海英语2580 1056-1100.doc

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1、1056In this port,it is regulated(规定,管理) that_will be broadcas(播音,播送)t every one hour on VHF Channel 6AVHF News BChannel RulesCVisibility Time DNavigational Warnings(航行警告)KEY: D在这个港口,它的规定是航行浸膏是每小时在甚高频6频道播发。1057 In vessel construction(结构), a greater number of watertight bulkheads (水密舱壁)results in _.A.

2、 increased capacity to set flooding boundaries B. decreased capacity to set flooding boundariesC. reduced compartmentation (仓间分布,分隔) D. greater deck load capacityKEY: C在船舶结构中,较大量的水密舱壁导致水密分舱区划的减少。1058 In vessel construction, beam brackets(梁肘板) are triangular plates 三角形板材that join (甲板梁) to a _.A. bulk

3、head B. frame C. stanchion D. deck longitudinal KEY: B在船舶结构中,梁肘板是连接甲板梁与肋骨的三角形板材。1059 In vessel construction, beams are transverse girders 横向构件which provide support to _.A. bulkheads B. deckhouse structures C. decks D. vertical framesKEY: C在船舶结构中,横梁是提供甲板支撑的横向构件。1060 In vessel construction, the garboa

4、rd strake 龙骨翼板is _.A. located next to and parallel to the keel 靠近和平行于龙骨的 B. located next to and parallel to the gunwaleC. another term for the bilge keel D. another term for the rub railKEY: A在船舶结构中,龙骨翼板列板是靠近和平行于龙骨的。1061 In weather report, POSITION GOOD means that _.A. the position is suitable B. th

5、e position is reliable可靠地,确信的C. the position is changeable D. the position is fixableKEY: B在气象报告中,位置好意思是位置是可靠的。1062 In what units单位 are heights and soundings高度及水深点 in the chart海图? They are in _.A. meters and fathoms米和拓 B. fathoms and meters C. meter and fathom D. fathom and meterKEY: A海图上测深是用什么单位表示?

6、用米和拓。1063 In which case情况 is the IOPP Certificate国际防止油污污染证书of an inspected检查,证实 vessel NOT invalidated无效的?_A. The required oily-water separator 油水分离malfunctions(故障). 要求油水分离器发生障碍。B. The ship is transferred to Liberian registry.C. An annual survey is conducted fifteen months after the date of certific

7、ate issuance.D. A 15 ppm oily-water separator is replaced by a 100 ppm oily-water separatorKEY: A下列哪种情况,船舶检查部使IOPP(国际防止油污污染证书)无效?要求油水分离器发生障碍。1064 In which case would an overtaking vessel 追越船sound a whistle signal of two prolonged 延长的followed by one short blast? _.A. When overtaking in restricted vis

8、ibility B. When overtaking in a narrow 狭窄的channel当追越在狭水道时C. When overtaking on open waters D. When no other vessels are in the immediate areaKEY: B在什么情况下,追越船鸣放气笛两长声继于一短声的声号?当追越在狭水道时1065 In which situation do the Rules require both vessels to change course 改变航向?_.A. Two power-driven vessels meeting h

9、ead-on两机动船对遇时B. Two power-driven vessels crossing when it is apparent to the stand-on vessel that the give-way vessel is not taking appropriate actionC. Two sailing vessels crossing with the wind on the same side D. All of the aboveKEY: A在那种情况,规则规定的两船都应该转向?两机动船对遇时。1066 In which source资料 could you fi

10、nd the number of a chart for a certain geographic area地区性的,确定区域?_ A. Chart No.1 B. Catalog of Charts 海图目录 C. IMO Practical Navigator D. IMO Light List KEY: B在哪个资料中,你能够找到确定区域的海图图号?海图目录1067 同上1068In which voyage,between two points,is the rhumb line恒向线 distance NOT approximately大约 the same as the great

11、 circle distance?大圆距离AThe two points are in low latitudes in the same hemisphereBThe two points are in high latitudes高纬点 in the same hemisphere同一半球CThe two points are near the equator,but in different hemispheresDOne point is near the equator,one point is in a high latitude,and both are near the 180

12、th meridianKEY: B在什么样的航程中,两点之间的恒向线的距离与大圆距离相差较大?在同一半球高纬的两点。1069 同上1070In writing up the log book 写航海日志at the end of your watch在值班结束后,you make an error错误which of the following is the way to correct the error纠正错误?ACarefully and neatly erase the entry and rewrite it correctlyBRemove this page of the log

13、 book and rewrite all entries on a clean pageCCross out the error with a single line 单线and rewrite 重写the entry correctlyDBlot out the error completely and rewrite the entry correctlyKEY: C在你值班结束填写航海日志时计入了一个错误,以下哪一项是纠正这个错误的方法?用单线划去错误的记录并写上正确的。1071 同上1072 同上1073In_convention公约,a vessel which carries m

14、ore than 12 passengers shall be deemed视为 as a passenger shipA COSCO BSTCW CSOLAS DMARPOL KEY: C在SOLAS公约中承载超过12名乘客的船将被视为客船。1074 Increasing增加 free surfaces自由液面 has the effect of raising升起 the _.A. uncorrected KG B. virtual有效地,实际的 height 高度of the center of gravity 重心C. metacenter D. metacentric heightKEY: B增加未满载的液舱数,会带来实际重心高度的影响。1075 同上1076 Increasing the area of the anchor flukes锚爪 will _.A. increase增加 holding power B. decrease holding powerC. make penetration more co



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