信任商业的商业的commercialisecommercialisation反映反映reflection特别的事情特别的事情occasionaloccasionally绝对地绝对地absolute信信心心believe三、词块短语三、词块短语在语境中辨义用活在语境中辨义用活写写出或选出加蓝部分在语境中的汉语意出或选出加蓝部分在语境中的汉语意思思1Dressing up in carnival costumes,they looke

9、d charming._2He is a child after all._3The music faded away._4In spite of the difficulty,he carried on the work._5In common with other twins,Lucy has a lot in common with her twin sister Lily._6To be frank,I dislike him._穿上盛装穿上盛装毕竟毕竟逐渐消失逐渐消失尽管尽管有相同的特证有相同的特证坦率地说坦率地说7It is a quite good composition exc

10、ept for a few spelling mistakes._8They set off at a steady pace._9At present,there are 1,200 students in this school,whose ages range from 10 to 18._10They made up their minds to take advantage of the winwin opportunity._A利用利用 B欺骗欺骗 C占占的便宜的便宜11With the fireworks going off,the celebration started._A燃

11、放燃放 B爆炸爆炸 C走火走火 D离开离开除除之外之外出发出发包括从包括从到到之间之间AA四、经典句式四、经典句式在佳句背诵中品悟规则用法在佳句背诵中品悟规则用法1.2.五、五、“续写续写”片段片段在背诵中品悟如何写靓写美在背诵中品悟如何写靓写美心理或动作描写之心理或动作描写之“悲伤悲伤”There was clearly nothing to do but flop down on the shabby little couch and howl.So Della did it,which instigates the moral reflection that life is made u

12、p of sobs,sniffles,and smiles,with sniffles predominating.Della finished her cry and attended to her cheeks with the powder rag.She stood by the window and looked out dully at a gray cat walking a gray fence in a gray backyard.除除了了扑扑倒倒在在那那破破旧旧的的小小沙沙发发上上哭哭嚎嚎之之外外,显显然然别别无无选选择择。德德拉拉这这样样做做了了,让让人人心心中中的的感感

13、慨慨油油然然而而生生,生生活活就就是是由由哭哭泣泣、抽抽噎噎和和微微笑笑组组成成的的,尤尤以以抽抽噎噎占占主主导导地地位位。德德拉拉哭哭完完之之后后,往往面面颊颊上上抹抹了了抹抹粉粉,她她站站在在窗窗前前,痴痴痴痴地地望望着着灰灰蒙蒙蒙蒙的的后后院里一只灰白色的猫正行走在灰白色的篱笆上。院里一只灰白色的猫正行走在灰白色的篱笆上。点点评评本本段段中中的的howl,sobs和和sniffles都都是是近近义义词词复复现现,突突出出了了德德拉拉因因无无钱钱给给丈丈夫夫买买礼礼物物而而表表现现出出的的绝绝望望与与无无助助,激激发发读读者者对对德德拉拉的的同同情情。通通过过 flop down,look

14、 out dully at等等动动作作描描写写,以以及及a gray cat,a gray fence,a gray backyard等等情情境境描写形象地映衬出德拉当时的忧伤心情。描写形象地映衬出德拉当时的忧伤心情。1congratulate vt.向向(某人某人)道贺;道贺;(因某事因某事)为自己感到自豪为自己感到自豪 题点全练题点全练(单句语法填空单句语法填空)I congratulated you your passing the College Entrance Examination.I want to express my sincere congratulations you

15、on your success.onto系统归纳系统归纳(1)congratulate sb.on(doing)sth.就就(做做)某事向某人祝贺某事向某人祝贺(2)congratulation n祝祝贺;恭喜贺;恭喜congratulations to sb.on sth.祝祝贺某人某事贺某人某事express/send/offer congratulations to sb.on sth.因某事祝贺某人因某事祝贺某人(3)congratulate意意为为“祝祝贺贺;道道贺贺”,只只能能用用人人作作宾宾语语,若若要要表表明明所所祝祝贺贺的的事事情情,后面要用后面要用on连接。连接。2rang

16、e n一系列;范围、界限一系列;范围、界限vi.包括;包括;(在一定范围内在一定范围内)变化变化题点全练题点全练(单句语法填空单句语法填空)They held a wide range activities to celebrate the harvest,ranging _ setting off fireworks and firecrackers to dressing up in costumes and marching in a parade.She puts the picture the babys range of vision.The price of the house is so high that it is well our range.系统归纳系统归纳(1)a wide range of 一一系列系列within/in the range of 在在范围内范围内beyond ones range 某某人能力达不到的人能力达不到的(2)range from.to.包包括从括从到到之间之间 offromwithin/inbeyond3grateful adj.


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