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1、五年级英语(北京版)期末测试卷笔试部分练习一. 从A、B两个单词中找出一个划线部分与所给单词划线部分读音相同的词,将答案的字母标号填入括号。( )1. fat A. date B. dad( )2. self A. seem B. best( )3. pine A. side B. dig( )4. got A. bone B. lost( )5. cut A. blue B. club( )6. graph A. photo B. potato二. 判断哪个单词划线部分的读音与所给的音标一致,将答案的字母标号填入括号。( )1. ju:A. Tuesday B. duck C. jump(

2、)2. A. toy B. tope C. top( )3. eiA. pat B. vest C. wave( )4. i:A. them B. she C. shed( )5. iA. fill B. meet C. lake( )6. u:A. rub B. good C. glue( )7. kA. cook B. city C. cent( )8. A. hard B. sharp C. chalk( )9. A. thank B. these C. math三. 读句子,找出与图的情景相符的句子,将答案的字母标号填入括号。( )1. A. He is reading English

3、. B. He is drawing an apple.( )2. A. Those are fax machines. B. Those are computers.( )3. I”d like soup, please. B. I”d like some sandwich.( )4. A. Pleas turn off the TV. B. Please turn off the light.( )5. A. It”s Christmas Day. B. It”s May Day.四. 从B栏中找出能与A栏单词组成短语的词,将答案的字母标号填入括号。A B( )1. have A. the

4、 bowls( )2. play B. a minute( )3. wash C. sports( )4. this D. a football game( )5. close E. books( )6. wait F. morning( )7. her G. the window五. 从方框中选择恰当的内容完成下列对话,将答案的字母标号填入括号。( )John: _ are you going to do tomorrow, Mary?( )Mary: I”m going to _ .( )John: Are your parents going to _ you?( )Mary: _. W

5、hat about you?( )John: _.六. 根据所给的词组成句子,将句子写在横线上。1. David to do is what going_?2. a hospital Jenny in works_.七. 根据语境选择你应说的话,将答案的字母标号填入括号。( )1. 当你打电话找张莉时,你说:A. This is Zhang Li speaking.B. Can I speak to Zhang Li?( )2. “今天是9月10日教师节”A、B哪两个句子对?A. It”s July 1st, Teachers” Day today.B. It”s September 1st,

6、 Teachers” Day today.( )3. 当你问汤姆早饭要吃什么时,问:A. What would you like for breakfast?B. Would you like a cake, Tom?( )4. 当你想知道这些是谁的铅笔时,问:A. Whose pencils are those?B. Whose pencils are these?八. 读对话,根据对话的内容判断下列句子是否正确,用“”或“”表示。Can you Play on Sunday?Jack: Hello. This is Jack speaking.Mark: Hi, Jack. It”s Ma

7、rk here. How are you?Jack: Fine, thanks. Can you play baseball tomorrow?Mark: Well, I can”t play on Sunday. I am going to visit a factory. But Saturday is OK for me. What about Saturday evening at about 6:00?Jack: No. Six is no good for me. Can we play at 7:30?Mark: Yes, that”s OK. Let”s meet on Saturday.( )1. Jack wants to play baseball with Mark.( )2. Mark can”t play baseball on Saturday.( )3. Jack can”t play basketball on Saturday.( )4. Mark is going to visit a factory.( )5. Six thirty is all right for Jack and Mark.地址:远大路世纪城远大园五区9号楼 电话:88594404


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