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1、第七课时第七课时Self Check【精讲】【精讲】too much意为意为“太多太多”,既可用作形容词词组修饰不可数名词,也可用,既可用作形容词词组修饰不可数名词,也可用作副词词组修饰不及物动词,还可用作名词词组;作副词词组修饰不及物动词,还可用作名词词组;too many意为意为“太多太多”,修饰可,修饰可数名词复数;数名词复数;much too意为意为“太太”,修饰形容词或副词。,修饰形容词或副词。【精练】【精练】选用选用too much,too many或或much too填空。填空。1Im afraid that hat is _ big for me.2Its bad for yo

2、ur health to eat _ junk food.3There are _ people in the shop.So its _ crowded and noisy.()4.The problem is _ difficult.You neednt spend _ time on it.Atoo much;much tooBmuch too;too muchCtoo much;too muchDmuch too;much toomuch tootoo muchtoo manymuch tooB【精讲】【精讲】get off意为意为“下下(车、飞机等车、飞机等)”,其反义短语为,其反义

3、短语为get on。与。与get相关的短相关的短语还有:语还有:get up“起床;站起起床;站起”,get into“陷入;参与陷入;参与”,get out of“离开,从离开,从出出来来”,get on with“与与和睦相处,关系良好和睦相处,关系良好”等。等。【精练精练】从方框中选择适当的短语,并用其正确形式填空。从方框中选择适当的短语,并用其正确形式填空。get into,get off,get on with,get out of,get up5Dont _ the bus until it stops,boys.6The two sisters _ early,because t

4、hey wanted to walk to school.7You shouldnt have said that just now.You might _ trouble.8There is a fire in the building.Lets _ the classroom.9It was my first day in this school,and I _ my new classmates.get offgot upget intoget out ofgot on with【精讲精讲】thanks to意为意为“多亏了多亏了;由于;由于”,相当于,相当于because of.或或w

5、ith the help of.,to为介词,后接名词或代词;为介词,后接名词或代词;thanks for意为意为“为为而感谢而感谢”,相当,相当于于thank you for.,后接名词、代词或动词,后接名词、代词或动词ing形式。形式。【精练】【精练】()10.Thanks _ him,the doctor saved the mans life in time.Aby Bto Cfor Don()11.Thank you for _ me with my math.Youre welcome.I hope you can do better in it.Ahelp Bto helpChe

6、lping Dhelps()12.How can you finish the work in two hours?_ the teachers help,we can finish the work.AThanks to BThanks forCBecause DForBCA【精讲精讲】give up意为意为“放弃放弃”,可单独使用,也可接名词、代词或动词,可单独使用,也可接名词、代词或动词ing形式形式作宾语。作宾语。give up后接名词作宾语时,名词可放在后接名词作宾语时,名词可放在give与与up之间,也可放在之间,也可放在up之后;之后;后接代词作宾语时,代词只能放在后接代词作宾语

7、时,代词只能放在give与与up之间。之间。【精练】【精练】()13.It seems that we are in a very difficult situation.However,we wont _ hope.Arun out Btake upCget into Dgive up()14.Smoking is bad for your health,Jack.Youre right.I decide to _Agive up it Bgive up themCgive it up Dgive them up15To keep healthy,Tom stops eating junk

8、food.(改为同义句改为同义句)To keep healthy,Tom _ _ eating junk food.DCgives up【精讲精讲】run out意为意为“(某物某物)被用完;被耗尽被用完;被耗尽”,主语通常是表示时间、金钱、,主语通常是表示时间、金钱、食物等的名词;食物等的名词;run out of意为意为“(某人某人)用光用光”,表示主动意义,主语是人。另,表示主动意义,主语是人。另外外run out of也可以表示也可以表示“从从跑出来跑出来”。【精练】【精练】16恐怕我们的水很快就要用完了。恐怕我们的水很快就要用完了。(翻译句子翻译句子)Im afraid that o

9、ur water is _ _ soon.17格林夫人上个月买了一部新车,用尽了她所有的钱。格林夫人上个月买了一部新车,用尽了她所有的钱。(翻译句子翻译句子)Last month Mrs.Green bought a new car and _ _ _ all her money.running outran out of【精讲精讲】die为非延续性动词,意为为非延续性动词,意为“死亡死亡”,不能与表示一段时间的状语使用;,不能与表示一段时间的状语使用;death为名词,表示为名词,表示“死;死亡死;死亡”,在句中作主语或宾语;,在句中作主语或宾语;dead为形容词,意为为形容词,意为“死死的

10、;失去生命的的;失去生命的”,表示状态。,表示状态。【精练】【精练】选用选用die,death或或dead填空,并注意其形式。填空,并注意其形式。18I forgot to water my flower,and it _ finally.19Three people were _ in the fire.20Bill is really sad because of his grandpas _dieddeaddeath一、一、阅读阅读理解。理解。I am not ready to write everything about the accident,but the lesson I le

11、arned can help other people.Driving carelessly is dangerous.One day,I was driving on the road.A car across from me seemed to be turning right,but the driver changed(改改变变)his mind and kept going.I didnt notice(注注意意)that,because I was trying to get my phone.Then I heard a big noise.The accident happen

12、ed.Some people saw the accident and came to ask me something,but I was in_panic and couldnt think of anything.I wanted to call someone for help.However,I couldnt find my phone and I didnt remember anyones phone number.Finally,the police found my bag in the car and my iPad was in it.They sent a messa

13、ge to my family.From the accident,I hope people can learn that:be careful when driving.Its dangerous to use phones when driving.Dont drive quickly.Its necessary to keep your familys phone numbers in mind.With a phone today,almost nobody tries to remember phone numbers anymore.But sometimes,your mind

14、 works better than your phone.()1.What was the writer doing when the accident happened?ACalling someone.BSending a message.CLooking for his phone.DWatching cars around him.()2.The underlined words“in panic”have the similar meaning to“_”AtiredBscaredCquiet DexcitedCB()3.What does NOT the writer learn

15、 from the accident?ABe careful while driving.BNever be in a hurry while driving.CNever put your phone in the car.DRemember phone numbers by heart.()4.Which of the following is the RIGHT order?The writer looked for his phone.The writers family knew the accident.The police found the writers iPad.Some

16、people came to help the writer.A BC DCD()5.Whats the best title for the text?ABe Slower when DrivingBNever Use a Phone in a CarCDont Be Quick when DrivingDLearn a Lesson from a Car AccidentD二、任二、任务务型型阅读阅读。ANow and then we all get ill.Then we usually go to see a doctor.Doctors know a lot about what makes us ill.They may give us some medicine to take.6._But sometimes the doctors medicine doesnt work.A sick person does not get well.7._ This happened to one man.He was in hospital,but he wasnt well.T


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