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1、Unit 4 What would you do?第一课时教案一、 教学目标1. Language goals(1)掌握虚拟条件句,注意动词的形式(2)重要短语:buy snacks; buy a big house; put it in a bank; give it to charity; give it to the zoo; give it to medical research(3)熟练句型:If I had a million dollars, Id give it to charity.(4)掌握对话:A:What would you do it you had a millio

2、n dollars?B:I would give it to medical research.2Ability goalsEnable the students to understand and talk about imaginary situations.3.Emotion & attitude goalsWhat is the others attitude toward money?How do they deal with worries /problems?二、 教学重难点1. Talk about imaginary situations,worries/problems.2

3、. The structure: I would/Id do三、教具PPT四、教学过程1. Warming-up(1) watch the flash and say out the activities. t: if you were in a lions cage , what would you do ? (2)用一幅“钱”的图片导入,引发学生讨论:“What will you do if you have one hundred dollars?” T: What will you do if you have one hundred dollars?S1: I would buy s

4、ome beautiful clothes.S2: I would buy a dictionary.S3: T: What would you do if you had a million dollars?S1:Id/would give it to charity if I had one million dollars.S2:I would /Id give it to medical research if I had one million dollars.通过让学生找出自己造的if条件句与以前所学if条件句的不同引出虚拟语气。(我真的有一百万吗?没有。 所以虚拟语气表示与事实相反

5、。主句用would+动词原形,从句用一般过去时。而以前的if条件句用“主将从现”)2.Presentation(1)Play guessing games: If you had a million dollars, you would( 2)Present new phrases: buy snacks; buy a big house; put it in a bank; give it to charity; give it to the zoo; give it to medical research.用图片引入新短语。通过教师领读、学生互相检查(读给同桌听)、教师抽查、齐读的方式操练

6、新短语,为句型练习打下基础。3. Practice conversations(1) PairworkA:What would you do it you had a million dollars?B:I would give it to charity.(2) Consolidation给出一些新图片,让学生讨论并练习句型。这个环节学生的答案更加丰富多彩。4. Conclusion the grammar.Show 2 sentences. Let them compare and conclude the grammar.What will you do if you have one

7、yuan ? If I have one yuan, I willWhat would you do if you had a million dollars? If I had a million dollars, I wouldSubjunctive Mood (虚拟语气)定义:虚拟语气用来表示说话人所说的话不是客观存在的事实,而是一种愿望、可能、猜测、建议、要求或假设等。条件从句(过去时) 主句(过去将来时If 主语 + 行为动词的过去式/were 主语 should/ could/might/could do5.Listening practiceTeacher: They are m

8、y 4 students. They are discussing :What would they do if they had one million dollars?(1) 看图片,通过讨论、描述图片猜测听力内容。然后让学生听原文验证自己的猜测是否正确。(2) First,number the orders.。(3)Second, fill in the chart.PeopleWhat would he/she do?Boy1give it to charityGirl1buy some beautiful clothesGirl2(4) Third, check the answer

9、s.(5) Read after the tape.6. Summary(1) Phrases把钱捐给慈善机构 give it to charity把钱捐给动物园 give it to the zoo把钱用于医学研究 give it to medical research把钱存入银行 put it in a bank给家里买个大房子 buy a big house for my family(2) Sentence structures :I wouldif I had虚拟语气,表示与现在事实相反。主句用would+动词原形,从句用一般过去时。7.Do some exercise8.Homew

10、orkIf you were the headmaster in your school, what would you do? Write an article in 80 words.9. 结束语(1) 展示大家熟悉的图片了解一些慈善机构和名人的慈善活动(2) 欣赏“爱的奉献”让学生继续思考。五、板书设计板书设计:A: What would you do if you had a million dollars?B1: Id/would give it to charity if I had one million dollars.B2: I would /Id give it to medical research if I had one million dollars.六、课后反思课后反思:。1教学得失:整堂课学生积极性高。教学效果较好。本节课设计比较合理,层层递进,由歌曲引入,导入新课。主要以练习口语为主。通过不断的操练进而掌握语法。时间上有点过长。容量有点大。2矫正措施:课堂上设计的练习题未能完成。由于容量较大,知识点讲解不够充分,所以在下一节课设计中还要在强调。



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