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1、UNIT 2Plant a Plant!UNIT 2易错考点专练易错考点专练 be made of/from/in/up of/into辨析易易错错点点津津:be made of由由制制成成,成成品品看看得得出出原原材材料料;be made from由由制制成成,成成品品看看不不出出原原材材料料;be made in地地点点名名词词,在在某某地地生生产产;be made up of由由组组成成,表表示由部分构成整体;示由部分构成整体;be made into被制成被制成。用用be made of/from/in/up of/into的适当形式填空的适当形式填空1.The dress mustb

2、e made ofsilk.2.Wine canbe made fromany fruit.3.上海期末The parkis made up ofa football field,some basketball courts and other sports places.4.Nowadays,more and more toysare made inChina.5.Wood canbe made intopaper,so we should save more trees.be made ofbe made fromis made up ofare made inbe made into p

3、leased,pleasant,pleasure辨析易易错错点点津津:pleased高高兴兴的的,主主语语常常是是人人,常常用用短短语语:be pleased to do sth.乐乐意意做做某某事事;be pleased with sb.对对某某人人很很满满意意。pleasant令令人人高高兴兴的的,常常修修饰饰事事物物,常常用用句句式式:It is pleasant to do sth.。pleasure名名词词,高高兴兴,常常用用于于:have the pleasure of doing sth.高高兴兴做做某某事事;with pleasure很乐意效劳;很乐意效劳;Its my ple

4、asure.很荣幸。很荣幸。.用用pleased,pleasant,pleasure填空填空1.The restaurant offers a friendly andpleasantenvironment with first-class service.2.After several days hard work,our teacher ispleasedwith our grades.3.May I have thepleasureof dancing with you?pleasantpleasedpleasure.单项选择单项选择(A)4.Can you help me buy a

5、book?.I just want to go to the bookstore.A.With pleasureB.I am pleasedC.Its my pleasureD.Its pleasantA(B)5.【易错题】【易错题】Im quiteto have such achance.A.pleased;pleasedB.pleased;pleasantC.pleasant;pleasantD.pleasant;pleasedB sure的用法易易错错点点津津:sure确确信信,肯肯定定。常常用用短短语语有有:be sure of/about sth.指指对对某某事事或或对对某某种种情情

6、况况有有把把握握,be sure后后也也可可跟跟that从从句句。be sure to do sth.务务必必做做某某事事;make sure指指“确确保保”,常常跟跟that从从句句或或构构成成短短语语make sure of sth.;for sure毫无疑问。毫无疑问。.单项选择单项选择(B)1.I hope you areof your facts.A.warmB.sureC.politeD.scaredB(A)2.that you have turned off all the lights before leaving the room.A.Make sureB.To make s

7、ureC.Be sure ofD.To be sureA(B)3.Our country will be better and better if everyone works hard.Each of us should try our best.A.Make sureB.Thats for sureC.Be sureD.That makes sureB.根据汉语意思完成句子根据汉语意思完成句子4.我确信我将会成功。Iam/make surethat I will succeed.5.请确保所有的窗户都关上了。Pleasebe sureto close all the windows.am/

8、make surebe sure live,alive,living,lively辨析易易错错点点津津:live作作动动词词,意意为为“生生活活”,还还可可以以作作形形容容词词或或副副词词,意意为为“现现场场直直播播(的的);活活的的”;alive形形容容词词,意意为为“活活着着;在在世世”,可可用用来来作作表表语语、后后置置定定语语或或宾宾补补;living作作形形容容词词,意意为为“活活着着的的”,可可用用来来指指人人或或物物,作作定定语语或或表表语语;lively形形容容词词,意意为为“活活泼泼的的,充充满满生生机机的的,作表语或定语。作表语或定语。.用用live,alive,livin

9、g,lively填空填空1.I was sure that the fish wasalive/livingbecause it swam away after I put it into the river.2.He drew such alivelypicture.Everything on it seems to move at once.3.Alllivingthings on the earth share the land,the sea,the sky and so on.4.Did you watch the opening ceremony of the city sports meet which was shownliveon TV?alive/livinglivelylivinglive.单项选择单项选择(B)5.Someone says that there are some things on Mars.Do you believe it?A.liveB.livingC.aliveD.livedB


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