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1、代词及It用法代词是代替名词的词,英语中代词有人称代词、物主代词、反身代词、相互代词、指示代词、不定代词、疑问代词、连接代词和关系代词等九种。一、人称代词:(一)概述 表示“我(们)”、“你(们)”、“他/她/它(们)”等的词叫人称代词,它有人称、数和格的变化,其形式列表如下:数(格)人 称复 数主 格宾 格主 格宾 格第一人称I meweus第二人称you youyouyou第三人称hehimtheythemsheheritit(二)人称代词的句法功能:人称代词在句中的功能是通过“格”表现出来的,不同的格表明人称代词在句中有不同的句法功能。如:1、主格形式作主语和表语。He was late

2、 yesterday.昨天他迟到了。They went to the cinema together.他们一起去看电影去了。She and I are very good friends.我和她是很要好的朋友。-Is that Mr. Smith? 是史密斯先生吗? -Yes, this is he.(电话用语) 是的。It might have been she.那或许是她。【注】在非正式英语,尤其是口语中,人称代词作be的表语时,通常可用其宾格形式代替主格。如:-Who is it? 谁呀? -Its me.是我。to be + 人称代词作主语的补足语时,人称代词用主格,作宾语的补足语时用

3、宾格。如:I was thought to be she.人们认为我是她。= They thought me to be her.2、宾格形式作宾语(动词的宾语或介词的宾语)。I bought a present for them. = I bought them a present.我给他们买了件礼物。Mind you, this is just you and me.听着,这事只能你知我知,绝不可外传。3、在比较状语从句中,在不引起误解的前提下,有时用宾格代替主格(尤其其后有同位语“all”时)。He is taller than I (或me).他比我高。He is taller tha

4、n us all.他比我们都高。【注】若可能引起误解,就不能用宾格代替主格。如:He loves you more than I.他爱你胜过我爱你。He loves you mare than me.他爱你胜过爱我。4、用来表示感叹时,常用宾格形式。Dear me! 哎呀/天哪! = Goodness me! (三)代词排列次序(1每一人称;2第二人称;3第三人称)1、单数:通常按2,3,1或是3,2,1人称排列。如:Mary and I are classmates. You, he and I are good friends.2、复数:通常按1,2,3人称排列。如:We, you and

5、 they have been invited to the party.Both we and they happened to be there.3、第三人称男女两性并用时,男先女后。如:He and she still dont quite agree to this plan.4、承认过失,表示不吉祥的事,或有不好的意思时,单数按1,3,2人称排列,复数按3,2,1的人称排列。It was I and Tom that broke the window.I, he and you will be punished for being late.They, you and we shou

6、ld leave there at once.(四)he和she的特殊用法:he(他)和she(她)除了用来指代男人和女人外,还可用来指代动词或无生命的东西:he可指代雄性动物或庞大而又威猛之物。如:Is the kitty a he or she? 这只小猫是公的还是母的?The cat is playing with his own tail.那只猫在玩自己的尾巴。The moon loses her brilliance when the sun makes his appearance.太阳升起时,月亮失去了它的光辉。【注】人们常用she/her来指代如船只、汽车、飞机、国家、城市等无

7、生命的东西,以表达其喜爱或亲切之情。如:-Hows your new car? 你的新车怎么样? -Terrific. Shes going like a bomb.好极了,劲儿象炸弹一样足。(五)it的用法:It主要有两种用法:作代词和引导词用。1、作代词:(1)、作人称代词,代替前面提到的事物或身份不明的人。在性别不详或性别无关紧要时,也可指动物或小孩(或婴儿)。如:I was disappointed with the film. I had expected it to be much better. (NMET 93)Someone is ringing the doorbell.

8、Go and see who it is. (2000上海高考)Aluminum looks heavy but actually it is very light.铝看起来重,但实际上它却很轻。China is a large country. It lies in the east of Asia.中国是一个大国,它位于亚洲东部。Boys and girls, the terminal examination is coming. You must be ready for it.同学们,期末考试快到了。你们必须做好考试的准备。Please go and get my dictionary

9、; it is right on the desk; have you seen it?请去把我的词典拿来;就在书桌上;看见了吗?The scientific worker trained a fish to expect its food when it heard the sound of a whistle.这位科学工作者训练一条鱼听到哨声便想进食。-My brother has only one child. 我兄弟只有一个孩子。-Is it a boy or a girl? 是男孩还是女孩?【注】it与one, that的区别:one表示同类的但不是同一个,且只能代替前面的可数名词,

10、相当于“a/an + 名词”;that表示同类的能够是同一个,且常接后置定语;it表示的是前面同一事物,目的是为了避免重复,可换为“the + 名词”。如:The population of China is larger than that of Japan.I hope that theres enough glasses for each gust to have one. (NMET 95)A table made of stone is stronger than the one made of wood.Meeting my uncle after all these years

11、was an unforgettable moment, one I will always treasure. (NMET 2002)it可指代前面提到的某件事情或将发生的某件事情。如:How did I get to know him? Well, it was like this.我是怎么理解他的呢? 嗯,事情是这样的。(it指上句中提到的某件事)We shall appreciate it if you would send us your samples soon.如贵方速寄样品来,我方将不胜感激。(it指if从句中提到的将来的某件事)(2)、作非人称代词,表示天气、时间、距离、价值

12、等,译成中文时一般可省略。如:Its getting darker. Lets hurry.It is three miles to the railway station.-What the cost? -Its twenty dollars.-He was nearly drowned once. -When was that? -It was in 1998 when he was in the middle school. (2002北京春高考)Its six oclock already. The bank is closed.已经六点钟了,银行下班了。Oh, its very co

13、ld this winter.哦,今年冬天非常冷。Its twenty li from this hotel to the airport.从这家旅馆到机场有20里。(3)、作指示代词,相当于this, that,表示心目中的人或事物。如:-Who is making such a noise? -It must be the children.-Whose bag is that? -Its my brothers.-Who is it? -Its me.谁(敲门)呵? 是我。-What you mean is that practice makes perfect. 你的意思是说熟能生巧。

14、-Thats exactly it. 就是这个意思。-Do you want this one? -Yes, thats it.你要这个吗? 对,正是这个。【注】此时it也用于指代前面整个句子所表示的意思,要特别注意与关系代词which引导的非限制性定语从句用法的区别:it仅作所在句子的主语或宾语,不能起连接作用;而which具有双重作用,作从句的主语或宾语且具有连接前后两部分的功能,所以其前不能用连词and或but来连接,但which可转换成为and/ but it。二者都能够用来代替前面整个句子所表示的意思。如:The weather turned out to be very good, which was more than we could expect. (NMET 94)Toms mother kept telling him that he should work harder, but it didnt help. (NMET 93)2、作引导词:(1)、作形式主语。真正的主语能够是动词不定式、动名词或从句。如:In fact, it is a hard job for the police to keep order in the important football match. (上海2001)Does


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