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1、一、单选题1Is this the teachers office?_Its over there.A. Yes, I am. B. No, it isnt. C. Yes, it is.2Can I help you? .A. Yes, please B. Here you are C. Its eight yuan3Can I try these _?A. on B. up C. off4My grandpa has twenty _.A. sheeps B. sheepes C. sheep5What time _ now?A. is it B. it is6Welcome _our s

2、chool.A. on B. for C. to7This is the _office.A. teachers B. teachers C. teachers8Do you have a library?A. Yes, we do. B. No, we do. C. Yes, we dont.9Do you have an art room? _A. Yes, you do. B. Yes, we do. C. No, you dont.10Is it cool today?No, .A. it is B. it isnt C. is it二、填空题11选择正确的答句。Do you have

3、 a library? _ A.Forty students.Is that the computer room?_ B.No,it isnt.Wheres the teachers office?_ C.Yes,we do.How many students are there in your class?_ D.Its on the second floor. 12为对话选择合适的图片。A. B. C. D. (1)What time is it?Its time to water the flowers._(2)What time is it?Its time for breakfast

4、._(3)What time is it?Its time to read some books._(4)What time is it?Its time for music class._13读句子,选答语。(_)1. Its windy.(_)2. Its snowy today.(_)3. Whats the weather like?(_)4. What are you doing?(_)5. Its hot today.A. I am watching TV.B. Its rainy.C. Hold on to your hat.D. Put on your T-shirt.E. L

5、ets make a snowman.14根据中文释义选择正确的词组。A.English class B.get up C.Hurry up D.go to school(1)快点_(2)英语课 _(3)上学 (4)起床_15选择合适的问句。Its Jims. _ A. What colour is the sweater? Theyre black._ B. Is this your shirt?Its blue._ C. Where is my jacket?Its on the chair._ D. What colour are the pants? Yes, it is._ E. W

6、hose hat is this?16判断下列每组单词中画线部分读音是(T)否(F)相同。_A. B._A. B._A. B._A.B.17选择恰当的答句。What are they? _ A. Yes, it is.Is this your skirt?_ B. They are my new jeans. What colour is it?_ C. Theyre my fathers. Are these your shoes?_ D. No, they arent. Whose socks are these?_ E. Its purple. 18根据中文释义选择正确的词组。A.get

7、 up B.music class C.come on D.just a minute(1)快;加油 _(2)起床_(3)稍等一会儿_(4)音乐课 _1920选择与句子对应的图片。_A. B. C. D. E. (1)These shoes are nice. Can I try them on?_(2)These gloves are nice. Can I try them on?_(3)These sunglasses are nice. Can I try them on?_ (4)This hat is nice. Can I try it on?_(5)This scarf is

8、nice. Can I try it on?_三、选词填空21选择适当单词填空。to at for(1)Its time _breakfast.(2)Its time _get up.(3)I want _eat an apple.(4)Look _the TV.(5)Its 7:50. Dont be late_ school.22选择恰当的单词补全下列句子for to(1)Its time _ get up.(2)Time _ football games.(3)Its time _ watch TV.(4)Its time _ bed.(5)Its time _ go shopping.

9、23This _ (is/are) my black skirt.24选词填空。is at sale expensive us(1)Look_ this pretty dress.(2)Let_ go shopping.(3)How much_ this skirt?(4)That scarf is too_.(5)The clothes are on_.25What are these?_ (These/They) are tomatoes.26_ (Can/Do) I help you?四、情景交际27将下列句子与相应的答语匹配。Can I go outside?_ A. Its sunn

10、y.Is it cold now?_ B. Yes,you can.What time is it?_ C. Yes,it is.Where are you?_ D. Its 10:00 am.Whats the weather like in New York?_ E. Im in Beijing.28为下列问句选择相对应的答语。Where is the teachers office?_ A. Wow! So beautiful!Is this the playground?_ B. Its on the second floor.Is this the library?_ C. Yes,

11、 it is.Look! Thats the garden._ D. Forty students.How many students are there in your class?_ E. No, it isnt. The library is next to the garden.29从方框中为下列句子选出最佳应答语。A. Three.B. They are goats.C. They are orange.D. Yes, they are.E. No. It is my uncles.(1)What are those?(2)Are they cows?(3)How many pota

12、toes do you eat?(4)Is this your farm?(5)What colour are the carrots?30选择配伍What colour is her dress ?_ A、Its Mikes .What time is it now ?_ B、Its white and black .Whose is this ?_ C、They are apples .What are they ?_ D、No , she isnt .Is your mother at home ?_ E、Its five oclock .31从方框中选出下列句子的最佳应答语。A. They are potatoes.B. Its rainy.C. They are 30 yuan.D. Its on the first floor.E. No, it is Jacks.(1)How is the weather in London?(2)Is this yours?(3)Where is your classroom?(4)How much are the sunglasses?(5)What are those?五、阅读理解32阅读短文,判断下面句子的正误。Hello, Im Betty. Look! This is my ne



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