2003-08-04 人类梦想的历史.doc

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1、2003-08-04 人类梦想的历史提升之灵性学堂译文部落 Chinese Translations of SSOA 地球母亲信息 THE HISTORY OF THE HUMAN DREAMTHE DANCE OF THE RED AND WHITE FALSE GODS 人类梦想的历史红白虚假神的舞蹈The Earth Mother through Karen Danrich “Mila” August 4, 2003地球母亲透过Karen Danrich “Mila”传递,日期:2003年8月4日原文链接:http:/www.ascendpress.org/articles/earth-

2、motherII/HumanHistory.htm Translated by 流星似火Dear Beloved Ascending Humans,至爱的提升人类:The ancient human history has been a mystery not only to humanity at large, but also to Earth. For humanity has existed within a separate dream from Earth since the original seeding of mankind some 50,000 years ago (20

3、0,000 human years ago). It was not until the human holographic planes were opened a little over a year ago in Earths global ascension that the entire human history could be assessed. It has taken much time to recompile the archives of information and history so that an accurate account of all occurr

4、ences could be available for the purposes of global ascension and human ascension alike.远古人类的历史不仅对人类普遍而言一直是一个谜,对地球也如此。因为自约5万年(20万人类年)前最初播种之后,人类一直存在于和地球分离的一个梦想中。直到地球全球提升中,全息图一年稍多前被打开后,整个人类历史才得到了评估。已花费了很长时间来重新汇编历史与信息的档案,为了全球提升及人类同样提升的目的,而让所有发生事件的陈述精确可得。Ascension requires an accurate compilation of all

5、 ancestral experiences and karma so as to clear the karma at any given vibratory bandwidth in order to ascend. The souls in care of the human dream had little interest in ascension; and so accurate records of human experiences were never kept. However all occurrences were still recorded in the human

6、 dream, but in a non-sequential manner. Instead of time occurring sequentially with all incidents recorded from beginning to end, records were recorded and found based upon emotional resonance. In so doing, all records of certain nature were held in one region rather than sequentially through time.提

7、升需要对所有祖先经历和业力进行精确整理,以便为了提升而清除任何一个给定振动带宽中的业力。照管人类梦想的灵魂对提升几乎没有兴趣,因此人类经历的精确记录从未保留。然而所有事件仍然被保留在人类梦想之中,不过是以一种非有序的方式。记录并非按时间发生顺序而让所有事件从头记录至尾,而是基于情感共鸣而被记录并发现。这么做,某性质的所有记录被持有在某个区域中,而不是透过时间而有序记录。In human ascension, this translates into one region of the form holding all records for a particular type of exper

8、ience. If the experience is excessively painful, the region can also be excessively decayed or scarred due to all of the painful records compounded on top of one another in the same part of the form. So this is for the human form; so this is also so for Earth. Earths most painful records are recorde

9、d one on top of another in the Middle East primarily; however there are 17 other regions equally painful, most of which are currently under the water of our oceans.人类提升之中,这被转译进形体的某个区域,来维系某特别类型经历的所有记录。如果经历过于痛苦,则由于所有的痛苦记录被彼此层层摞摞叠加在形体的同一部分,这个地方也会过于衰退或伤痕深重。对人类形体而言如此,对地球而言也如此。地球最痛苦的记录,则主要被彼此叠加在中东地区。不过有17

10、个其他地区也同等痛苦,其中大部分位于当前我们大洋的水域之中。As the holographic planes were opened, the bits and pieces of human history not understood through record gathering in human ascension could be filled in. For the holograms have recorded a sequential history of every human life ever lived upon Earth. Opening these archi

11、ves has therefore been very helpful, as it has allowed much that had not been known until now to become understood. In this light, Earth would like to share a recounting of human history from both a physical and nonphysical perspective.当全息层被打开时,人类提升所收集记录中并未理解的人类历史点滴、片段,可被填补空缺。因为,全息图已经为地球上每个曾生活的人类生命都

12、记录了一个依序历史。因此,打开这些档案是非常有帮助的,因为它允许了很多并不明了的事物到现在开始被了解。在这曙光之中,地球很愿意来分享人类历史的再次陈述,既从物质层面,也从非物质层面。Understand that this is your history. History repeats itself unless one chooses to learn the associated spiritual lesson, and then choose a different outcome. Ascending humans are choosing to learn their spiri

13、tual lessons and create a new era of unity ahead. Earth, as a global vessel, is choosing to learn her lessons as a consensus reality. In so doing, the future is shifting now to allow for the birth of a golden era ahead rather than a repeat of the many disasters that have plagued humanity and caused

14、falls in consciousness upon Earth.要明白,这是你的历史。历史自我重复,直到一个人选择学会相关灵性课程并选择一个不同的结果为止。提升人类正在选择来学习他们的灵性课程,并创造前方一个崭新的统一时代。地球,作为一个全球管道,也正选择她作为一个一致实相的课程。这么做,现在,未来正在变迁以允许前方一个黄金时代的诞生,而不是折磨了人类并导致地球上意识下降的许多灾难的重演。SIRIAN HUMAN MANIPULATIONS OF EARTH天狼星人对地球的操控6 million years ago (24 million human years), Arcturian h

15、umans caused an ice age in utilizing Earth to hold a group of poisons that the Arcturians required removing from their own solar system so that they could ascend. They froze Earth deliberately to assure that such toxins would release slowly. Most of the poisons prevailed although the snow melted and

16、 became embedded in the genetic structure of all living things upon Earth. One could say that such poisons along with the associated ice age caused a major fall in consciousness for all sentient species upon Earth thereafter.600万年以前(2400万人类年),大角星人需要从其自己太阳系里移除一大堆毒素以提升,大角星人在利用地球堆积这些毒素时,在地球上导致了一个冰世纪。他们故意冻结了地球来保证这些毒素可以缓慢释放。尽管冰雪逐渐消融,但大部分毒素仍四处蔓延并嵌入地球上所有生灵的基因结构之中。



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