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1、Module 10 PreparationsUnit 1 Where are you going to go ?一、课标解读: Where are you going to go ?是外研版小学英语五年级下册第十模块Module 10 Preparations第一单元的内容。第一单元主要是谈论Daming旅行前的准备。本课内容是一堂英语与信息技术整合的课,主要学习与旅行相关的词汇:list、airport、 shoes、 ticket、 toothbrush,以及运用这些词汇表达旅行准备的情况。语言功能为谈论旅行前的准备,练习的是be going to的句型。重点是认读并掌握list、airp

2、ort、 shoes、 ticket、 toothbrush等词汇,能运用特殊疑问词:where 、what、 when 、who + be going to进行问答。 难点是运用特殊疑问词:where 、what、 when 、who + be going to进行问答。 本单元主要练习了Where are you going to go ? What are you going to take ? When are you going to go to the airport ? Whos going to go to the airport ?四个特殊疑问句,使学生能在真实语言环境中用一

3、般将来时进行交流。材料贴近生活,具有很强的实用性。二、知识要点: 1认读单词: list airport shoe ticket toothbrush 2重点句型: Where are you going to go ? What are you going to take ? When are you going to go to the airport ? Whos going to go to the airport ?三、教法学法: 以多媒体课件为依托,创设情境进行教学。注重师生互动、生生互动,让学生在协作活动中充分运用探究方式自主学习。教法主要运用任务型教学法、情境教学法、交际法等。

4、第一单元训练题听力部分(50分)一、听录音,选出你听到的单词。(10分)( ) 1、A、lady B、 life C、list ( ) 2、A、ago B、again C、arrive( ) 3、A、airport B、any C、ate( ) 4、A、those B、these C、toothbrush ( ) 5、A、tonight B、ticket C、taxi二、听录音,判断你听到的与所给句子是(T)否(F)一致。(10分)( ) 1. Daming is going to go to the airport at seven oclock.( ) 2. Daming feels ne

5、rvous.( ) 3. Daming is ready for his trip tomorrow.( ) 4. Damings is going to take presents.( ) 5. His grandma lives in New York.三、听录音,选择正确的答语。(10分)( )1、A、 Nervous. B、By bike C、Play football( )2、A、He is going to go to the airport. B、Clothes 、 shoes 、 passport C、He is going to go to England.( )3、A、Gr

6、andma B、Daming C、Lingings bag( )4、A、At seven oclock. B、Many years ago. C、Last night.( )5、A、Amy B、He is going to play C、Go to New York. 四、听录音,排列句子。(10分)( ) Thats a good idea!( ) Im going to meet you in New York.( ) Daming is going to go to the airport.( ) Make a list of things to do.( ) Are you ready

7、 for your trip?五、听录音,选出你所听到的单词的意思。(10分)1. A、听 B、 离开 C、清单2. A、鞋 B、商店 C、绵羊3. A、空气 B、机场 C、邮件4. A、拿走 B、机票 C、茶5. A、牙刷 B、牙痛 C、牙膏笔试部分(50分)一、 按要求写单词。(10分)1. make(过去式) _2. feel (过去式)_3. write (同音词)_ 4. toothbrush(复数) _ 5. shoe (复数) _ 二、单项选择(10分)( ) 1. Make a list _ things to do? A of B to C at( ) 2.Whos goin

8、g to go _ you? A and B of C with( ) 3. _ are you going to go?A what B where C when( )4.I _ go to the park tomorrow.A am B am going to C are going to( )5. Grandma _ me in New York tomorrow.A met B meet C will meet三、根据问句选答语。(10分)( )1.Where is Daming going to go tomorrow? A.Daming( )2.When does he have

9、 to leave ? B.American( )3.Who is going to go to America ? C.He feels nervous( )4.What does Daming have to take? D.At 7 Oclock( )5.How does Daming fell? E.Clothes,shoes ,present 四、选词填空。(8分)1.Im ready (of for) my trip to Beijing.2.My grandma is going to (meet met)me at six。3. (whose whos)going to go

10、to London?4.When are you going to(go ,go to) there?五、用所给词的适当形式填空(12分) 1.Tomorrow he is_(go) to go to a park. 2. It will _ (be) all right. 3. I dont _(think)so. 4. But I _ (feel)happy now.5. Daming _(take)shoes tomorrow.6. Passport is _(he).Unit 2 Im in New York now .一、课标解读:Im in New York now.是外研版小学英

11、语五年级下册第十模块第二单元的内容。第二单元以书信形式谈论Daming旅行经历。通过大明到纽约的旅行,对学生进行听力与口语的训练。主要掌握单词flat,arrive,building,made,taxi,again;句型When did Daming arrive? He arrived yesterday. Grandma made Chinese food for me;音标whw 、whh 、wrr。语言能力是能根据特殊疑问词what,who,when,where进行问答。教学重点是6个单词、3个句型与音标whw 、whh 、wrr。.教学难点是熟练掌握特殊疑问词what,who,whe

12、n,where并对其进行回答。二、知识要点: 1认读单词: flat,arrive,building,made,taxi,again 2重点句型: When did Daming arrive? He arrived yesterday. Grandma made Chinese food for me三、教法学法:以学生为主体,利用多媒体课件、录音等教具,对学生进行口语和听力的的训练。明确任务,让小组内进行合作学习。教法主要运用任务型教学法、情境教学法、游戏教学法等。第二单元训练题听力部分(50分)一、听录音,选出你听到的单词。(12分)( ) 1、A、flat B、 flute C、lig

13、ht( ) 2、A、the B、their C、 hair( ) 3、A、make B、cake C、book( ) 4、A、beautiful B、building C、bring( ) 5、A、lots B、lot C、hot( ) 6、A、grandma B、grandpa C、grandparent二、听录音,判断你听到的与所给句子是(T)否(F)一致。(10分)( )1.Daming is in New York now.( )2.Only Grandma met him at the airport。( )3. They took a red taix to their flat .( )4. Grandma made Chinese food for Daming.( ) 5.His Cousin Simon lives in New York too.三、听录音,給下列图片排列顺序。(8分) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )四、听录音选出你所听到的句子。(8分)( )1.A.There are lots of tall building。 B. Th


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