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1、Unit 1 Know yourselfReading 1大丰区沈灶初中九年级 刘进红Learning aims: 1. To know four people who are outstanding in there fields.2. To recognize and understand vocabulary about characteristics.3. To teach the students to try their best to help others.Teaching steps:Step 1 Revision翻译下列句子(通过练习回顾上节课知识点)1. 我妈妈总是把所有

2、的东西都收拾得很整齐。My mother keeps everything in good order all the time.2. 在别人面前炫耀是很不礼貌的。Its rude to show off before others.3. 我很有耐心地给他解释了这个问题。I was patient enough to explain this problem to him.4. 不要对别人的秘密好奇。Dont be curious about others secrets.5. 小孩总能想出奇怪的点子。Kids always come up with strange ideas.Step 2

3、Presentation1. Show some pictures to Ss, learn some new words.(以图片形式呈现新单词激发学生兴趣)2. Words and expressions. 3. Read new wordsStep 3 Pre-reading1. Warming up:Answer some questions(以回答问题的方式引导学生说出已有知识复习上节课的个性职业单词)1). What are your personalities?2). What do you want to be in your future?3). Can you be a g

4、ood.? Why?2. Ask the Ss to complete Section B1 and check the answers.3. Get the Ss to read the article quickly and answer the questions:1). Who are they? 2).What do they do?(通过任务型教学法训练学生快速阅读的能力,整体的去感受文章大意。)4. Get the Ss to listen to the article and complete Part B2 and check the answers.Step 4 While

5、-reading(指导学生在所听的文本中寻找信息并指导学生精读文章段落,根据所提的问题去抓住重点信息。并利用所抓住的信息点完成相关练习。)Passage 11.Listen and questions1). What does Wu Weis best friend think of him?He is a born artist. Hes quiet and doesnt like to talk much, but his work shouts!2). What has won high praise from the art community?His sculptures for S

6、unshine Town Square.2.GuessingWhat does his work shouts mean here?3.ThinkingWhat can you learn?4.Read and fill in the blanksPassage 21.Listen and answer1). What job did Su Ning do five years ago? Whats her job now?Where does she work?2) . Why did she give up her last job?2. Read and completePassage

7、31.Listen and answerWhat does Liu Haos team member think of him?2.Read and complete the tablePassage 41.Listen and answer1).Whats Fang Yuans job?2).How many hours does she often do operations for a day?2.Read and answer1).What does Fang Yuan think of carelessness?2).How do people in the town like Fa

8、ng Yuan?Get the Ss to read the articlecomplete Part B3 and check the answers.Step5 Writing(通过写作的形式帮助学生巩固本节课内容并指导学生学会表达)1. Write a short description of your personality. Then think about what job you want to do in the future and see if your personality matches the job requirements. Your personality:

9、_What job do you want to do? _Do you think your personality is suitable for the job?_2. Give Ss some words about personality.3. Work in pairs. Write a short description of your partners personality. Then discuss with your partner whether or not you agree with each other.Step 6 SummaryForm good personalitiesGet ready for your future jobBe the one you want to be!(对学生进行鼓励,在愉悦的氛围中结束本节课)Step 7 Homework1. Recite the new words in the article.2. Finish the written task.板书设计take the leadfall behindcant.too.



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