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1、 2022年考研英语冲刺阅读理解专项训练173The new fashion is to be found on both sides of the AtlanticIn America John Cornyn,fl Republican senator from Texas,and Joe Lieberman,a Democrat senator from Connecticut,recently introduced a bill that seeks to compel all federal government agencies“to develop public-access po

2、licies relating to research conducted by employees of that agency or from funds administered by that agency“If it is passed, every American government outfit that commissions more than$100m-worth of research a year will have to make the results free to all-comers as soon as they are accepted for pub

3、lication Americas biggest sponsor of medical research,the National Institutes of Health,hasalready thrown its weight behind such a moveFor the past year it has strongly encouraged the recipients of its grants to make their results available on a free archive,called PubMed Central,as soon as they are

4、 published elsewhere In Britain,meanwhile,the Wellcome Trust(the worlds second-biggest medicalresearch charity), has gone a steD further Rather than encouraging its researchers to deposit electronic copies of their findings with PubMed Central,it compels them to do so-although they have six months a

5、fter publication in which to complyThe trust,which spent483m($879m)on research last year,also gives its grant holders extra money to pay the charges levied by publishers who already offer open-access publicationand is helping to develop a British version of PubMed Central Other arms of the British s

6、cientific establishment are involved,t00On June 28th three of the eight research councils that distribute government money to British scientists announced that,in future,any work they pay for will have to be published freely soon after being accepted for publication by a journal; the other five supp

7、ort the principle but are not in fl position to enforce it415 words 1The phrase“publish or perish”in the beginning of the text means that_ Apublication indicates the SUCCESS Of a scientific career Ba scientist can never be remembered without publication Cif a scientist has nothing published,he is ce

8、rtainly unqualified Da scientists work will not be acknowledged without publication 2As mentioned in the first paragraph,the systems fairness has been challengedIt is primarily because_ Ascientific research fruits are not free to public readers Bscientific researches are ultimately supported by taxp

9、ayers Cpublishers make huge profits from publishing research papers Dscientists get nothing for the publication of their research papers 3“The new fashion”in the beginning of the third paragraph refers t0_ Athe trend of opening access to research fruits Bmore money paid by sponsors of research Cthe

10、well-known adage“publish or perish” Dthe publication of papers for nothing 4Which of the following statements about PubMed Central is TRUE? AThere is one PubMed Central in either America or Britain BPubMed Centralis attached to the National Institutes of Health CThe data available in PubMed Central

11、are open to everyone for free use DAll scientists in Britain must contribute their findings to PubMed Central 5The text is mainly about_ Athe foundation of scientific careers Bthe spreading of free access to research Ca new fashion on both sides of the Atlantic Dthe free publication in America and Britain



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