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1、2020年精编仁爱版英语资料Section C. Material analysis本课是九年级第一单元第三话题的第三课时,承接第二个话题,继续谈论社会问题和公共服务,主活动是1a和3。1a通过分析流浪人口的产生原因和导致的结果,让学生正确认识流浪人口这种社会现象。1b的任务主要是培养学生提炼文章标题的能力。1c则是让学生学会寻找特定的信息。1d旨在培养学生根据上下文猜测词意的能力。2这个看图说话属于半控制性任务。让学生模仿1a的句型来谈论新的问题。3的写作任务是建立在完成2的基础之上的。让学生先讨论再写作,有利于降低写作难度,拓展学生的思维。本课通过了解流浪人口产生的原因和结果,引导学生关注

2、社会现象,思考社会问题的成因。文章还向学生传递了“以人为本”的人文关怀的理念。 .Teaching aims1.Knowledge aims: 掌握本课的重点词汇和短语,巩固现在完成时的用法。2. Skill aims: 运用不同的阅读方法找出文章主题,段落主旨句和细节描述。能通过语境猜测词义,扫清阅读障碍。能谈论和表达与本文相关材料的话题。3. Emotional aims: ( optional)引导学生关注社会问题和社会服务,为社会主义的发展作出努力。4. Culture awareness: (optional)了解世界各国存在的社会问题,分析产生的原因和导致的结果,关注各国政府就这个

3、问题采取的应对措施, 从而拓展学生的国际视野。. The key points and difficult points1. Key points: Words and phrases: basic, human, value, period, whatever, steal, support, shelter, homelessness, earn, drug, mental, on purpose, effect, phrase, according, context, laborer, cruel, basic needs, a short period of, one place to

4、 another, in a shelter, mental illness, on purpose, think of as2. Difficult points: 口头报告和书面写作时,能有意识地使用“cause and effect”来组织段落。. Learning strategies通过归纳总结的方法,找出文章主题和段落大意。通过语言环境,掌握通过猜测词义和扫清阅读障碍的学习策略。引导学生就不同的问题讨论、交流观点,培养学习英语的自信。. Teaching aids单词卡片(如base/ basic; human, value/ valuable etc.);幻灯片;能反映学生家乡今

5、昔变化的图片或照片等。. Teaching procedures Stage(time period)InteractionpatternsTeacher activityStudent activityRemarks1Getting students ready for learning(2-3 mins)Class activityGreet and hold a competition between boys and girls: Let the boys make a sentence by using the simple past tense and ask the girls

6、to change the sentence into the present perfect tense. Then they do it in reverse.T: Good morning, boys and girls, we have learned the differences between the present perfect tense and the simple past tense last period. Now lets have a competition. First, boys make a new sentence in the simple past

7、tense and then girls change it into the present perfect tense as quickly as you can. Are you ready? Ss: Yes! S1: I came here last year.S2: I have been here for one year/since last year.The boys make a sentence by using the simple past tense first and the girls change the sentence into the present pe

8、rfect tense. Then they do it in reverse. Ss: Good morningSs: Yes! Bs: I came here last year.Gs: I have been here for one year/since last year.该环节通过造句和改句的竞赛方式,让学生巩固一般过去时和现在完成时的用法。为了降低难度,老师可以提前准备一些一般过去时的句子。2Lead-in(3-5 mins)Group workPlay a part of the movie of cruel wars about Nanjing Massacre, and t

9、hen lead the Ss to talk about their feelings.T: Lets watch a part of the movie about Nanjing Massacre. Then discuss your feelings.T: What do you think of it?S1:Its very “残酷”.T: Right. Its cruel. Whats your opinion?S2: The people there couldnt live a normal life.S3: The cruel war will cause people to

10、 be homeless.Watch a movie about Nanjing Massacre. Then talk about the feelings.Ss: Good morning,S1: Its very“残酷”.S2: The people there couldnt live a normal life.S3: The cruel war will cause people to be homeless.通过观看“战争”导致的无家可归,引导学生思考更多的无家可归的原因和结果,为学习1a做好准备。对于一些描述性的词,可允许学生用中文表达,教师给出英语说法,同时,引导学生更好的思

11、考。如cruel等。3Pre-reading (5 mins)Class activity Present the new words according to the introduction about the homelessness and guide the Ss to guess the meaning. Then lead to 1a.T: Thats right. The war is cruel. It causes people to lose their homes. They have to live on the street or in a shelter. A h

12、ome is the basic need to humans. Everyone values it. So we must value our home and family.(Teach other words by the pictures or word cards)Ss: T: Have you ever seen any homeless people?Do you know why they are homeless?S1: Some of them are disabled.S2: Maybe they are lazy.S3: Some have mental illnes

13、s.S4Guess the meaning of the words according the teachers descriptions and pay attention to the pronunciation and spelling of the words.S1: Some of them are disabled.S2: Maybe they are lazy.S3: Some have mental illness.S4教师在教授新词汇时,要注意丰富语言环境,才能让学生“够得着”。4While-reading (15 mins)Individual workGroup wor

14、kStep 1: First-readingGet the Ss to read the passage quickly and finish 1b. Check the answer in class and give necessary explanations.T: Ok, now read the passage quickly and choose a title for this passage. Step 2:Second-reading.Guide the Ss to read the passage para. by para. Then fill in the chart

15、according to the details in each paragraph. Finish 1c.T: Now, please read Para 2 carefully and get the details of the cause of short-time homelessness. T: Whats the cause of short-time homelessness? S1: The first cause is moving.The second reason is that people are unable to find a home.T: Right. Now read Para 3 and find the cause of homelessness.T: OK. Who can?S2T: Right. Now read Para 4 and find the effect of homelessness.S3.Read the


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