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1、优秀作文评析(二)应用文 1【习作要求】假如你的名字叫王磊,你有一位美国朋友杰克(Jack)今年暑假要到西安来参观,你写信告诉他,你住在西安市南大街65号,从火车站乘10路公共汽车到历史博物馆下车。到时你将在车站等他。此信写于2004年5月1日。 注意: (1) 数不得少于50个。 (2) 求意思完整,语句连贯。 【参考范文】Dear Jack: Im very glad to hear that youll come to visit Xian this summer holiday. Now I would like to tell you how to get to my house.

2、I live at 65 the South Street, Xian. When you arrive in Xian by train (or by plane), you can catch (take) the No. 10 bus and get off at the History Museum. Ill wait for you there. Yours, Wang Lei 【名师点评】 完成这道书面表达题应从以下几个方面着手考虑: 首先,这道题属于书信文件,所以应注意书信的正确格式。其次从提示的内容来看,主要是说王磊的一位美国朋友杰克于暑假要来西安参观,王磊写信告诉他行走的路线

3、及到时在车站等他等细节,应采用一般现在时和将来时态来叙述。最后,同学们应结合所给的主要内容,用所学过的词(组)及句型来完成此文。参观 visit 今年暑假 this summer holiday 想要 would like to do到达 get to/arrive at/reach 乘坐公共汽车 catch/take a bus 下车 get off 等等。 优秀作文评析(二)应用文 2【习作要求】假如你叫Han Meimei,你的笔友Mary现在上海三中学习。她邀请你去参加聚会。请你用英语给Mary写一封信。信的要点如下: (1) 你很抱歉,不能去。 (2) 你母亲病了,医生叫她卧床几日。

4、你要照料母亲。 (3) 谢谢寄来的漂亮的明信片(postcard),很喜欢,将放在书桌上。 注意: (1) 信要通顺、连贯。 (2) 词数60字左右。信的开头和结尾已为你写好,不计入总词数。 (3) 如写不下,可写在横线下空白处。 【参考范文】 Dear Mary, Thank you very much for inviting me to your party. I am very sorry, but I cant come. My mother is ill. The doctor has told her that she should stay in bed for several

5、 days. Ill take care of my mother. Thank you very much for sending me such a beautiful postcard. I like it very much. I am going to put it on my desk. I am looking forward to your reply. Give my best wishes to your family. Yours, Han Meimei【习作要求】 Miss Jo Hunt和Lily是好朋友。Lily给Jo写信,告诉她自己和双胞胎妹妹在中国学习和生活的情

6、况,并询问对方的汉语学习情况及是否能来中国。 要求:写一篇100词左右的信。 【学生习作】 Dear Jo: How are you? I havent heard of you for a long time. Id like tell you something about our school life in China. Now we are students of No.4 Middle School. Were in the same grade, Grade Two, but in different class . Im in Class 1, but Lucy is in C

7、lass 4. We go to school five days a week. Every morning, we leave home after a quick breakfast. Classes begin at eight oclock in the morning. We have four classes in the morning and three classes in the afternoon. We have lunch at school because we all like Chinese food very much. Our favorite food

8、is dumplings. School is over at about 3 in the afternoon. After school we have sports on the playground. We have made friends with a lot of Chinese children. We teach them English and they teach our Chinese. Now we can speak and write a little in Chinese. What about you? By the way, when are you coming to China? Please write to me soon. Love from: Lily from,“收到某人的信”应为hear from。 to tell,正确的说法是“would like sb. to do sth.” classes,既然在不同班级,应该用复数形式。 both,all表示三者以上的人或物,both表示二者。 us,此处应用宾格形式。



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