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1、Unit 10 Ive had this bike for three years.Period 1 Section A(1a-2d)一、根据句意及汉语或首字母提示写单词一、根据句意及汉语或首字母提示写单词1.My English teacher always wears a _(甜美的)smile in class.2.2023 连云港新海实验中学月考 Anne and her mom put on their _(围巾)before going outside in winter.sweetscarves3.We live in a big house with a y .4.The sw

2、eater is made of cotton and it feels s and warm.5.What b game would you like in your spare time?Chinese chess.I think its the best game for intellectual(智力的)development.ardoftoard二、用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空二、用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空6.The company is one of the biggest smartphone _(make)in the world.【点拨】根据语境可知空格处表示“生产商”

3、,应用名词形式;one of+the+形容词最高级+名词复数“最之一”,故用复数形式。makers 7.The old tree in my hometown gives me a lot of good _(memory).【点拨】memory“记忆”,表达“很多记忆”,用可数名词复数形式。memories 8.The girl _(check)her homework for a while after she finished it.【点拨】由after she finished it 提示可知,动词check 用过去式。checked 9.The book on sale is 70

4、_(cent).Ill take it.【点拨】cent 是货币单位,本身是可数名词。cents 10.More and more _(bear)appear in the forest.They live happily.【点拨】根据More and more 可知应用名词复数形式。bears 三、单项选择三、单项选择11.I often give away my books to the people _.A.for need B.need C.in need D.with need【点拨】in need 意为“需要帮助”。C12.2023 扬州 I _ China for three m

5、onths and this is the first time Ive tried on hanfu.A.have gone to B.have been to C.have arrived in D.have been in【点拨】have gone to 去了(而且现在还在)某地;have been to 去过了(而且现在没在)某地;have arrived in 已经到了,arrive 为短暂性动词;have been in(现在)在某地。根据“for three months”可知,应是在中国三个月了,且应与延续性动词连用,故选D。D13._ have you stayed in t

6、his city?For more than 10 years.A.How far B.How soon C.How long D.How old【点拨】根据“For more than 10 years.”可知询问多长时间,用how long 提问。C14.I _ my hometown for a long time.I really miss it.A.went away from B.have been away from C.have left D.go away【点拨】由for a long time 可知,此处应用现在完成时,且必须是延续性动词,故选B。B四、按要求完成句子四、按

7、要求完成句子15.2023 达州 His brother joined the army three years ago.(改为同义句)His brother _ _ in the army for three years.has been16.2023 白银 Linda has had the bike for 2 years.(改为一般疑问句)_ Linda _ the bike for 2 years?Has had17.I want to sell the hat because it doesnt fit me well.(对画线部分提问)_ _ you want to sell t

8、he hat?Why do18.We want to stay here no more.(改为同义句)We _ want to stay here _.dont anymore五、根据汉语意思完成句子五、根据汉语意思完成句子19.我们将举行一次庭院旧货拍卖,出售我们不再使用的东西。Well have a _ _ to sell the things we dont use anymore.yard sale20.你检查过我们在旅行中要带的东西了吗?Have you _ _ the things we will take with us during the trip?checked out2

9、1.这些旧照片给我带回来许多甜美的回忆。The old photos _ _ a lot of _ memories to me.bring back sweet22.我住在这儿几个月了。I have lived here for _ _ _ months.a couple of 六、情景交际六、情景交际根据对话内容,从方框内的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,其中有两项为多余选项。A:Alex,can I throw your toy train away?B:23._ I have played with it for ten years.A.What are you going to d

10、o with them?B.Please dont,Mum.C.These clothes belong to Ted.D.What about the day after tomorrow?E.Because its like an old friend to me.F.When shall we have the yard sale?G.Is there going to be a yard sale tomorrow?B【点拨】根据下文“I have played with it for ten years.”以及“But.”语境暗示可知,Alex 对玩具火车有感情,不同意扔掉。A:Bu

11、t it is too old and it is broken.Why do you still want to keep it?B:24._ A.What are you going to do with them?B.Please dont,Mum.C.These clothes belong to Ted.D.What about the day after tomorrow?E.Because its like an old friend to me.F.When shall we have the yard sale?G.Is there going to be a yard sa

12、le tomorrow?【点拨】上文问“Why do you still want to keep it?”,这里是回答理由,故选E。EA:All right.And many of your clothes are too small to wear.25._ B:We can sell them in a yard sale.A:Then we will give the money to the childrens home.A.What are you going to do with them?B.Please dont,Mum.C.These clothes belong to T

13、ed.D.What about the day after tomorrow?E.Because its like an old friend to me.F.When shall we have the yard sale?G.Is there going to be a yard sale tomorrow?【点拨】根据下文“We can sell them in a yard sale.”判断,询问的是“你打算怎么处理它们?”。AB:Sounds great!26._ A:Is tomorrow OK?B:Im sorry,Mum.Ill have to help my friend T

14、ed with his lessons then.A:27._ B:No problem.A.What are you going to do with them?B.Please dont,Mum.C.These clothes belong to Ted.D.What about the day after tomorrow?E.Because its like an old friend to me.F.When shall we have the yard sale?G.Is there going to be a yard sale tomorrow?【点拨】26.根据“Is tom

15、orrow OK?”可知询问时间,故选F。FD【点拨】27.前文提到那天有其他的事情需要做,此处应该是提议另外的时间,故选D。七、短文填空七、短文填空 用方框中所给词的正确形式填空,使短文通顺、连贯。方框中有两个词多余。home,feel,agree,love,festival,add,hard,close,even,refuse,discuss,althoughThe sweetest memory of my childhood is about a round table.When I was still little,my whole family would get together

16、 on different traditional 28._ to have dinner.home,feel,agree,love,festival,add,hard,close,even,refuse,discuss,althoughfestivals【点拨】由.my whole family would get together 以及on different traditional.可知,此处为festival,different 修饰festival,用复数形式。We kids would be sitting around or playing hide-and-seek under the table while the grown-ups were having a 29._.home,feel,agree,love,festival,add,hard,close,even,refuse,discuss,although【点拨】从句主语是the grown-ups“成年人”,故此处是 discussion。discussion When I got a bit older


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