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1、精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上考情分析: 注重考察背景意愿类英语题考查最多的是个人背景和求职动机,有的也考查银行监管的基础知识,相对专业题来说,不太难。通过对银监会历年面试真题的研究,我们可以看出银监会面试环节题目类型设置比较灵活,除了传统的结构化面试真题以外,还包括专业题和英语题。题型的具体分布一般为前两题属于传统类的结构化面试试题,题目难度不大,接着是专业题.英语题,最后一题属于经济类的专业题或关于考生个人情况的自由提问。银监会面试公告(今年尚未出现)1.中国银行业监督管理委员会简称银监会。根据授权,统一监督管理银行、金融资产管理公司、信托投资公司以及其它存款类金融机构,维护银行业的合法、稳健

2、运行。the CBRC is short for the China Banking Regulatory Commission . Conduct supervision of the banks, financial asset management companies, investment companies and other deposit-taking financial institutions,Maintaining the stability and legitimate operation of the banking institutions .2.银监局的职能The

3、main functions of the CBRCAnswer:1、Formulate supervisory rules and regulations governing the banking institutions。 2、Authorize the establishment, changes, termination and business scope of the banking institutions。3、Conduct on-site examination and off-site surveillance of the banking institutions, a

4、nd take enforcement actions against rule-breaking behaviors;4、Conduct fit-and-proper tests on the senior managerial personnel of the banking institutions5、Provide proposals on the resolution of problem deposit-taking institutions in consultation with relevant regulatory authorities6、Responsible for

5、the administration of the supervisory boards of the major State-owned banking institutions; and Other functions delegated by the State Council;3.The supervisory focuses of the CBRC(1)Conduct consolidated supervision to assess, monitor and mitigate the overall risks of each banking institution as a l

6、egal entity; (2)stay focused on risk-based supervision and improvement of supervisory process and methods; (3)Urge banks to put in place and maintain a system of internal controls: (4)enhance supervisory transparency in line with international standards and practices。4.The regulatory objectives of t

7、he CBRCa. Protect the interests of depositors and consumers through prudential and effective supervision; b. Maintain market confidence through prudential and effective supervision; c. Enhance public knowledge of modern finance though customer education and information disclosure; d. Combat financia

8、l crimes.5.The supervisory and regulatory criteria of the CBRCa. Promote the financial stability and facilitate financial innovation at the same time; b. Enhance the international competitiveness of the Chinese banking sector; c. Set appropriate supervisory and regulatory boundaries and refrain from

9、 unnecessary controls; d. Encourage fair and orderly competition; e. Clearly define the accountability of both the supervisor and the supervised institutions; and f. Employ supervisory resources in an efficient and cost-effective manner.6.金融危机对我国的影响the banking institutions .Manufacturing 。Employment

10、。export 。income of government and peple。Mitigate and eliminate 。other side ,chance in the crisis。Change Industrial Structure and improve our Consciousness and awareness 。better future。7.为什么要来cbrcI chose CBRC for the some kinds of reasons:1、Major knowledge qualified for the position。 2、There are grea

11、t merits to work in CBRC ,One is that CBRC has the environment I need for my career. In addition to well-furnished facilities and equipment, I can work happily.3、The third reason is the career in CBRC is fulfilling to me。Outstanding seniors。that CBRC helps me to reach my personal goals in life. The

12、ability to learn largely is the largest reason for choosing CBRC4、I understand that working in CBRC can increase my personal financing skills. I believe that CBRC can make me successful. 5、Civil Servant member of communist party ,service for people and state 8.专业知识对今后工作的帮助professional knowledge Fami

13、liar with the work quickly。Learn new knowledge。Learn more difficult and Complex knowledge。Competent complete work communicate with other professional people。9.全球信用危机有哪些方面的影响the banking institutions . collapse(倒闭)。Manufacturing 。Employment。export 。income of government and peple。Mitigate and eliminate

14、 。other side ,chance in the crisis。Change Industrial Structure and improve our Consciousness and awareness 。better future。10.credit crunch对中国的影响11.金融危机对我国哪些企业影响最大real estate(房地产)the banking institutions Manufacturing 什么是团队精神,你是否是一个有团队精神的人Team Spirit所谓团队精神,简单来说就是大局意识、协作精神和服务精神的集中体现。The so-called team

15、 spirit, put it in simple terms is that the overall situation, and the spirit of collaboration and the concentrated expression of the spirit of service. Incentive12.货币政策对我国的影响你要知道货币政策都有什么 最主要的就是调节Adjuste利率 调节银行存款准备金率Reserve 还有就是公开市场业务 而货币政策是由央行制定的如果提高存贷款利率 银行就可以吸引市场上用于消费和投资的部分货币放到银行存款吃利息。而调节存款准备金率 主

16、要是指各个商业银行 比如建行 交行 工行 中行 农行 民生。此外 公开市场业务就是指 央行通过发售和回购国债来达到控制货币流量的目的。Deflation13.我的业余生活reading Research Analysis writing sporting service 。 Volunteers donate Blood14.谈谈你对利率上调的看法Raise interest rates deposit increase。Real estate Passion。Stable policy of monetary。Other side ,pay attention to international finance Hot money15.进入cbrc后如何开展



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