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1、Unit 2第二课时第二课时一、根据句意及首字母提示写单词。一、根据句意及首字母提示写单词。1The boy is sticking the broken cup with _2My parents always warn me not to _ strangers online.3Lucy will introduce me to her _ of friends.4The little girl gave me a _ smile.It made me so happy.5My teacher gives me some _ about how to build a stronger fr

2、iendship.gluetrustcirclebrightsuggestions二、单项选择。二、单项选择。()6.Im going to sell your old bike.It is taking up too much space.You cant be serious!It is my _Aprogress BtreasureClesson Dcondition()7.A good living habit should _ healthy food and enough sleep.Ajoin BpreferCinclude DdependBC().I saw Annie doi

3、ng her homework when I _ the reading room.Amentioned BtouchedCstuck Dpassed()9.None of them talked at lunchtime.They finished their meal _Ain silence Bin timeCin total Din the end()10.I want to know _ you think of the movie.It tells a good story.I cried when I watched it.Awho Bwhat Chow DwhyDAB三、完形填

4、空。三、完形填空。Sarah was sad that her best friend Jenny was moving in a month.Jenny promised to write,but Sarah didnt 11 her.Last year another friend of hers moved.Sarah wrote three letters to the friend,but never 12 her.Sarah knew the same thing would happen between Jenny and her,so she decided not to be

5、 friends 13 Jenny.On Monday,Jenny invited Sarah to play with her,but Sarah 14.The next day Jenny asked Sarah 15 she wanted to share her chocolate.Sarah wanted to but she said,“No,thanks.I dont have a sweet tooth.”On Wednesday,Jenny asked if Sarah wanted to sit next to her and Sarah said 16.Jenny sat

6、 by 17 and looked sad.Sarahs birthday was on Thursday.However,it seemed that no one cared about her birthday 18 her parents.But when Sarah got to school,Jenny gave her a gift box.Sarah took the box silently and 19 what she had done to Jenny.She knew that 20 Jenny was moving,they would keep in touch

7、and be friends forever.()11.A.remember Btrust Cwish Dmind()12.A.looked for Bthought about Cdepended on Dheard from()13.A.for Bwith Con Din()14.A.received Bdecided Crefused Dforgot()15.A.whether Bwhen Cwhere Dhow()16.A.no BOK Cplease Dgoodbye()17.A.herself Bhimself Cthemselves Dmyself()18.A.having Bi

8、nviting Ctaking Dincluding()19.A.excited Bregretted Cinterested Drelaxed()20.A.although Bbecause Cif Dtill BDBCAAADBA四、还原型阅读。四、还原型阅读。根根据据短短文文内内容容,从从文文后后的的选选项项中中选选出出能能填填入入空空白白处处的的最最佳佳选选项项。选选项项中中有有一一项项为为多余选项。多余选项。Tom really likes sports.21._ Sometimes his friend likes sharing his favourite books with

9、Tom.But Tom doesnt like them.22._“I want to tell him I have different hobbies,”Tom said.“But I dont want to hurt his feelings and harm our friendship.What can I do?”23._This is very common.It is important to talk with your friends.Here is some advice for you.First,listen carefully to your friends.Al

10、though you may want to explain yourself,listening to your friends first may keep you calm.24._FBAD Next,express(表表 达达)yourself politely.Remember,you are not trying to argue.Winning or losing is not important.25._ Lastly and most importantly,show your friends that you value(重重视视)your friendship even

11、if you disagree about something.Real friends respect(尊重尊重)each other.AFriends can be different.BHe thinks they are boring.CFriends should have the same hobby.D.You will also better understand your friends.EDont try to make your friends think like you.FBut his best friend is quiet.E单元课时知识点睛单元课时知识点睛ev

12、ery time 每当;每次每当;每次当当every time 引导时间状语时,意为引导时间状语时,意为“每当每当”。eg:Every time I meet her,I feel very happy.worry的用法的用法(1)n.担心,焦虑担心,焦虑(2)v.担心,焦虑;苦恼担心,焦虑;苦恼(3)worried adj.焦虑的;担心的焦虑的;担心的常用短语:常用短语:worry about sb./sth.be worried about sb./sth.担心某人担心某人/物物eg:She is worrying about her son.in silence 安静地;沉默地。作表语或

13、状语。安静地;沉默地。作表语或状语。eg:He sat in silence.(作状语作状语)He is in silence.(作表语作表语)【拓展】【拓展】silent形容词,意为形容词,意为“寂静的寂静的”。keep silent 保持安静保持安静.and we stick together like glue.stick together意为意为“粘在一起;团结一致粘在一起;团结一致”。eg:Whatever happens,we must stick together.【辨析】【辨析】suggestion与与advice作作名名词词,都都表表示示“建建议议;意意见见”的的意意思思,两两者者的的区区别别在在于于advice是是不不可可数数名名词词,而而suggestion则是可数名词。则是可数名词。【拓拓展展】advise与与suggest作作动动词词,表表示示“向向建建议议”的的意意思思,两两者者的的区区别别是是:advise sb.(not)to do.,suggest sb.(或或者者sb.s)doing.两两者者都都可可以以接接宾宾语语从从句句,注注意意宾宾语从句的动词形式必须是语从句的动词形式必须是(should)(not)do.。


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