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1、牛津初中英语7A Unit 4 My dayGrammar 教学设计镇江实验学校 钱菁 212000一、 教学课题7A Unit 4 My day - Grammar二、 教材简介第4单元的学习中出现了很多表示时间的词,不同的时间它的介词使用是不一样的,为了避免学生思维的混乱,本单元的语法教学安排了介词表达时间的学习;本单元的reading 课文中出现了大量的频度副词,因此频度副词的语法学习也是为了帮助学生对频度副词有个完整的,清晰的认识。三、 设计理念七年级的学生还像小学生那样处于活泼好动阶段,只对自己感兴趣的内容感兴趣,所以课堂设计一定要设计出让学生感兴趣的内容、调动学生的学习热情为指导思

2、想。遵循新课程标准积极提倡的任务型原则,课堂教学坚持以学生为中心,创设情境,让学生通过体验、实践、参与、讨论、交流、合作与探究的方式,真正达到“学以致用”,从而完美地完成教学任务。四、 目标预设1、知识目标1)用正确的介词来表达时间。2)正确识别并使用频度副词。2、能力目标 1) 用in, on, at 三个介词表达时间。 2)了解频度副词never, seldom, sometimes, often, usually, always 所表示的不同频率;以及熟练地使用频度副词表达一个动作发生的频率。3、情感目标 通过多媒体呈现关于学生周围环境的文字,图像,声音等多方位信息,帮助学生理解所学内容

3、,从而教育学生要有健康的生活方式。五、 重点难点1、 正确使用in,at, on 介词表达时间。2、 正确识别并使用频度副词。 六、 设计思路这是一堂语法课,孤立地教语法知识,学生肯定会觉得枯燥乏味,在教频度副词这一知识点时,可以事先录制好本班一位学生的日常饮食,让学生听出该生对吃一些食物的频率,学生听出了本班学生在录音中说话,立刻很感兴趣。在教授时间介词这一环节时, 可以以学过的Reading 为载体,把三个介词有机地衔接在一起,同时也复习了Reading, 起到了一箭双雕的作用。七、 教学过程 Step 1. Revision Give students a table about Mil

4、lies Day, and then ask students to ask and answer.ActivitiesTimeSchool starts_ 8:00 _ the morningLesson begins_ 8:15 a.m.Chat with each other_ 11:50Read in the Reading Club_ the afternoonPractice playing football_ Wednesday afternoone.g. S1: -When does Millies school start? S2:- It starts at 8:00 in

5、 the morning. Step 2. Presentation 1. Ask students the following questions.1) When do you get up/ have breakfast/ go to school/ do morning exercises/ do after-school activities/ go home/ have dinner/ do homework/ go to bed?2) On which day do you have a PE / Computer / Geography/ History lesson?3) Wh

6、en does your school have a sports meeting/ start a summer holiday?2. Write down the answers to the questions on the blackboard and mark “in, on, at” with red. Ask students to find out the use of “ in, on, at”.3. Ask students to read P47 Part B. Teacher explains it to them.Step 3. Practice1. Finish o

7、ff the exercises on Page 47 about Tommys school life.2. Check the answers and explain some language points.3. Ask the students to ask and answer by using “in, on ,at”.e.g.- When is Womens Day? - It is on March 8. 4. Do more extra exercises about “ in, on, at”.Step 4. Presentation1. Show a video abou

8、t the food how often the student from our class eats.2. Ask the students to complete the blanks after watching the video.hamburgersRice dumplingsnoodlesfruitvegetablesriceNeverseldomsometimesoftenusuallyalways3. Ask the students to find out the rules of adverbs of frequency.4. Work out the rules and

9、 the order.Step 5. Practice1. Ask students to read Part B carefully and then finish off the exercises.2. Check the answer and explain some language points.3. Write down two sentences on the blackboard and then ask students to find out how to put adverbs of frequency.1) Im never late for school.2) I

10、never come to school late.4. Do more some extra exercises about adverbs of frequency.Step 6. Drills Ask students to describe their school life and the exercise how often they do.Step 7. Homework 1. Recite the new words and phrases.2. Make a short passage about your school life.3. Use adverbs of freq

11、uency to describe the ways you exercise.板书设计 7A Unit 4 My day Grammar in the morning parts of day in in September months in winter seasons in 2014 years on Saturday dayson on 1 July dates on Sunday morning parts of special day on Children Days special holidays at 8:00 oclock time of dayat at 6 years old age always usually often sometimes seldom never1. Im never late for school.2. I never come to school late.



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