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1、Unit3 Computer 阅读欣赏导学案编写人:耿家伟 审核人: 审批人: 小组评价: 教师评价: 【学习目标】1、准确把握文章主旨,提升阅读理解能力。2、合作探究,大胆质疑;激情朗读,透彻理解课文。3、深刻体会恐龙和渡渡鸟永远退出历史舞台的悲哀和震撼,进一步意识到野生动物保护的重要性和紧迫感。【使用说明与学法指导】1、同学们必须精读文章,整体把握,透彻理解课文。2、开动脑筋积极思考,用红笔在课本和导学案相应位置标记重点、难点和疑点。正课:1、15分钟自学,把握大意,完成课内探究。 2、15分钟合作探究提出质疑并点评解决疑难;10分钟巩固落实。方法引导:阅读文章两遍,了解文章主旨,把握细节

2、。总结出文章的大意,选出最佳答案。仔细阅读文章,勾画出文章中的重点段誉,句式和疑难点。【课前热身】1. Some endangered animals:the African elephant golden monkey whale rhino2. kinds of dinosaurs:Triceratops 三角龙 Pterosaur 翼龙Tyrannosaurus 霸王龙 Stegosaurus 剑龙【课前预习】Task1: Key words1. If you are bitten by a snake, you should ask a doctor to treat the _ .

3、A. wound B. teeth C. pain2、Which is a kind of animal tha lived millions of years ago but now has disappeared? A. Pandas B. Dinosaurs C. African elephants3. “Ending” means _ of a story or something else. A. the first part B. the middle part C. the last part 4. Match the word and its meaning. inspect

4、violent unexpected dry powder made up of small bits of earth or sand dust to examine something carefully fierce beyond ones expectationTask2: Read the paragraph , then judge True or False.1. There are many different species of dinosaur and all of them have been found in China.2. Not long ago, a rare

5、 new species of bird-like dinosaur was discovered in Henan Province.3. Some scientists are sure dinosaurs died out because the earth got too hot for the dinosaurs to live on any more.4. Dinosaurs died out quickly about 65 million years ago and many other animals have died out more recently.5. Scient

6、ists learned that the bird-like dinosaurs could not only run like the others but also climb the trees by inspected their bone fossil.6. According to a UN report, dodo has disappeared as well as many方法引导:整体把握文章,注意细节。找准关键词,替换有根据。方法引导:分析并翻译句子,一定在课文中标记出来。other animals and plants in the last 5 centuries.

7、Task3: Read the passage again and answer the following questions:1. When did dinosaurs live?2. When did dinosaurs disappear?3. Whats the rare new species of dinosaurs discovered in Liaoning Province?4. What might be the possible reasons for their extinction?Task4: Detailed reading: Fill in the blank

8、s._(1)_(8)844 animals and plantsliving time Long before humans _(1) ._(3) timeAbout 65 million years agoFound in China26 _(4) including the bird-likeDinosaur.reasons1. An unexpected _(5), too Much _(6).2. The earth was too hot to _(7).Time of dying outIn the _(9) 500 yearsAn exampleA _(10) animal do

9、do onThe Island of Mauritius.Task5: Keep the following phrases in your mind:1. come into being 形成,产生 2. according to 按照,依据所说3. so that 以至于,结果 4. for sure 确切地,很顶地5. long before 很久以前 6. die out 灭绝【课内探究】分层目标:C层完成探究一。 B层完成探究一、二。 A层完成探究一、二,并进行拓展。【合作探究,展示解疑】【探究一】:Answer the following questions.What might

10、be the reasons for dinosaurs extinction?我的收获我的疑问【探究二】:Analyze the following sentences:1. After a while she saw some zebra with black and white lines going beneath their stomachs.2. When scientists inspected the bones, they were surprised to find that these dinosaurs could not only run like the other

11、s but also clime trees.3. They learned this from the way the bones were joined together. 【课内互动探究导学】写一封反映问题或提意见、征求意见的信 假如你是李华,上周日你去动物园,看到游客对动物乱扔石子甚至望一头熊的头上泼水,对此你感到非常气愤。现在请你用英语就此事给某报社编辑写封信,并提出你的建议;请求该报帮着呼吁人们保护和爱护动物。一、审题谋篇第一段总写:写明写信的目的,你的感受,应用一般现在事态。第二段:反映你的所见所闻,应用一般过去时态。第三段:你的建议,应用一般现在时和将来时态。二、写作要点1.

12、我写信是要告诉你上星期天我在动物园的经历。_ you about my experience in the zoo last Sunday.Here I write to tell you about _ in the zoo last Sunday.2. 有很多动物被养在动物园内,它们好像没有得到很好的对待。There were many animals _ in the zoo and _they were not being treated well.Many animals _ and they _ Treated well._ many animals _ were not bein

13、g treated well.3. 首先教育人们:动物是我们的朋友。动物对人们生活的重要性。First we should make people know that _ and _ ._, we should tell people _ Animals and that they are our friends._, we should make people know animals are Our friends and important to peoples life.4. 任何虐待动物的人都要被罚款。_ badly should be fined._ badly should be fined.5. 我建议吧动物放回到自然界去。I suggest that _ i



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