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1、Module 1Changing变化一、短语:how about 怎么样 live in 住在 we 宾格us watch Tv 看电视 Every day每天 have got 有 on the fire 在炉火上 talk abou谈论 last night 昨晚 three days ago 三天以前 in the fields 在田地里thank you for+动词ing 形式 谢谢你. lady复数ladies different 反义词same any(否定句、疑问句中用) some(肯定句中用)二、句子:1There werent any buses.(过去)没有一辆公共汽车。

2、2We lived in a small house. 我们曾经住在一所小房子里。3She didnt have a telephone. 她没有电话。4She worked in the fields. 她在田地里劳动。5Thank you for talking to us. 谢谢你接受我们的采访。Module 2Grandparents祖母一、词组:1、walk to school (步行去上学) 2、go to school (去上学)3、lots of=a lot of(许多) 4、ten years ago (十年前) 5、dance名词 dancer 6、drive 名词driv

3、er 7、make过去式 made 8、Teach过去式 taught 9、study过去式 studied 10、learn过去式 learnt 11、these(this)对应词 those (that) 12、外语foreign language二、句式与句型:1、Did she learn any foreign languages? 她学过外语吗?Yes, she learnt English .是的,她学过英语。2、What did she do yesterday?昨天她做了什么?She made a cake. 她做了一个蛋糕。3、Why is she wearing thes

4、e clothes ?为什么她穿这些衣服?-Because she was a dancer .因为她过去是名舞蹈演员。Module 3English foods英国食物一、 词组:an mail 一份电子邮件 eat过去式ate give过去式gave drink过去式drank sandwich复数 sandwiches Say单三形式 sayshave.for breakfast/lunch/dinner.早饭/午饭/晚饭吃. 二、句式与句型:1、Ive got an email from Lingling .我收到了一份来自玲玲的电子邮件2、What did she drink las

5、t night ?-She drank milk.昨晚她喝了什么?3、We gave hamburgers to Sam .我们将汉堡包给了萨姆4、What are you going to eat tonight ?-I am going to eat rice .今晚你打算吃什么?Module 4Library图书馆一、 词组:easy反义词hard buy 过去式bought want to do sth 想要干什an e-card 一张电子卡片 be good at擅长于. go to library去图书馆 On Shelf C 书架C library card图书卡 bring b

6、ack归还In two weeks time两周时间内 so clever如此聪明 Find.about.找到关于. In this timetable在这张时间表 in this dictionary在这本字典 On this CD-ROM在这张光盘上 in this newspaper在这张报纸上 in this library在图书馆 Will not=wont well=we will lets=let us 让我们We 宾格us English国家名称 England Chinese 国家名称China 二、句式与句型:1、Where are the books about comp

7、uters,please ?请问关于电脑的书在哪儿?2、Please bring back the books in two weeks time请在两周时间内归还书3、You can find out about the weather in this newspaper.在这张报纸上你可以找到关于天气的信息Module 5Decisions决定一、 词组Light 反义词heavy broken反义词 new look at看着 Take. To.带.到.地方 I 宾格me he宾格him she宾格her we宾格us they宾格them Its got=It has got big

8、and light又大又轻Too big/easy/hard太大/容易/困难 try试穿 in white穿着白色的衣服 二、 句式与句型1、 Itll be easy for you 对你来说将会使容易的 2、 Try this one in white 试一试这件白色的 3、Its too hard for you .对你来说太难了。Module6Travel 旅行一、 词组Photo同义词picture stay with和.呆在一起 ride 过去式rode last year去年 go with和.一起去 come with和一起来in July 在七月 mountain同义词 hi

9、ll Child复数 children evey year 每年 meet过去式 met of course当然 chopsticks 筷子 take过去式took have a Lovely time 度过一度愉快的时间 in east/west/south/north 在东西南北(方位词前加in) 二、 句型1、I went there last year我去年去了那儿2、We stayed with my grandparents for a week in July.在七月我们和我的祖母呆了一周。3、Xingjiang is in the west of China新疆在中国的西部4、

10、Where did you go for your holidays ?假期你去了哪里?I went to Beijing.我去了北京Module7Communication交流一、 词组message同义词information a good idea 一个好主意 at work 在工作at the office在办公室 fromto.从到 Send an email发送一份邮件 at work 在工作 click on点击 have got an email from 收到某人的邮件see you later待会见二、 句型1、The message will go to Dads com

11、puter at work.信息将传送到父亲的电脑上.2、I am working very hard at the office 我在办公室非常努力的工作3、Hell be at home at seven oclock.他将在七点钟在家4、Lets send an email.让我们发一份电子邮件。Module8Discussion决定一、 词组suggest名词suggestion quick副词 quickly excited兴奋的(人) exciting兴奋的(物) American国家名称 America Chinese国家名称 China kind of种类 come quick

12、ly快点来 on the phone在电话里 in the summer在夏天 want to 想要 take a present带一份礼物 why dont you=why not为什么不a dragon kite一个龙风筝 I agree 我同意 what about=how about 怎样the same as和.一样 I think so我认为这样 I dont think so我不认为这二、 句型1、What do you suggest ?你的建议是什么? 2、I want to take a present for my cousin.我想要给我的侄子带一件礼物3、Why do

13、nt you (Why not)give him a kite ?你为什么不给他一个风筝?4、Is line A the same as Line B?No,it isnt.线段A和线段B一样长吗?Module9来自国外的信 一、 词组In English英语 last week上周 wear过去式 wore man复数 menwoman复数women tell过去式 told after the show演出后 eat过去式 ate Womens Day妇女节 Put.in.把放到.里面 dont forget to.不要忘记干某事 In the evening在晚上 see you soon不久见 a childrens theatre一家儿童剧院 二、 句型1、We laughed a lot 我们开怀大笑2、Are you ready for your trip to America?你去美国的旅行准备好了吗3、We are going to see you in three weeks.我们打算三周以内去看你。4、Dont forget to bring CDs of Chinese songs.不要忘记带中国唱片的光碟Module10准备一、 词组Feel=be感觉 feel 过去式felt all right=OK好的 make a list列清单 Wh



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