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1、新概念英语二 lesson46课后短语练习答案新概念英语第二册第46课第208页83个词组与 to, at, for和 with连用的动词与to连用的动词:accustom(ed) to(习惯于);amount to(达到);appeal to(呼吁);apply to /for(适用于);attach(ed) to(附属于);attend to(参加);belong to(属于);challenge to(向提出挑战);compare to /with(比较);condemn(ed) to(判刑);confess to(承认);confine to(限制);consent to(同意);co

2、nvert to(改信(某宗教);entitle(d) to(享有权利);listen to(听);mention to(提到);object to(反对); occur to(想到); prefer to(更喜欢);react to /against(对反应);reply to(回答);respond to(响应);see to(注意);submit to(服从于); surrender to(向投降);turn to(转向);yield to(屈服)。e.g. I prefer listening to music to reading newspapers.Will you see to

3、 this flower while Im away? 我不在的时候你照看一下这花好吗? I shall see to the dinner tonight. 今晚我做晚饭。与at连用的动词:amused at/by(对感到有趣);arrive at/in(到达);astonish (ed) at/ by(感到惊愕);exclaim at(惊叫);glance at(对看一眼);guess at(猜测);knock at(敲);look at(看);point at/to(指向);shock(ed) at / by(感到震惊);stare at(盯着看);surprise(d) at /by(

4、感到惊讶);wonder at/about(感到惊异);work at/on(钻研)。at通常用于表达感情的一些词后,并且这些词往往用被动语态,at用于其它动词之后一般为主动语态。e.g. He was astonished at what he found. Dan was both surprised and amused at the news.与 for连用的动词:account for(说明(原因);ask for/of(请求);act for/on(代表);apologize for(因而道歉);blame for(责备);beg for(乞求);call for(需要);char

5、ge for(收费);exchange for(交换);hope for(希望);look for(寻找);mistake for(误认为);mourn for(哀悼);pay for(为付款);prepare for(准备);provide for(提供);search for(寻求);thank for(感谢);vote for/on 投票支持;wait for/on(等候)。 e.g. He was searched for the stolen money. Can you account for his strange behaviors?与with连用的动词:agree with(

6、同意);begin with(以开始);communicate with(与联络);compare with/to(与比较);compete with/against(同竞争);comply with(同意;confuse with(误作);contrast with/to(形成对照);cope with(对付);correspond with(与一致);disgust(ed) with(使讨厌);finish with(完成);help with/ in(帮助);interfere with/in(干扰);mix with(混合);occupy(ied) with(从事于);part wit

7、h(放弃);please(d) with(对满意);quarrel with/about(争论);reason with(规劝);satisfy (fied) with/by(感到满足);threaten (ed) with(威胁)e.g. Im pleased with this room.Sam used to mix with those people. 萨姆过去常与那些人交往。Well begin with the exercises. 我们从练习开始。Page 208-209 Supply the missing words( to, at, for or with). 1. I d

8、ont agree with you. 2. She preferred to wait for him.3. We have beem corresponding with each other for years.4. How do you account for this.5. Do you object to my smoking?6. Im surprised at you!7. You must reply to his letter.8. He has some important business to attend to.9. Do you mean to say that

9、you exchanged that lovely car for this?10. Has it occurred to you yhat she must have arrived at London Airport by now?11. I was shocked at his indifference!12. You must comply with the rules of the game.13. Poor Mary! She has so much to cope with!14. Please dont mention it to my husband, but I paid

10、50 for this hat.15. She was quite unprepared for the news.16. Dont blame me for the accident!17. Im disgusted with your behaviour!18. You forgot to thank Aunt Jane for her present.19. It is rude to stare at people.20. Im not satisfied with your work.21. His debt now amounts to 100. 22. Mix the conte

11、nts of this packet with a little water.23. I knocked at the door.24. Whom does this book belong to?25. I reasoned with him, but the would not listen to me.26. Shes accustomed to living in comfort. Shell never part with her precious possesions.27. At what time will you call for me?28. The spy surrend

12、ered himself to the enemy and was condemned to death.29. Ive looked for it everywhere, but I cant find it.30. Ill see to the cooking tonight.31. I must apologize for keeping you waiting.32. The class failed to respond to the teachers new methods.33. He turned to me for help, even after I had quarrel

13、led with him.34. Like Micawber, I hope for something better.35. Please apply to the secretary for information.36. There was a note attached to the parcel.37. Just guess at the price of this carpet.38. How long have you been working at this exercise?39. The concert began with a piece by an unknown co

14、mposer.40. How much did they charge you for that?译文:1. I dont agree with you. 我不同意你。 agree with 同意2. She preferred to wait for him. 她宁愿等他。 prefer to 更喜欢 wait for 等候3. We have been corresponding with each other for years. 我们互相通信已有多年了。 correspond with 与通信4. How do you account for this? 你怎么解释这件事? accou

15、nt for 说明(原因)5. Do you object to my smoking? 你反对我吸烟吗? object to 反对6. Im surprised at you! 看到你我很惊讶! surprise at 感到惊讶7. You must reply to his letter. 你必须给他写回信。 Reply to 回答8. He has some important business to attend to. 他有些重要的事物需要处理。 attend to 参加9. Do you mean to say you exchanged that lovely car for this? 你意思是说你用那辆可爱的小汽车就换了这个? exchange for 交换10. Has it occurred to you that she must have arrived at London Airport by now? 你有没有想到她现在一定已经到伦敦机场了? occur to 想起 arrive at 到达11. I was shocked at his indifference! 我对他的冷漠感



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