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1、全球变暖及其影响定义 全球变暖被定义为“在地球上的平均气温上升”。随着地球越来越热,飓风,干旱和洪水等灾害越来越频繁。 太阳是地球的主要能量来源,这么热,我们觉得它的热量从150万公里,距燃烧的恒星。根据我们的星球,它的光线进入我们的气氛和淋浴。关于这个太阳能的三分之一反映到宇宙中闪闪发光的冰川,水资源和其他明亮的表面。然而,三分之二被吸收地球,这种变暖的土地,海洋和大气层。这送入太空,但它的一些热辐射回多少是储存在大气中。这个过程被称为温室效应。 温室气体升温我们的星球。他们是地球大气层的太阳发出的陷阱温暖的一部分,从而加热地球。这是这一进程 - 温室效应 - 让生活在这个星球上可能的。 氮

2、,氧和氩气,使地球大气层的98。但他们不吸收红外辐射量显著和不温室效应作出贡献。它是更奇特的成分,如水蒸气,二氧化碳,臭氧,甲烷,nitrousoxide和氟氯化碳,吸收的热量,这增加了大气的温度。 整个地球的历史中,温度变化很大,主要取决于大气中的温室气体浓度。原因二氧化碳 二氧化碳是第一个最大的人为气候变化的原因。在大气中的二氧化碳量已经涌入,整个地球的历史,但联合国政府间气候变化专门委员会估计,前工业时代二氧化碳约280 PPMV(每万册),地球的大气层。 虽然有像甲烷和臭氧等温室气体,陷阱更多的热量,每分子。虽然水蒸气,甲烷和臭氧是更有效的,但由于其较小的大气浓度对气候变化的影响较小。

3、工业污染 被指控对大气的污染,促使全球变暖和发展中国家严重依赖煤炭发电污染likeChinaare加入世界工业国家。 工业国,由美方主导,增加通过气体和热量排放的污染,从他们的工厂和他们使用的大轿车组成的车队。 现在,不仅煤炭,正在由发展中国家作为能源的来源,但道路上的重型汽车使用造成很大的污染和气候变化缓慢。影响 全球变暖对人类的生命,即动物,植物,气象,冰川,经济和其他形式的上升的不利影响正在每天变得更加清晰。它作为实现持续减排,发达国家与发展中国家之间的争斗,继续繁殖。 每年地球的平均气温在过去十年中,已具有在排名前25位的所有时间的高温。事实上,1998年和2005年分别在地球历史上最

4、热的年份。 毫无疑问,许多动物将承受气候变化和大量的动物物种从地球上消失的冲击,由于栖息地的丧失。 由于在温度水平的急剧变化,各种植物物种已经适应领域遇到困难,其中一次他们蓬勃发展,预计本世纪末,这些植物将成为灭绝。 有在世界各地蔓延,数以千计的冰川形成一个重要的淡水来源,这些冰川在以惊人的速度消失。冰川融化可能引发严重的自然灾害,如闪光的食物,在周边地区。更重要的是,融化的水流入海洋,从而导致海平面上升,最终导致淹没低洼地区等asBangladeshandMaldives。 当整个环境会遇到全球变暖的影响,自然的人不会是一个例外。事实上,我们将是受灾最严重的人类在这个星球上,因为我们是直接或

5、间接依赖于环境的所有组件。相干变元 毫无疑问,全球气候日益明显回暖,这是一个不争的事实。它已成为一个全球性的问题,尽管它正在激烈地在国际上进行辩论。它有一个公平的支持者和反对者的份额。它的支持者发出警告,如果不采取立即采取预防措施,将有一个对未来人类的灾难性的影响。GLOBAL WARMING AND ITS IMPACTDEFINITION Global Warming is defined as “the increase in the average temperature on Earth”. As the Earth is getting hotter, disasters like

6、 hurricanes, droughts and floods are getting more frequent. The sun is the Earths primary energy source, a burning star so hot that we feel its heat from 150 million kilometers away. Its rays enter our atmosphere and shower upon our planet. About one third of this solar energy is reflected back into

7、 the universe by shimmering glaciers, water resources and other bright surfaces. Two thirds, however, are absorbed by the Earth, this warming land, oceans and the atmosphere. Much of this heat radiate back into space but some of it is stored in the atmosphere. This process is called greenhouse effec

8、t. Greenhouse gases heat up our planet. They are part of the Earths atmosphere and trap warmth emitted by the sun, thus heating Earth. It is this process the greenhouse effect that makes life possible on the planet. Nitrogen, Oxygen and Argon make up 98 percent of the Earths atmosphere. But they do

9、not absorb significant amount of infrared radiation and not contribute to the greenhouse effect. It is the more exotic components like water vapor, Carbondioxide, Ozone, methane, nitrousoxide and chlorofluorocarbons that absorb heat and this increases atmospheric temperature. Throughout the Earths h

10、istory, temperature has varied greatly, mostly depending on the concentration of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere.CAUSESCarbon Dioxide Carbon dioxide is the first greatest reason for man-made climate change.The amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere has been influx throughout the Earths histor

11、y but the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on climate change estimates that in pre-industrial times CO2 made up around 280 PPMV (parts per million volumes) of the Earths atmosphere. While there are other greenhouse gases like methane and ozone that trap more heat per molecule. Though water vap

12、or, methane and ozone are more efficient yet have less effect on climate change due to their smaller atmospheric concentration.Industrial Pollution Industrial states of the world are being accused of atmospheric pollution that spurs global warming and now developing countries likeChinaare adding to

13、pollution by heavily relying on coal for power generation. Industrial states, led by theUnited States, add to pollution through gas and heat emissions from their factories and the fleet of big cars they use. Now not only coal, which is being used by developing countries as a source of energy but als

14、o the heavy number of automobiles on roads cause a great deal of pollution and slow change in climate.IMPACT The adverse impact of the rising global warming on human and other forms of life i.e. animals, plants, weather, glaciers, economy is becoming clearer day by day. It continues to multiply, as

15、the tussle between the developed and developing Nations to implement emission cuts continues. The average temperature of the planet for each year, over the last decade, has been featuring in top 25 high temperatures of all time. In fact, 1998 and 2005 were the hottest years in the history of earth. There is no doubt that many animals will bear the brunt of climate change and a large number of animal species will disappear from the planet, owing to loss of habitat. Owing to the drastic changes in temperature



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