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1、 Lesson Plan School: Xinlu Secondary School (新陆中学)Teacher: Julie Zhu (朱凤霞)Subject: English Material: Oxford English 8A Pages 93, the second period of the unitTopic : Unit 6 Nobody wins (1) Caught by GorkClass: Class 2 Grade 8I. Teaching aims: Language aims1. To help the students understand the main

2、content of the text.2. To review some words and phrases. Ability aims1. To help the students improve the reading ability by skimming, scanning,and making inferences on the base of predicting the story;2. To train the students ability of describing peoples personalities according to their words and a

3、ctions. Emotion aims1. To spark the students interests in exploring the space.学生学情分析:初二(2)班共有34名学生,全部是农民工子女,小学毕业于非正规民办小学,英语学习基础薄弱,学习习惯欠缺,对英语学习缺乏信心和兴趣。教材分析:本次教学Nobody wins ( I )节选自牛津英语8A, Unit 6 (P92-93) 。教学主题是帮助学生了解Captain King在无名星球上的历险经历,激发学生了解未来和宇宙空间的兴趣及获得在困难面前要发挥团队精神,互帮互助的感悟。教材生词较多且有一定篇幅,对学生在短时间内

4、完全理解掌握有困难。本课故事情节感强,容易吸引学生,作为第二教时,教师主要通过各种阅读技能,帮助学生了解故事情节,通过阅读与朗读来理解分析人物。 教学设计说明:我将本次教学定位于整体阅读理解,帮助学生初步了解故事情节,通过在阅读过程中的听和说辅助训练,降低教材理解难度,帮助学生掌握简单的阅读方法,达到预设的三维目标,并为帮助学生初步养成较好的阅读习惯作铺垫。在教学过程中,我运用listening and scanning帮助学生预测故事大概轮廓,运用skimming and speaking帮助学生了解故事发展主线,运用模仿朗读加深学生对人物性格特征的印象。在本节教学活动中,我将设计learn

5、ing the background, finding the key words, matching the characters with their words, completing the passage with the given words and phrases, imitating reading aloud等多种活动形式,让学生在参与教学活动中学会理解、表达与合作,在活动体验中获得知识技能的提高和情感价值观的感悟。II. Teaching proceduresProcedureContentsTeachers activitiesStudents activitiesPu

6、rposeI. Pre-task preparation1. Leading-in2.Predicting1.To ask the students about travelling and if they have been to the space.1. To show the title, introduction and picture of the text.2.To design a guessing game.1. To listen and answer.1. To listen, watch and try to catch something and finish the

7、multiple choice exercise.2. To guess about the story.1. To spark the students interest in learning the topic.To help the students have the first impression about the story.II. While-task procedureIII. Post-task activities1.SkimmingTo present the text and show who ,why, when,where questions.1.To numb

8、er the paragraphs and find out the main characters and their occupations.2. To read paragraph 1 and find out information required.To help the students get some background information about the story.2.Scanning1. To present questions and exercise of filling in blanks2. To present the matching exercis

9、e 1. To scan paragraph 2-8 and find some key words and phrases.2.To scan paragraph7-16 and find out key sentences 1.To help Ss find information by finding out key words and phrases.2.To help students choose useful information by finding out key sentences from paragraphs.3. Making inferences1.To help

10、 the students find the dialogues.2. To play the tape recorder.1.To find out the dialogues and read the dialogues with feelings.2.To listen to the dialogues and get the inferring information about the characters by their voices.1.To help the studentsunderstand the characters words.2.To help the stude

11、nts to understand the characters more widely and deeply and build a base for the next step.Analyzing and understanding 1. To design a brainstorm 2. To draw a conclusion about the story.1.To describe the personalities of the characters according to their words and actions.2. To recall the whole story

12、 and fill in the blanks1.To encourage the Ss to know the characters. 2. To help the students consolidate the general idea of the text.IV. AssignmentSet the homeworkStudents listen and read the text with feelings.Help the students to consolidate the main content of the text.教学反思我将本次教学定位于整体阅读理解,帮助学生初步

13、了解故事情节,通过在阅读过程中的听和说辅助训练,降低教材理解难度,帮助学生掌握简单的阅读方法,达到预设的三维目标,并为帮助学生初步养成较好的阅读习惯作铺垫。在教学过程中,我运用listening and scanning帮助学生预测故事大概轮廓,运用skimming and speaking帮助学生了解故事发展主线,运用模仿朗读加深学生对人物性格特征的印象。在本节教学活动中,我将设计learning the background, finding the key words, matching the characters with their words, completing the pa

14、ssage with the given words and phrases, imitating reading aloud等多种活动形式,让学生在参与教学活动中学会理解、表达与合作,在活动体验中获得知识技能的提高和情感价值观的感悟。 整个教学过程中对文本的分段处理降低了学习的难度,逐步用问题、对话、朗读重点段落的方法引导学生深入学习,掌握文本内容和细节,前面的每个环节的设计都考虑了学生的学习基础,但最后一个环节在初稿中的设计是对整个语篇进行归纳和总结,让学生用本节课前面几个环节中学的关键词和词组进行填空,教学实践下来,大部分学生填不出,因为学到后面就忘记了前面的内容,因此,在改进中我继续降低了这一环节的难度,用上了我们中考中的新题型,把前面学到的词和词组全面打乱顺序放入词盒中,让学生在词盒中选择单词和词组来填空,这样实行下来学生的做题感觉好了很多,能填正确大部分的空格,最后让学生朗读词盒中的词,并朗读整个文段,更进一步地帮助学生理解了文章的大意。教学效果胜过前面的设计。



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