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1、偏方秘方验方治疗自汗盗汗1. 燕麦米糠治疗虚汗不止 (Oats and Rice bran for overwhelming sweat)燕麦 50 克,米糠 25 克,饴糖 15 克Oats 50 g, Rice bran 25 g, Malt sugar 15 g.水煎燕麦和米糠,取药汁加饴糖服。Cook the oats and rice bran in water. Take the herbal tea. Mix it with malt sugar to drink.2. 浮小麦大枣汤治疗盗汗 (Light wheat and Chinese date for night swea

2、t)浮小麦 50 克,大枣 50 克Light wheat 50 g, Chinese date 50 g.水煎服。Cook in water. Drink the tea.也可单独将浮小麦焙干研细末,每服 10 克,每天三次,饭后两小时用米汤送服。浮小麦可用麦麸子代替。Alternatively, bake light wheat to dry, grind it into fine powder. Drink it 2 hours after meal with rice soup to swallow, 10 grams each time, three times a day. The

3、 light wheat can be replaced by wheat bran.3. 五倍子敷脐治疗自汗盗汗 (Chinese gall for day sweat and night sweat)五倍子研细末,加温开水调成糊状,睡前敷脐部。适当包扎固定。用药56次无效者停用。Grind Chinese gall into fine powder. Add warm boiled water to make it into mud form. Apply it onto the naval before go to bed. Fold and seal it properly. Stop

4、 to continue if it does not work after 5-6 times of use.也可将五倍子,枯矾各等份 (五矾散),研细末,同法敷脐。Alternatively, grind equal amount of Chinese gall and Dry alum into fine powder. Use it the same way on to the naval as above.也可将五倍子加等量黄芪如法炮制和使用。You can also mix the same amount of Chinese gall and Huangqi, prepare a

5、nd use the mud same way.还可将五倍子,酸枣仁各等量,研细末,加蜂蜜调成糊状,敷脚心。每晚一次。Another way: grind equal amount of Chinese gall and Suanzao kernel into fine powder. Add honey to make it into mud form. Smear on the middle of sole. Fold and seal properly overnight. 4. 韭菜根治疗自汗盗汗 (Chinese chive root for day and night sweat)

6、韭菜根 100 克Chinese chive root 100 g.水煎顿服。Cook in water. Drink the tea all once.5. 小麦麸猪肉治疗自汗盗汗 (Wheat bran and pork for day or night sweat)小麦麸 100 克,猪肉末 250 克,糯米粉 250 克,葱末,姜末,盐,酱油各少许Wheat bran 100 g, pork (chopped into mud form) 250 g, Glutinous rice 250 g, Chinese leek (chopped) little, Fresh ginger (

7、chopped) little, table salt little, and soya little.将小麦麸,猪肉末,葱,姜,盐及酱油调成馅,将糯米粉加水做成软料,再将馅包成汤圆,煮熟后食用。Mix all, except the rice powder, into mud form. Add water to the rice powder to make it into soft dough form. Fold the meat mixture with the rice dough to form pills. Cook in water. Eat the pills. 6. 黄芪

8、羊肉汤治疗自汗盗汗 (Huangqi Lam for night sweat)黄芪 15 克,羊肉 90 克,桂圆肉 10 克,山药 15 克Huangqi 15 g, Lamb 90 g, Guiyuan 10 g, Chinese yam 15 g.将羊肉用水煮开,捞出来,放入冷水中去除膻味,用砂锅将水煮开,放入羊肉和诸药同煮。饮汤吃肉。Cook the lamb (mutton) in water to boil. Take it out and put in cold water to remove its original smell and odor. Use a clay pot

9、, add water in and bring to boil. Add the lamb and these herbs in. Bring to boil to cook. Drink the soup and eat the meat.7. 加味牡蛎散治疗盗汗 (Jiawei Muli San for sweat)锻牡蛎 100 克,黄芪 100 克,麻黄根 50 克,五味子 50 克,浮小麦 15 克Duan Muli 100 g, Huangqi 100 g, Mahuang root 50 g, Wuweizi水煎服。久病气虚者加人参须 5 克;阴虚燥热者加生地 10 克,白芍

10、10 克。心悸眠差者加酸枣仁10 克,麦冬 10 克。For person with Qi deficiency and has a long history of illness, add Ginseng tassel 5 g; if with Yin deficiency and dry-hot, add Shengdi 10 g, Baishao 10 g; if with palpitation and poor sleep, add Suanzao kernel 10 g, and Maidong 10 g. 8. 猪心黄芪汤治疗自汗盗汗 (Pig heart and Huangqi

11、 for sweat)猪心一个,黄芪12 克,党参 12 克, 五味子 4 克Pig heart, one; Huangqi 12 g, Dangshen 12 g, Wuweizi 4 g.将黄芪等纳入猪心内,加水炖熟,吃肉喝汤。Put the herbs into the pig heart. Add water to cook until edible. Eat the meat and drink the soup. 9. 艾叶乌梅汤治疗盗汗 (Argy wormwood leave and black plum for night sweat)艾叶 7 克,乌梅 5个,水煎,睡前服。

12、Argy wormwood leaves 7 g, black plum five. Cook in water. Drink the herbal tea before go to bed. 10. 韭菜鸡蛋治疗盗汗 (Chinese chives and egg for night sweat)将韭菜切碎,将鸡蛋去壳加入韭菜中拌匀,蒸熟服。Chop Chinese chives, add into the egg (remove shell). Mix them well. Steam over water to edible. Eat it. 11. 桑叶治疗盗汗 (Mulberry l

13、eaf for night sweat)经霜桑叶研细末,每次服4克,饭后两小时米汤送服。长期服,还可明目,黑头发,通便。Grind mulberry leaf (after frost) into fine powder. Drink 4 grams each time, two hours after each meal. Long time drink can also help to bright eyes, dark the hairs, and solve constipation.12. 烧酒或米醋治疗盗汗 (Liquor or vinegar smear for night sw

14、eat)用烧酒搽皮肤,可治疗盗汗。For night sweat, smear or rub skin with high degree liquor.也可用米醋在睡前搽前胸,后背,腋下,胁下等处。Alternatively, smear rice vinegar on front chest, body back, armpit, upper and side of abdomen. 13. 猪肝治疗吃饭时出汗 (Pig liver for sweat during eating)将猪肝切细,在瓦上焙干,研细末,用稀粥和为丸状(直径 1 厘米)。每次服 50 丸,空腹服。Chop pig l

15、iver into small pieces, bake to dry on a clay tile. Grind it into powder. Mix with rice soup to make pills of 1 cm in diameter. Eat the pills, 50 pills each time with empty stomach. 14. 锻龙骨五倍子敷脐治疗自汗盗汗 (Longgu and Chinese gall for day or night sweat)锻龙骨, 五倍子,各等份Processed Longgu, Chinese gall, equal amount.研细末,加温开水或醋调成糊状,每晚睡前敷脐部,胶布固定,次晨去掉。Grind them into fine powder. Add warm water or vinegar to make it into mud form. Add little into naval before go to bed. Seal with medical tape. R



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