3课 导学案模式

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《3课 导学案模式》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《3课 导学案模式(4页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、课题: lesson 3 Are You an Athlete? 课型: 授课时间:执笔: 审核: 审批:学习目标1.知识与技能:单词:volleyball(排球), table tennis = ping-pong(乒乓球),luck-lucky-luckily(幸运,运气),design-designer(设计),tennis (网球)。词组短语及句型 :write down(写下),good luck(祝好运)asas(与.一样)two more times = another two times(另外两次)without doing(不/没有) The same to you (你也是

2、) 重点句型:Can you skip sixty times without stopping? We show the groups where to start and where to stop.After they run ,they write down how many seconds they needed.Kick a soccer ball as far as you can=Kick a soccer ball as far as possible.学习重点掌握四会单词、短语及结构,理解课文大意,树立民族自豪感.。教学过程自主学习,合作探究课前预习1.luck (形容词)

3、 _ 2.two more times (同义词)_3.有一个好主意(译). _4.写下_5.一样快_6.祝你好运_II. 用所给词的正确形式填空1. Zhuang Yong was the best _ (swim) in the world .2. Do you know who won the _( woman ) 100-meter race?3. Jack is good at _ (run ).4. The boy kicks the ball much _ (far) than I do 5. Do you know where _ (stop )the car?自主学习探究新知

4、及成果展示1. Meimei won _ race in our school sports meeting last week. A. the girls 100-meter B. the girls 100-meter C. the girls 100 meters D. the girls 100-meters2. My brother runs very fast ,I cant _ him . A. catch B. catch up C. catch on D. catch up with 3. All the spectators became _ to hear the _ n

5、ews. A excited; excited B. exciting; excited C excited; exciting D exciting ; exciting 4. The baby is one and a half _ old . A .year B. years C. yearsD. years5. My father and I got home _ the same time . A. in B. at C. for D. on6.Xu Haifeng _ Chinas first Olympic medal. A. beat B. beats C. wins D. w

6、on 合作探究展示交流合作探究展示交流Translate these sentences into Chinese and find out language points.1. We show the groups where to start and where to stop.Can you tell me how _(get)the station.Can you tell us where we should go? (同义句) Can you tell us _ _ _?2. Can you skip sixty times without stopping?Mary left t

7、he room without _(say)good-byeWe cant live if there is no water .(同义句) We cant live _ _I cant finish the work if you dont help me. (同义句) I cant finish the work _ _ help.3. Kick a soccer ball as far as you can.Our playground is very big. Ours is _ yours.A. as big as B. as long as C. as bigger as D. a

8、s longer as Li Ming isnt so _ as Li Ying .(tall )Bob never does his homework _ Mary .He makes lots of mistakes. A. so careful as B. as more carefully as C. so carefully as D. as careful as点拨提升重点句型:Can you skip sixty times without stopping? We show the groups where to start and where to stop.After th

9、ey run ,they write down how many seconds they needed.Kick a soccer ball as far as you can=Kick a soccer ball as far as possible. 当堂检测当堂练习,检测固学(一) 选择正确的选项( )1.My cousin often asks me _ him. A. to help B. help C. helping D. helps ( ) 2. Their telephone number is 4903049.Have you _?A. written it down B

10、. written down it C. written them down D. written down them ( ) 3. Could you tell me _? A. where going B. where to go C. to go where D. to go to where( ) 4. Can you try _? I think you can do that. A. two more time B. more two times C. two more times D. more two time ( ) 5. -_ can you jump? -I can ju

11、mp two meters.A. How long B. How tall C. How far. D. How soon6. I think this problem is very _.I can work it out _. (easy)课下作业基础作业: 熟记单词巩固提高: 词组短语及句型 :write down(写下),good luck(祝好运)asas(与.一样)two more times = another two times(另外两次)without doing(不/没有) The same to you (你也是) 拓展延伸(二)改错 1. The Yellow Rive

12、r is one of the longest river in China. 2. My bike is broken. It needs fix. 3. Jim hurried to school without have breakfast this morning.4. After you across the bridge, you can find the gym. 学生知识盘点整理导学案(教师板书设计)重点回顾write down(写下),good luck(祝好运)asas(与.一样)two more times = another two times(另外两次)without doing(不/没有) The same to you (你也是) It is located on .2.3 kilometres long and almost 185 metres tall.The Dam will cost It is the longest. 课后反思


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