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1、Unit 8 Apples are good for us(Fun with language)执教: 广州市越秀区净慧体校 周美颜一、 教学分析:1. 教学内容分析本课选材于广州版小学英语Unit 8 Apples are good for us的Fun with language,作为一节巩固课,它将巩固如何询问别人喜欢何种水果种类的句型,并引起学生对生活中常见水果词汇的学习兴趣。本课通过任务型的教学,激发学生学习的兴趣与动力,体现让学生在实际生活情境中运用语言的理念。2教学对象分析 本课教学对象为三年级的学生,8、9岁的孩子好奇、求新,对他们感兴趣的事物特别肯花心思去完成。本课需要学生主

2、动开口与人交流而获取或交换水果,在此过程中得到“与人分享是快乐” 的感受,将是本课带给学生的潜收获。二、教学目标:(一)语言技能 1能正确读出有关水果的单词;2能使用相关的句型开展交流活动。(二)语言知识1语音(1)能运用Phonics知识读出有关水果的单词;(2)能用正确的语音、语调和访谈对象展开交流。2词汇(1)能读出Did you know?的词汇: cherry strawberry cherry tomato longyan date mango(2)能把课外所学的知识在课堂交流、语言实践等活动中表达出来。3句型: A:What fruit do you like?B: I like

3、 apples. Apples are good for us. A: Lets get 6 apples. 2 for you, 2 forand 2 for me.B: May/ Can I have some pears?A: Of course./ No, sorry.(三) 情感态度1通过情景创设、交流活动等方式主动获取信息; 2积极与人交往,提高听、说、读、写等综合能力,为顺利完成任务打下基础。(四) 学习策略1联系实际生活,增强学生学习的兴趣;2在学习过程中,加大学生运用语言的频率,以帮助学生巩固所学的内容。三、 教学重点、难点1.教学重点:鼓励学生运用句型询问他人喜欢何种水果,

4、如What fruit do you like? 及其回答I like some pears.2. 教学难点:培养学生连贯运用语言的能力,如:Can I have some fruit? Of course./What fruit do you like? I like some apples./Lets get 6 apples.OK./Apples are good for us. 四、教学过程:. Warming-up1. Read Unit 8 together2. Lets sing - Numbers3. Greetings4. One Minute Speech.Pre- tas

5、k1. Review a story A Very Hungry Caterpillar (To understand sentences referring to singular and plural quantities.)T: Do you want to be a butterfly? (Some girls may say “Yes.”) So first of all, youll need to be a caterpillar (T point to the caterpillar on the assessment board. ) and eat a lot of foo

6、d. (1) Brainstorm: What did the caterpillar eat?(2) Lets count: What did Doris eat? (ppt)CaterpillarDorisa grape some grapes a bananatwo bananasan applefour applesan orange six orangesa cakethree cakes(3)Listen and write (P47.3)2. Listen and practiceT: Do caterpillars like fruit? (Yes.) Why? (T poin

7、t to the topic of this lesson.) Fruits are good for us. We have many fruits here. Lets ask the caterpillarWhat fruit do you like?(板书)T扮毛毛虫: I like apples. Apples are good for us. (板书)T asks P1: What about you? What fruit do you like? T: Children, please practice in 4. Any volunteers?3. Think and cou

8、ntT: (T扮毛毛虫,问2学生) What fruit do you like? You also like apples? I have some apples. Lets get 4. One for you, and one for me. One for B and one for me( 每人1个,T 2个) Is it OK? No? Whats wrong? (请一生解决问题)(1) T贴板书,带读句型:Lets get 4 apples. 2 for you and 2 for me.(2) Every team has some sticks. Please practic

9、e in 2 with this sentence patterns. (指板书)Go! . Any volunteers?4. Practice moreT: (T继续扮毛毛虫) What about me? One for you and one for me? Thank you! (拿起苹果想吃,但又停下来) But only apples? Can I have some pears? (Of course, you can./ Sorry, you cant.)5. Lets read and do the exercise6. Lets learn more.T: The cat

10、erpillar lives in a magic garden. In the garden, there are many fruits. What are they? (1) Did you know? - Hami Melon, date, lychee(2) Learn more names of fruits we eat in daily life.While- task(1) Exchange the fruit with the classmates.(2) Share the fruits with the teachers.Post task The students to share the fruits with the others.AssessmentT: Which caterpillar had the most fruits?.Homework(1) Read the story on the worksheet.(2) To learn more names of fruit.(3) Activity BookP21-22



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