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1、Traditional skillsUnit3Writingpaper cuttingup to set offup and downall the timeStop/keep from doingget ready to docut into出发;动出发;动身身 准备好做准备好做某事某事上下上下波动波动 阻止阻止做某事做某事 剪纸剪纸一直;始一直;始终终 剪成剪成 至多有至多有Playagame!(短语积累)Wang Daming is a fisherman.Although he is over 65.he is very fit and still enjoys working.Loo

2、k at the picture and describe Daming with traditional skills.65 years old,enjoy working.a piece of grasstie stop He uses cormorants to catch fish.First Damin ties a piece of grass around the cormorants necks to stop them from eating big fish.Look at the picture and describe Daming with traditional s

3、kills.Then Damings boat reaches the right place in the river,he pushes the cormorants into the river.reach pushLook at the picture and describe Daming with traditional skills.Damin uses several ways to attract fish,he jumps up and down on the boat.use/attract/jumpLook at the picture and describe Dam

4、ing with traditional skills.After dark,Damin hangs a light on the post at the front of the boat.hangsLook at the picture and describe a person with traditional skills.The cormorants bring the fish back to the boat.The fish are taken from the cormorants and thrown into a big basket.bring take/throwLo

5、ok at the picture and describe a person with traditional skills.paper cuttingpottery makingChinse Kung FuFree talkCan you think of and describe a person with Chinese traditional skills?shadow playembroidery刺绣Beijing OperaCan you think of and describe a person with Chinese traditional skills?Mark wro

6、te an article about Mr.Chen.Read the article and answer the questions below.A person with a traditional skillAMr Chen makes toys from dough.He is over 50 years old now.His hands are rough because he works with dough all the time.Mr Chen makes dough toys of different sizes.Only a small piece of dough

7、 and some simple tools are required to make a dough toy.Mr Chen uses his hands to turn the dough into different characters,for example the Monkey King.Dough of different colours is used to make the toys more interesting.I like Mr Chens toys because they are very lovely.I hope that one day I can lear

8、n to make dough toys.Answer the questions:1.How does Mark describe Mr Chen?2.How does Mark describe Mr Chens work?3.What does Mark think of Mr Chens dough toys?Mr Chen is over 50 years old and his hands are rough.Mr.Chen makes dough toys of different sizes.Only a small piece of dough and some simple

9、 tools are required.He uses his hands to turn the dough into different characters.He thinks the dough toys are interesting and lovely.Read the article again and match each paragraph with its general idea.Paragraph 1Paragraph 2Paragraph 3Describes the persons work and the tools needed for his/her wor

10、k.Gives an opinion about the person and his/her skill.Describes the person.Write a short article about a person with a traditional skill.Use the example in A and the outline below to help you.Paragraph 1 Describe the person.(Who is he/she?What does he/she look like?)Paragraph 2 Describe the persons

11、work and the tools needed for his/her work.You may also describe the important steps in his/her work.Paragraph 3 Give your opinion about the person and his/her skill.(What do you think of his/her skill?Would you like to learn his/her skill?)B假设你是学校剪纸社的成员,你的爷爷是你们家乡的民间剪纸老艺人。请根据下面的内容提示,用英语向社员们介绍你爷爷。词数8

12、0左右,开头已给出,不计入总词数。按照上面提纲,完成下面写作。【内容提示】1.爷爷70多岁,但很健康,喜欢剪纸;2.能剪出各种形状。多次举办展览,作品很受欢迎,人们认为很美,能带来好运;3.你的评价。My grandpa is a paper cutting artist._My grandpa is a paper cutting artist.Although he is over 70,he is very healthy and still enjoys paper cutting.My grandpa learnt paper cutting at an early age.He c

13、an cut out different shapes from paper,such as animals,flowers and Chinese characters that stand for good luck.He has held many paper cutting shows.His paper cuttings are very popular and attract many visitors.They thinkhis paper cuttings are very beautiful and can bring good luck.I like my grandpas

14、 paper cuttings very much.I want to learn paper cutting and be good at paper cutting like my grandpa one day.1.We have learned to write an article about a person with a traditional skill.一、翻译下列句子一、翻译下列句子1.中国有很多传统技艺。_2.另外,我们可以知道不同地方的中国文化。_3.然而,现在很少年轻的中国人擅长这些优良的传统技艺。_There are many traditional skills

15、in China.We can also know about cultures in different places of China.However,few young Chinese are good at these great traditional skills now.4.我想我们不能让它们消失。_5.我们应该尽我们最大的努力去保护它们。_6.剪纸是青少年最受欢迎的传统技艺之一。_7.每个人都应该意识到保护传统技艺的重要性。_8.我很喜欢鸬鹚捕鱼因为它很有趣。_I think we should not let them die out.We should try our be

16、st to protect them.Paper cutting is one of the most popular traditional skills among teenagers.Everyone should realize the importance of protecting the traditional skills.I like cormorant fishing because it is interesting.9.在我看来,传统技艺应该被引进课堂。_10.总而言之,传统技艺将会越来越受欢迎。_In my opinion,traditional skills should be introduced into classes.In a word,traditional skills will be more and more popular.二、书面表达二、书面表达中国有很多传统技艺。请根据下面的提示写一篇短文,7080词。内容包括:1.中国的传统技艺有剪纸、鸬鹚捕鱼、皮影戏等;2.我们可以从传统技艺中了解生活和文化;3.一些传统技艺面临消失的危险;4.你对


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