过去将来时练习+2022届高三英语二轮考专题训练 有答案.docx

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1、高考专题训练一过去将来时1. We had to be patient because itsome timewe got the full results.()A. has been; sinceB. had been; untilC. was; afterD. would be; before2. Ileave_ my telephone rang.()A. am about to; thenB. will; whileC. was about to; whenD. were to; then3 Last year , hundreds of people spent good money

2、 on an experience that they knewcrowds, discomfort and danger.()A. includingB. to includeC. will includeD. would includeWhen she posted online her first video of Chinese cuisine, Li Ziqi never expected that shean Internet star several years later.()A. becameB. was becomingC. was about to becomeD. wa

3、s to becomeThough lacking experience, Mike was convinced that hea higher pay by workinghard.()A. has gotB. will getC. gotD. would getWith the slightly lightening sky, there was a signfar away somewhere, morningsoon.()A. which; was comingB. that; is comingC. that; would be comingD. which; will be com

4、ing7 He asked me what Ithe next Sunday ()A. will doB. would doC. had doneD. have doneIf he had known it earlier, heyou not to take that foolish action.()A. would persuadeB. would be persuadedC. would have persuadedD. would be persuadingBefore seeing The Revenge of Prince Zidan, I wasnt sure whether

5、I it.But afterexperiencing it, I found I was deeply attracted by it.()” would+动词原形”。故选:D。【点评】熟练句子结构分析,掌握动词的时态使用。8. Did you foresee that so many investorsall their money in the stock market?()A. had lostB. lostC. would lose D. have lost【分析】你是否预见到这么多的投资者会在股市上损失他们所有的钱?【解答】考查时态。分析句子,结合did可知,主句时态为一般过去时,t

6、hat so many investors all their money in the stock market?为宾语从句,结合语意,你是否预见到这么 多的投资者会在股市上损失他们所有的钱?从句时态应用过去将来时。故选:Co【点评】做题时,分析句子,结合句意和选项做出判断。9. Alfred Nobel hated war. He hoped that thereno war in the world. When he died,most of hismoneyin a fund.()A. would be; was placedB. was; placedC. will be; were

7、 placedD. would be; placed【分析】诺贝尔痛恨战争.他希望世界上不会有战争.当他死后,他的大部分钱都放在 了一个基金里.【解答】句意:诺贝尔痛恨战争.他希望世界上不会有战争.当他死后,他的大部分钱 都放在了一个基金里.他希望没有战争,hope是过去时that引导的从句应该用过去将来 时,应该用would be,当他死后,钱被放进基金,主语是money应该用被动语态,所以 A选项符合句子.故选:A.【点评】动词时态的考点是近几年高考试题考查的重中之重.各地高考试题对动词时态 的考查越来越侧重于语境化、交际化的理解,这加大了试题的难度,没有明确的时间状 语,这就要求考生对句

8、子的语境进行正确的判断,从而选出正确的时态.10. Jonah was a little worried because hea new job the next day and he wasnt surewhether he would be fit for it.()A. have done B. will doC. was to doD. did【分析】Jonah有点担心,因为他第二天要做一份新工作,他不确定自己是否能胜任.【解答】考查过去将来时态.根据时间状语the next day ,表示从过去的某一时间来看将 来要发生的动作或呈现的状态,用过去将来时,故C项正确.故选:C.【点评】

9、解答此类问题要了解各种肘态的基本含义,并区别各种时态之间的差异,了解 某些时态的特殊用法,然后结合语境选择正确答案.11. Charlie told me that hein the chemical plant for two more months.()A. had workedA. had workedB would workD must have workedC had been working【分析】查理告诉我他要在化工厂再工作两个月.【解答】答案:B考查过去将来时.主句是过去时,根据后边的时间状语for two moremonths (还要两个月)表示将来的、持续的动作,可知,从句

10、应该用过去将来时.B项正确.故选:B.【点评】本题考查过去将来时.熟记过去将来时的结构和用法,掌握不同时态所对应的标志词,并结合语境作出正确选择.14. Decades ago, no one would haveimagined modern technologythe waypeople get along with others dramatically.A. had changedB changedC. was changingD. was to change【分析】几十年前,没有人会想到现代技术会极大地改变人们与他人相处的方式.【解答】本题考查动词时态.根据句意和结构可知这里表示过去

11、将来时,用was to do表示”注定会”.故选:D.【点评】本题考查动词时态.根据句意和句中所给的时间状语判断应该使用什么时态.15. Now we cant do without the Internet. But no one could imagine the part itin our dailylife 20 years ago.()A. was to playB had playedC. playedD. plays【分析】现在我们离不开互联网,但没有人能想象20年前它在我们的日常生活中所起的作用.【解答】答案是A.本题考查nbeto+doH. Mbeto+don表示将来,表示按

12、照客观安排将要发生的动作,语境中是相对于could imagine而言将要发生的动作,需要过去将来时;故选:A.【点评】对时态的选择,要在把握时态的基本用法的基础上,根据具体语境和题干中的时间推断时态,同时关注特殊的结构.16. Just as Istart out, Uncle John, who had just come back from abroad, came tosee me.A. was able toC was about toB , was supposed toD. was likely to【分析】正当我正要出发的时候,刚从国外回来的约翰叔叔来看我.【解答】本题考查动词

13、时态.根据句意和结构可知这里使用was about to表示过去将来时, 意为”过去刚要做某事”,A项”能够”;was supposed to”应该”;was likely to可能.故选:C【点评】本题考查动词时态.根据句意和句中所给的时间状语判断应该使用什么时态.17. The moment they met, they knew that.()A. friendship would be happenedB friendship they would haveC. they would be friendsD. they would have friendliness【分析】他们一见面就

14、知道他们会成为朋友.【解答】答案:C考查过去将来时.根据句意可知,从句是一般过去时,主句发生在从 句的将来,所以主句是一种过去将来时.故选:C.【点评】技巧 则根据语境判断句子时态. 根据复合句中宾语从句的用法. 一般将来时是以现在时间为参照点看将来,过去将来时是以过去某时为参照点看将来.18. He promised us that heearly but heyet.()A. will be hadn,t arrivedB. should be isn*t arrivingC. is hasn,t been arrivingD. would be hasn,t arrived【分析】他答应

15、我们他会早点到,但他还没到.【解答】答案:D考查过去将来时.根据句意be early在promised之后,所以用过去将 来,根据yet可知要用现在完成时的否定结构.故选:D.【点评】技巧 则根据语境判断句子时态. 根据复合句中宾语从句的用法. 一般将来时是以现在时间为参照点看将来,过去将来时是以过去某时为参照点看将来.19. Mother promised sheme an English - Chinese dictionary.()A. is buyingB. will buyC. would buy D. has bought【分析】妈妈承诺她会为我买一本英汉词典.【解答】考查过去将来时.在宾语从句中,如果主句是一般现在时,从句可以用任意时 态.如果主句用一般过去时,从句只能用过去的某种时态,但从句是客观真理时,要用 一般现在时.根据promised,排除A、B、D项,只有C项正确.故选:C.【点评】解答此类问题要了解各种时态的基本含义,并区别各种时态之间的差异,了解 某些时态的特殊用法,然后结合语境选择正确答案.20. According to the dri



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