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1、 2022小学三年级下册英语期中考试题听力局部(40分) 一、听音,写出你所听到的字母(包括大小写)。(4分) 1. 2. 3. 4. 二、听音,补全单词。(8分) 1. se_d 2. pr_d 3. t_ed 4. n_th 5. th_d 6.winn _ 7. s _d 8. sc_d 三、听音,选择你所听到的单词的序号。(6分) ( )1. A. first B. shirt ( )2. A. photo B. phone ( )3. A. three B. these ( )4. A. catch B. watch ( )5. A. ball B. fall ( )6. A. do

2、or B. floor 四、听音,在正确的图下打“”。(8分) 1. ( ) ( ) 2. ( ) ( ) 3. 4. ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 五、听音,选择正确的答案。(6分) ( ) 1. What are you going to take? A. A hat. B. Some books. C. A cat. ( ) 2. Where is the music room? A. On the 4th floor. B. On the 5th floor. C. On the 6th floor. ( ) 3. What are they looking for? A. Some

3、 chicken eggs. B. Some Easter eggs. C. Some chocolate eggs. 六、听音,在你所听到的句子前打勾,并在线上写出中文意思。(8分) 1. ( ) My birthday is February 3th. 2. ( ) I cant ride my bike. Im very sad. ( ) My birthday is August 2nd. ( ) A dog is coming. Im very scared. _ 3. ( ) Were going for a spring outing. 4. ( ) When is Easter

4、? ( ) Were going to climb a mountain. ( ) When is Christmas? _ _ 笔试局部(60分) 一、根据要求写出所缺的字母(包括大小写)。(10分) Hh 其中是元音字母的有 二、正确抄写以下英文,留意标点和大小写,并在括号中写出中文意思。(16分) 1. easter bunny 2. january 1st ( ) ( ) 3.the bus is moving ( ) 4. I”m going to wear my sports shoes. ( ) 三、依据中文完成句子,留意使用单词的正确形式。(8分) 1. Our classro

5、om is on the _floor.(第三) 2. Sally is _ _.(正在爬山) 3. Linda is _.(生气) 4. They are _(正在打篮球)basketball. 四、选择题。(10分) 1. ( ) A:When is Easter? B: Its in . xKb 1.Co m A: March B: April C: March and April 2. ( ) A: I have a new doll for my birthday. Im very . A: happy B: sad C:tired 3. ( ) Peter is 100 meter

6、s. A: running B: jump C: doing 4. ( ) They are going to a mountain next Sunday. A: climb B: climbing C: run 5. ( ) The music room is the fourth floor. A: in B: on C: for 五、读一读,选择正确的答句抄写在横线上。(10分) 1.Is Chen Ling good at doing long jump? 2.When is Peters birthday? 3.What are they going to do? 4.Where

7、is the music room? 5.What is Hu Ping doing now? 六、阅读短文,推断正误。正确的用T表示,错误的用F表示。(6分) Dear Grandma and Grandpa, I got your Easter card yesterday. Thank you. On Easter morning we had a party in the garden. We looked for the eggs. I got nineteen eggs. Ben got twelve. Kate got two. We had a very good time.

8、My friends and I went for a spring outing on April 2nd. We climbed a mountain. We took some pictures. Here is one of them. Do you like it? Happy Easter! Love, Sally ( ) 1. Sally got an Easter card from her grandpa and grandma. ( ) 2. On Easter they had a party. ( ) 3. Sally looked for the eggs with

9、Li Hong and Hu Ping. ( ) 4. They got thirty-three eggs together(总共). ( ) 5. On April 1st, Sally went for a spring outing. ( ) 6. They had a good time on April 2nd. 听力局部 一.1.Dd 2.Gg 3.Vv 4.Yy 二.1. second 2. proud 3. tired 4. ninth 5. third 6. winner 7. sad 8. scared 三、1. first 2. photo 3. these 4. wa

10、tch 5. ball 6. floor 四.1.I get a new doll for my birthday. I am very happy. 2.Where is the Teachers office? On the third floor. 3.The children are going to look for the eggs. 4.My grandpa is proud of me. 五、1. I”m going to take a hat. 2. It”s on the sixth floor. 3. They are looking for some Easter eg

11、gs. 六、1.My birthday is February 3rd. 2.A dog is coming. Im scared. 3.Were going for a spring outing. 4.When is Easter? 笔试局部 一. Ii Jj Kk Ll Mm Nn Oo Pp 二.(略) 三1.third2.climbing mountains 3.angry 4.playing 四.C A A A B 五.1.Yes, she is. 2.March 4th. 3.They are going for a spring outing. 4.Its on the third floor. 5.He is doing high jump. 六、TTFTFT



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