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1、实用英语100句1. How do you do! 你好!2. How are you? 你好吗?3. May I know your name? 请问你叫什么名字?4. Im the Chief Engineer. 我是轮机长。5. Im very glad to know you. 我很高兴认识你。6. Where is the Captain, please? 船长在哪里?7. Im looking for him. 我要找他。8. He is on the deck. 他在甲板上。9. I dont think hell be back for some time. 我想他暂时还不回来

2、。10. May I ask if there is anything I can do for you? 我可以问你有什么事我能帮忙吗?11. Whats the weather like today? 今日天气怎样?12. It is cloudy this morning but will clear up this afternoon. 上午多云,下午转晴。13. The weather forecast says there is a storm coming. 天气预报有十一级风(暴风)。14. Its blowing a strong gale now. 现在刮九级风(烈风)。1

3、5. The sea is rough. 海上风浪很大。16. May I speak to Mr. Black, please? 请布莱克先生听电话。17. Yes, speaking. 是的,我就是。18. Whos calling, please? 请问是谁呀?19. Would you mind calling me back? 给我打回电好不好?20. Id like to make a long distance call to China. 我要打长途电话到中国。21. I should like to have meals on board. 我想要在船上用餐。22. Id l

4、ike to invite you to dinner this evening. 我想请你今晚用餐。23. Would you help yourself? 请随便吃。24. May I help you to some more Beijing roast duck? 请您再吃点北京烤鸭好吗?25. Im so glad you like Chinese food. 你喜欢中国菜,我感到非常高兴。26. Im happy I can spend an evening with you at the Seamens Club. 我很高兴与你在海员俱乐部度过一个晚上。27. Lets go t

5、o the Karaoke bar. 让我们去卡拉OK厅。28. Shall we go to the dance hall? 我们到舞厅去好吗?29. I can waltz and foxtrot. 我能跳华尔兹舞和狐步舞。30. Id like a cup of coffee. 我要喝杯咖啡。31. Whats the matter with you? 你怎么啦?32. Im not feeling very well today. 今天我觉得身体不舒服。33. Ive got pains in my chest. 我胸腔感到疼痛。34. Now undo your shirt and

6、let me examine you. 我去把这药方配好。35. Ill go and get the prescription made up. 我去把这药方配好。36. Ships can be classified in several ways. 船舶可以好几种方式分类。37. The size of ships is given in terms of length, beam, draft, and tonnage. 船舶大小是按照长度,最大宽度,吃水和吨位来表达。38. We have five different categories of merchant ships: fr

7、eighters, container ship, bulk carriers, passenger ships, and coastal vessels. 商船分为五大类:货船,集装箱船,散货船,客轮和海岸船。39. Container ships are larger and faster than freighters. 集装箱船比货船大,速度快。40. Today, many passenger ships are used as cruise ships. 今天,许多客轮被用作为油船。41. By the way, how long will you be in Shanghai?

8、顺便问一问,你在上海呆多久?42. I hope youll enjoy your stay in Shanghai. 我希望你在上海过得愉快。43. What do you think of the port of Shanghai? 你认为上海港如何?44. Could you kindly tell me more about the port of Shanghai? 能否请你告诉我更多上海港的情况?45. Ive got a fairly good idea of the port of Shanghai. 我对上海港有比较好的了解了。46. Lets go through the

9、quarantine formalities. 我们现在来办理检疫手续吧。47. Here is the Maritime Declaration of Health.这是份航行健康申明书。48. Weve all been inoculated against typhus, cholera, plague and yellow fever. 我们都进行了预防伤寒、霍乱、瘟疫和黄热病的注射。49. Please let me have all the inoculation papers for inspection. 请你把预防接种证件给我检查。50. We are all in good

10、 health. 我们身体都健康。51. Welcome aboard my ship. 欢迎光临我轮。52. Here are all the Seamans Book and two copies of the Crew List. 这是全部的海员证和二份船员名单。53. Will you please fill out the Application Form for shore passes? 请你填写登岸证申请表好吗?54. When can we get the shore passes? 我们什么时候能得到登岸证呢?55. Please collect all the shore

11、 passes and return them to me before ships departure. 你轮离港前情把所有的登岸证收齐并交回给我。56. Shall we begin the Customs formalities now? 现在我们开始海关手续吗?57. Here are the Import Cargo Manifest, the Crews list, the last Port Clearance and Crews Effects Declaration. 这是进口载货单,船员名单,上一港口出港许可证和船员个人物品申报单。58. We have general c

12、argo store. 我们只载一般货物。59. This is our bonded store. 这是我们的保税物料间。60. We Chinese seamen should observe the Customs regulations. 我们中国海员应该遵守海关规章。61. Ill take you to the Pilots cabin fist. 我先领你去引水员房间。62. Please follow me. 请跟我来。63. When can we enter the harbour? 我们什么时候能够进港?64. Now, tell me the draft fore an

13、d aft, please. 现在请告诉我船的前后的吃水。65. We have to wait here till the tide turns. 我们要在这里等到潮涨。66. How long will it take us from here to the harbour. 从这里到港口需用多少时间?67. Which berth shall we take? 我们使用哪个泊位?68. What side will go alongside? 那边船舷靠岸?69. How many lines are we to make fast ashore? 我们用几根缆绳岸上绑牢。70. Is

14、the ship in position now? 现在船到位了吗?71. Ill make out a stowage plan before loading. 我将在装货前制作好配载图。72. All the holds are ready for loading. 全部货舱已准备好装货。73. According to the stowage plan, the heavy cargo must be stowed on the ceiling and the lighter cargo placed on the top. 根据配载图,重货堆装在舱底,轻货放在顶上。74. The co

15、ntainers on deck must be securely lashed. 甲板上的集装箱必须绑牢。75. Would you mind going with me to have a look at all the holds and make a record on the spot? 请你与我一起看看各货舱并作现场记录好吗?76. When will you begin discharging? 你们什么时候开始卸货?77. How many shifts are there a day? 一天有几个班次?78. How many gangs will you start wit

16、h? 你们准备派几个工组开工。79. The safe working load of each derrick is five tons.每台吊货杆的安全负荷是五吨。80. When do you expect to finish the discharge? 你们预期什么时候卸完货。81. Why didnt you report the matter to me when you found the damaged cargoes? 当你发现残损货物时,你为什么不向我报告这件事?82. There is too much difference between your figure and the



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